Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Акко Анна Франк Дали День Победы Екатеринбург ЖЖ Иерусалим Израиль Израильская музыка miniclip Кеса

The woman who hid Anne Frank - A 100-MIP-law, who was born in Austria, is the last surviving Dutch group that hid the girl and 7 other Jews during the Holocaust in an attic in Amsterdam [Photo: AP] By: Moshe Reinfeld |
The last woman who survived a small group that helped conceal the Dutch Jewish girl Anne Frank and her family from the Nazis, celebrates its 100th anniversary. MIP-law pointed out (Sunday, 15.2.09) the event quietly with her son and three grandchildren. Corps says that is not worthy of attention, and that others have done far more to protect Jews from the Netherlands. Specifically mention the heroism of her husband Ian opposition to the Nazis. "He was a resistance not say anything but did a lot. During the war he refused to say anything about his actions. He just said that one night he might not return. Were thousands like him, but they never heard," she wrote last week Miep email Corps Agency AP. Jan-law, who was among four people who provided the Franks for daily needs, died in 1993. Corps was working miniclip office of Anne Frank's father, Otto. She had, with the help of other members, the father and daughter and six other Jews in the years 1944 to 1942 instead miniclip of hiding in an attic in Amsterdam warehouse. But the family was caught and deported to concentration camps. Anne Frank died of typhus in Bergen-Belsen, seven months after her arrest. Two weeks later, Canadian troops liberated the camp, and the United Kingdom. Corps is collecting the scattered papers and notebooks where Anne Frank wrote, and hid them in the drawer of a table after the Nazis raided the place, miniclip in the hope that one day you can return them for a Jewish girl. Later returned them to Otto Frank, the only survivor of the eight Jews Shtttro attic, and helped him assemble them published in the journal in 1947. The Diary of Anne Frank has sold tens of millions of copies in dozens of languages. It was the first book about the Holocaust that was very popular. After Otto Frank's death in 1980, became a kind of ambassador corps of the diary, she went to talk about Anne Frank and events, struggled against Holocaust denial and has rejected allegations that the diary was a forgery. Efforts to protect and preserve the Frank family memories, has won many awards. "It's so shallows," according to an article island. "Many others did the same thing and even far more dangerous work." But historians say that the Holocaust miniclip interns miniclip who helped Jews in the Netherlands were few. Dutch collaborators miniclip with the Nazis were many. Out of 140,000 Dutch Jews before miniclip the war, 107,000 were arrested and deported. Red Cross figures show that only 5,200 of them survived the war. Like the Frank family hid another 24,000 Dutch Jews. 8,000 of them were captured or extradited miniclip for money. Traitor was not discovered until today Miep corps suffered a stroke in 1997, and it hit some ability to speak, but her health has remained good. She lives in the current apartment since 2000, read two newspapers every day and watch TV programs. A new edition of her book "Remembering Anne Frank", written in 1987, was published this year. MIP-law was born in Austria, came to the Netherlands miniclip at the age of 13 because of the lack of food in her homeland, and she lived with a foster family. In 1933, Otto Frank hired her as an assistant in the office dealing with the spice trade. Frank asked her in 1942 to hide in the attic of his family's company warehouse and bring them food and supplies. Family to join four other Jews. They hid in the 25 months before he was extradited. To date, police have not been able to find historians who betrayed them.
Акко Анна Франк Дали День Победы Екатеринбург ЖЖ Иерусалим Израиль Израильская музыка miniclip Кесалон Мип Гис Москва Мы Питер Россия Сёстры Тель-Авив Украина Финляндия Хайфа Ханука Эйлат а в саду ... анскулинг-Unschooling бабушка барды братья весна взрослые взрослые дети взрослые и дети война вы вязанье дедушка делюсь дети детство miniclip для себя дневник дневник в России дни рождения дождь дом домашнее домашнее обучение евреи евреи и арабы еврейское еда животные зима игрушки из жизни жителей "Теремка" из книг из моей жизни из писем из фильма интересно miniclip интересное истории кадры из жизни карандаш в руках картины книги красиво красивое куклы лес лето личное любимое люди мама мемуары-воспоминания мои рисунки мои стихи мои шарфики мой мой фотоаппарат музыка мультики мы мысли на Англиском miniclip находки miniclip наш дом наш молодёжный клуб наше путешествие небо новое новости ночь осень папа переделки песни платье погода подарки поделки поездки полезное miniclip полезные сайты понравилось пост посты поэты праздники природа прогулки miniclip просто болтовня путешествия работа работа с детьми рассказы рецепты рисовать рисунки родители miniclip ролики сад сестры соседи кесалонцы ссылки стихи страхи сёстра сёстры теракт miniclip 23.03.2011 университет урожай уроки фортепиано фенечки фильмы фотограф фотографии фотогрфии фоторепортаж фоторепортаж с кухни хоумскулинг -Homeschooling художники чужие мысли шаббат-суббота щенки юбки юмор ютюб я я шью

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