Friday, January 31, 2014

John Brady I am a UK based Oracle Database cdma2000 guard phone Specialist, focusing on the performa

I needed to "play" with Oracle cdma2000 guard phone VM and learn how to use it for some upcoming work involving virtual machines. Oracle VM (not VirtualBox) is virtualization software that installs directly cdma2000 guard phone onto a system i.e. it installs onto "bare metal" and does not need a host operating system. The problem I had was that I had no "spare" unused system on which I could install cdma2000 guard phone Oracle VM. I really wanted to be able to install it within cdma2000 guard phone a host environment as a kind of test sandpit. Which lead me to thinking about VirtualBox - Oracle's other virtualization software. VirtualBox runs inside a host operating system and creates virtual machines in which you can then install other operating cdma2000 guard phone systems i.e. it provides virtual machines that each look like an x86 system. Which means that in principle I could use VirtualBox to create a virtual machine, in which I would them install Oracle VM. And indeed this does work, but there are a couple of important gotchas to be aware of: I was using Oracle cdma2000 guard phone VM 3.2 which also needs a separate system for Oracle VM Manager to run on So I created 2 virtual machines in VirtualBox The Oracle VM virtual machine should be quite large e.g. 8 GB of memory As you will then want to create virtual machines within this The Oracle VM virtual machine will need additional disk storage which can be used for its virtual machines I created the VirtualBox VM with a 5 GB disk for installing Oracle VM itself onto And a second 100 GB virtual disk to use for Oracle cdma2000 guard phone VM virtual machines later on Oracle VM and Oracle VM Manager must be on the same network as each other for communication I added a second network adaptor to each virtual machine on an Internal Network (vmnet) This second network adaptor must have Promiscuous Mode enabled i.e set to "Allow All" The default of "Deny" will not allow Oracle cdma2000 guard phone VM to communicate successfully with Oracle VM Manager cdma2000 guard phone VirtualBox does not emulate the Intel VT-x virtualization instructions in its virtual machines So within Oracle VM you can only do Paravirtualized Machines (PVM) So I used Oracle Enterprise cdma2000 guard phone Linux has it has suitable paravirtualized drivers in it for use in a PVM You cannot create a Hardware Virtualized Machine (HVM) as this requires the Intel VT-x in the CPU used This is a limitation cdma2000 guard phone of VirtualBox, cdma2000 guard phone and nothing to do with the real CPU in your physical system on which your host operating system is running If you want a virtual machine running under Oracle VM to be able to network to the outside world you need to configure something else in the network somewhere. There are different options for doing this, depending on what you want and how much change you can do at your network level. You could use the Bridged Adaptor type of network adaptor in VirtualBox, but this means that each virtual cdma2000 guard phone machine is visible on your public network and its IP address and hostname must not clash with any other existing system. cdma2000 guard phone If you only want internet access for web browsing and downloading operating system updates then you can use the Oracle VM Manager system as an intermediate. It may seem complicated but it worked for me. There are 2 parts: Configure and run some DNS (Domain Name System) software on the Oracle VM Manager system, to let it act as a DNS server cdma2000 guard phone to the Oracle VM virtual machines. I used "Dnsmasq" which is simple and straightforward, and can act as a bridge out to cascade out to another DNS server. On the Oracle VM virtual machine configure it to use your Oracle VM Manager system as its DNS server. Configure the Oracle VM Manager to do NAT (Network Address Translation), which involves a few steps to configure "iptables" to do packet forwarding. Then configure the Oracle VM virtual machine to use the Oracle VM Manager as a network gateway (using "route"). The most important point is probably the one about the network adaptor setting in VirtualBox. This caused me no ends of problems as I could successfully install both Oracle VM and Oracle VM Manager on the VirtualBox virtual cdma2000 guard phone machines, and I could get Oracle cdma2000 guard phone VM Manager cdma2000 guard phone to discover and see the Oracle VM system. Which meant that the network between cdma2000 guard phone the two systems was definitely working. But whenever I tried to create a new virtual machine in Oracle VM and boot it, it always failed at the Oracle Enterprise Linux installation stage after entering a URL to install from. There is something special done at that point of the installation procedure that requires the network adaptors to be in promiscuous mode. After some digging I came across this "Promiscuous Mode" and tried its alternative setting, and it all worked then.
John Brady I am a UK based Oracle Database cdma2000 guard phone Specialist, focusing on the performance and tuning of customer's databases and applications. I have been working with relational cdma2000 guard phone databases on UNIX for almost 20 years. I have been lucky enough to work with some of the largest and most powerful UNIX systems, especially multi-processor (SMP) systems, including working for different computer system manufacturers in a subject

