Wednesday, August 13, 2014

After the success of the personal Bende sacred to the Galleria Nazionale d

Hi designers, today 24H Drawing Lab went to see the exhibition of Isabella Ducrot "Inside Day", open until July 19, 2014, at the Gallery Maja Contemporary Art, curated by Daina Maja Titonel. Suggest it, the following statement:
After the success of the personal Bende sacred to the Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna in Rome, which ended May 18, 2014, showcasing windows media player a selection of thirty new works performed - on paper - Isabella Ducrot by the artist from 2010 to the present. Josias windows media player Nora writes in the text accompanying the exhibition: "These vases, teapots and a few natural elements, in the exercise windows media player rhythm, repetition, take on an increasingly away from the significance of their presence: the initial unwillingness to escape their essence despite its formal shipwrecked in a meditation that brings the real essentials of a single gesture, almost an ideogram of the present. [...] Witnesses silent on the day you convert paper in pure form, revealing windows media player the play of the battle towards a meaning, apparently devoid of structure in the absence of perspective, horizon windows media player lines of spatial rules. The property is in the dynamics windows media player of transformation in the transition to the representation, the structure is the game end in itself, which is renewed in the choice of forms, proportions and colors. These objects of Isabella Ducrot not intrude completely from everyday life, belong to a set design interior; elected actors, spend this a renewed this, take pleasure of their beauty, because withdrawn from the memory as eternal children: there is no yearning or fear in this representation that is far from wear of the story, definitely. "
ARTIST Isabella Ducrot was born in Naples in 1931, lives and works in Rome for many years. In the many trips to the East developed a particular interest for the textile products of these countries in eastern Europe: the tradition of the fabric so different windows media player in China, in India, in Turkey, in central Asia becomes the object of study and research. It goes well over the years, forming a collection of rare textiles of historical interest and at the same time from here a path of artistic windows media player research that involves the use of textile materials to create their works. In 1989 he made a series windows media player of 12 paintings made up of panels which incorporates fragments of an Andean fabric dating back a thousand years earlier. Later, the artist devotes two years of work on a constant motif in Ottoman culture, the "cintamani", and composes a large series of tapestries with this decorative motif. At the Venice Biennale '93 has a large tapestry that is now part of the collection of the Museum of Gibellina in Sicily. Around the 90s replaced the use of paper as the basis for a series of large drawings and monotypes in black and white. 2002 is a series of tapestries paper titled "Memoirs of a land", souvenirs from travels in Afghanistan, went on display windows media player at the 'State Archive in Milan. A copy of collage of fabric, paper and paint (4x4m) is exposed and purchased by the Galleria d'Arte Moderna di Roma Capitale, while a large pastel on silk is part of the collection of the Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna in Rome. In 2005 he made two mosaics for the station of Piazza Vanvitelli Metro Naples. 2008, "Changes", a solo exhibition at the Galleria Nazionale windows media player d'Arte Moderna in Rome and the publication of his book "The skein primordial", the Knight Bus Edition. In 2011 participated in the Venice Biennale, Italian Pavilion. Since 2012 creates the work of the first page of the insert monthly Women church world "L'Osservatore Romano" and first female artist, March 13, 2013 draws the frieze on the front page greets the election windows media player of Pope Francis. 2014 is "Bende windows media player sacred", a solo exhibition at the Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna in Rome. Isabella Ducrot has exhibited his works in Rome, Milan, Paris, Berlin, New York. She realized backdrops for the stage, concerts and ballets (Rome Philharmonic, Ballet South of Lecce). windows media player They wrote about his work: Ritanna windows media player Armenians, Geneva Simon and Schuster, Giovanna Bonasegale, Achille Bonito Oliva, Patrizia Cavalli, Marcella Cossu, Federica Di Castro, Laura Cherubini, windows media player Errington De Luca, John Eskenazi, Ruggero Guarini, Diane Kelder, Raffaele La Capria, Bruno Mantura, Maria Vittoria Marini Clarelli, Sandra Pinto, Alessandro Massimiliano Marine worms, Silvia Ronchey, Lucetta Scaraffia, Nadia Tazi, Luciano Trina, Tommaso Trini, Stephen Velotti.
"Inside Day" a body of work from 2010 to the present, rather than a series, a sequence is an exercise

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