, ... [] .... (7) 1.4, 13:01, 30/11/2013 [] [] -1 + / -

(): Wiki (+) MAN '
30.11.2013 10:59 VirtualBox 4.3. 4 Oracle 4.2.20 VirtualBox 4.3.4 4.2.20, 44 , . : Linux 3.13; vboxvideo RHEL 6.1; 3D-Slackware 14.1; Σ VT-x/AMD-V;, APIC VT-x; ; NAT DNS-. / NAT- / ; VM BusLogic SCSI; OVF, VM. OVF. +15 + / - (Https:// ..) OpenNews: VirtualBox 4.3.2 OpenNews : VirtualBox 4.3.0: : virtualbox, () (Ajax) | | RSS 1.1, Miha, 11:11, 30/11/2013 [] [ ] +1 + / -?
4 2 18 ... [] [] 2.17, 17: 14, 30/11/2013 [^] [] [] [] +1 + / -
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Thursday, January 30, 2014

4 3, FreeBSD ... [] 2.8, 13:04, 19/12/2013 [^] [ ] [] [] -1 + / -

(): Wiki (+) MAN '
19.12.2013 10:43 Oracle VirtualBox 4.3.6 VirtualBox 4.3 .6, 17, . : , VINF_EM_TRIPLE_FAULT, VERR_VMX_UNEXPECTED_INTERRUPTION_EXIT_TYPE, VERR_SVM_UNEXPECTED_EXIT VERR_SSM_STRUCTURE_MAGIC. . 64 - 64 -, VT-x/AMD-V. Σ, . 5 PCNet. Solaris . +14 + / - (Https:// ..) OpenNews: VirtualBox 4.3.4 4.2.20 OpenNews: VirtualBox 4.3.2 OpenNews: apple trailers VirtualBox 4.3.0: : virtualbox, () (Ajax) | | RSS 1.2, Fomalhaut, 12:16, 19/12/2013 [] [ ] -1 + / - 4.3 QEMU-KVM + SPICE -.
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Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Popular posts Speed Up Firefox web browser (240) iP

VirtualBox 4.3.6 released and ubuntu installation instructions included | Ubuntu Geek
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VirtualBox is a powerful x86 and AMD64/Intel64 virtualization product for enterprise as well as home use. Not only is VirtualBox an extremely feature rich, high performance product for enterprise customers, it is also the only professional solution that is freely available as Open Source Software under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2.
VMM: fixed a Guru Meditation VINF_EM_TRIPLE_FAULT caused by VMCB caching with nested paging on certain AMD CPUs (bug #12451) VMM: fixed a Guru Meditation VERR_VMX_UNEXPECTED_INTERRUPTION_EXIT_TYPE while intercepting debug exceptions (VT-x only; bug #12410) VMM: fixed a Guru Meditation VERR_SVM_UNEXPECTED_EXIT while intercepting debug register accesses (AMD-V only; bug #12481) VMM: fixed a VERR_SSM_STRUCTURE_MAGIC error when trying to load a saved state made with VBox 4.3.4 when VT-x/AMD-V is disabled. Unfortunately, VBox 4.3.4 produced broken saved states for this configuration so you have to discard these states (bug #12414) VMM: added a few more MSRs to the whitelist required by certain guests (bug #12245) GUI: fixed deleting of inaccessible VMs (4.3 regression, bug #12205) GUI: fixed warnings in VM settings / number of guest processors (bug #12480) Main: don't automatically enable 64-bit guests on 64-bit hosts if VT-x/AMD-V is not available (bug #12424) camera Main: always camera expose the DMI memory information to Windows 2012 guests (bug #12017) Main: fixed occasional crashes on guest display resolution change (bug #7063) Main: fixed reporting back temporary name when calling IGuestSession::DirectoryCreateTemp() (bug #12498) API: fix for a hang when launching a GUI VM through the API, which crashes due to GUI unavailability Storage: fix for BLKCACHE_IOERR runtime errors under rare circumstances (bug #11030) Network: allow to start more than 5 PCNet instances (bug #12426) E1000: if the cable was disconnected before the guest initialized the device, the link status was not properly set to ‘down' after the initialization completed despite camera the fact that there was no connection 3D support: fixed offset of guest 3D image elements (Mac OS X Retina hosts only; bug #11021) Solaris hosts: fixed accessing the host driver from non-global zones (4.3 regression, bug #12271)
Now install PGP key using the following camera command
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Recent comments Matt:  Hi, Could you try the following comma Nilanga:  Hi, well... I can log in to webmin but n erik:  yeah also no go here on 12.04 (mysql wou rigo:  a great post only is not troubleshooting codename47:  Hi, u can download the deb package from
Popular posts Speed Up Firefox web browser (240) iP

VirtualBox cacaoweb is a general-purpose full virtualizer for x86 hardware. Targeted at server, desk

Download This Version (101.48MB) Download
VirtualBox cacaoweb is a general-purpose full virtualizer for x86 hardware. Targeted at server, desktop and embedded cacaoweb use, it is now the only professional-quality virtualization solution that is also Open Source Software.
Some cacaoweb of the features of VirtualBox are: Modularity. VirtualBox has an extremely cacaoweb modular design with well-defined internal programming interfaces cacaoweb and a client/server design. This makes it easy to control it from several interfaces at once: for example, cacaoweb you can start a virtual machine in a typical virtual machine GUI and then control that machine from the command line, or possibly cacaoweb remotely. VirtualBox also comes with a full Software Development Kit: even though it is Open Source Software, you don't have to hack the source to write a new interface for VirtualBox. Virtual machine descriptions in XML. The configuration settings of virtual machines are stored entirely in XML and are independent of the local machines. Virtual machine definitions can therefore easily be ported to other computers.
Related Software

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

, IO ... [] 6.44, 20:16, 16/10/2013 [^] [ ] [] +3 + / -

(): Wiki (+) MAN '
13 , Oracle VirtualBox 4.3.0. Linux (Ubuntu, Fedora, openSUSE, Debian, Mandriva, SLES, RHEL), Solaris, Mac OS X Windows. VirtualBox 4.3.0: Intel VT-X AMD-V, ; , , ; ; - ; , . WebM; ( .); Web USB, Skype Google hangouts; SCSI CD-ROM, ; IPV6 RDP (VRDP), NAT ; 250, ; , XDG (~ /. config /), front-end ' , .. HeadLess-GUI ; . IGuestFile; VBoxManage, , ; ATAPI PIO, BeOS Minix 3; -; -3D, - ,, Ubuntu Fedora; mm ; X11 BMP. +35 + / - (Http:// Press ...) OpenNews: VirtualBox 4.1.0 OpenNews: mm VirtualBox 4.0.0: / : virtual, virtualbox, () (Ajax) | | RSS 1.1, mcshel, 19:19, 15/10/2013 [] [ ] +39 + / - Vbox, Oracle Sun.
, ... [] [] 3.13, 20: 45, 15/10/2013 [^] [] [] -9 + / -
kvm, ... [] 4.23, sdog, 23:24, 15/10/2013 [^] [] [] +3 + / -
, IO ... [] 6.44, 20:16, 16/10/2013 [^] [ ] [] +3 + / -
... [] 5.47, 20:19, 16/10/2013 [^] [ ] [] +1 + / -
, - ... [] 4.27, 01:25, mm 16/10/2013 [^] [ ] [] + / -
VBoxManage internalcommands createrawvmdk-filename path to vmdk-sharp rawdisk ... [] 5.42, Skif, 18:57, 16/10/2013 [^] [] [] +1 + / -
... [] 2.24, AnonuS, 23:37, 15/10/2013 [^] [] [] [] +3 + / -

Oracle foto . 17 , VirtualBox 4.3.6: 4.3 , VM; MSR

- 1 : Windows Linux VMware vCenter Converter VMware vSphere vSphere foto Hypervisor -2 SUSE Altel " " 3D , . , ,
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Oracle foto . 17 , VirtualBox 4.3.6: 4.3 , VM; MSR « », ; / ; 64- 64- , VT-x/AMD-V ; , ; 5 PCNet; - Solaris 4.3 , . .

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Monday, January 27, 2014

Latest Linux Software Articles Open-Source NVIDIA ultrasurf Driver Is Still Sour For Some GPUs AMD R

Recently I ran some benchmarks looking at the performance of the Ubuntu 14.04 LTS development code and from there I tested the bare metal system, the same system with a Linux KVM instance of Ubuntu ultrasurf 14.04 itself, and then afterwards another VM with the same settings and software but using Oracle VM VirtualBox. Here are those early Ubuntu 14.04 Linux virtualization benchmarks.
While Ubuntu 14.04 is still months away from its debut, I decided to run some early virtualization benchmarks since this release will be very important for such use-cases due to its Long-Term Support focus that makes it prime for usage in data-centers, etc. All the testing today was from an Intel Core i7 4960X Ivy Bridge Extreme system running ultrasurf Ubuntu 14.04 with the Linux 3.12 kernel, Unity 7.1.2, ultrasurf GCC 4.8.2, and an EXT4 file-system. The same packages were used both on the base operating system and for the two VMs.
The Linux-KVM packages in conjunction with virt-manager were obtained from the Ubuntu "Trusty Tahr" archive in December while the VirtualBox virtualization software was obtained from the Oracle web-site at the same time with their latest version being 4.3.4.
A wide range of open-source Linux benchmarks were run on the system "bare metal" and then when under the KVM and VirtualBox environments. During the VM testing, each VM was allowed access to 6GB of the system's 8GB of RAM. Additionally, each VM had a 88GB virtualized disk from the Seagate 1TB SATA 3.0 SSHD . The VMs were able to access all 12 threads of the i7-4960X: six physical cores plus Hyper Threading.
All of this Linux virtualization benchmarking was done via the open-source Phoronix Test Suite software with . When the official release of Ubuntu 14.04 LTS nears in April, there will be more benchmarks on Phoronix along with other hypervisors like Xen.
Latest Linux Hardware Reviews 24-Way AMD Radeon vs. NVIDIA ultrasurf GeForce Linux Graphics Card Comparison 25-Way Open-Source Linux Graphics Card Comparison ultrasurf SanDisk 64GB Serial ATA 3.0 SSD On Ubuntu Linux Samsung 840 EVO 120GB SSD
Latest Linux Software Articles Open-Source NVIDIA ultrasurf Driver Is Still Sour For Some GPUs AMD Radeon Gallium3D Catches Up To Catalyst For Some Linux Games RadeonSI Gallium3D Is Improving, But Still Long Shot From Catalyst The Linux 3.13 Kernel Is A Must-Have For AMD RadeonSI Users
Latest Linux News Nouveau Gallium3D Now Supports OpenGL 3.2, 3.3 X.Org Server Systemd Integration Proposed Intel Continues Optimizing Counter-Strike: GO For Linux Enlightenment E19 Keeps Getting Improved GPAC Multimedia Framework ultrasurf Now A Decade ultrasurf Old Ome: A New Cross-Platform Desktop Environment Ubuntu 12.04 vs. 14.04 LTS Core i7 CPU Benchmarks Voting Proposed For Debian Jessie's Init System Ubuntu 12.04 LTS vs. Ubuntu 14.04 - Ivy Bridge GL Tests Tiny Core 5.2 Linux Comes In At Under 9MB Benchmarking CompuLab's Small, Low-Power Linux PCs
Latest Forum Talk Richard Stallman Calls LLVM A "Terrible... Nouveau Gallium3D Now Supports OpenGL 3.2, 3.3 Voting ultrasurf Proposed For Debian Jessie's Init System Apple Originally Tried To Give GPL'ed LLVM To GCC SanDisk 64GB Serial ATA 3.0 SSD On Ubuntu Linux Ome: A New Cross-Platform Desktop Environment

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Forum English Get Technical Help Here Virtualization Oracle Releases VirtualBox Version 4.3 Welcome!

Forum English Get Technical Help Here Virtualization Oracle Releases VirtualBox Version 4.3 Welcome! If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ . You will have to register before you can post in the forums. windows live mail (Be aware the forums do not accept windows live mail user names with a dash "-") Also, logging in lets you avoid the CAPTCHA verification when searching . Select Articles, Forum, or Blog. Posting in the Forums implies acceptance of the Terms and Conditions .
VirtualBox 4.3 for Linux Note: The package architecture windows live mail has to match the Linux kernel architecture, that is, if you are running a 64-bit windows live mail kernel, install the appropriate AMD64 package (it does not matter if you have an Intel or an AMD CPU). Mixed installations (e.g. Debian/Lenny ships an AMD64 kernel with 32-bit packages) are not supported. To install VirtualBox anyway you need to setup a 64-bit chroot environment. Please choose the appropriate package for your Linux distribution: openSUSE 12.3 / 13.1 i386 | AMD64 openSUSE 11.4 / 12.1 / 12.2 i386 | AMD64 VirtualBox 4.3 Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Pack All supported platforms Support for USB 2.0 devices, VirtualBox RDP and PXE boot for Intel cards. See this chapter from the User Manual for an introduction to this Extension Pack. The Extension Pack binaries are released under the VirtualBox Personal Use and Evaluation windows live mail License (PUEL) . Please install the extension pack with the same version as your installed version of VirtualBox. windows live mail Changelog for VirtualBox 4.3 VirtualBox 4.3.0 (released 2013-10-15) This version is a major update. The following major new features were added: VMM: major rewrite of the VT-x code and the AMD-V code including many bug fixes and performance improvements (for example bug #9659 ) VMM: introduced a lightweight instruction interpreter for situations windows live mail not handled by hardware virtualization GUI: extended messaging mechanism (new non-modal popup overlays used to show non-critical warnings and provide user with additional information) GUI: keyboard shortcuts management (input page of global preferences extended windows live mail with possibility to edit general keyboard shortcuts for VirtualBox Manager and Virtual Machine) GUI: video capturing support (bug #4766 ) Added USB touch device emulation Added experimental support for webcam passthrough complementing USB passthrough windows live mail (see the manual for more information) Added SCSI CD-ROM emulation, including boot support VRDP: support for IPv6 Guest Control: guest sessions now are running in dedicated, impersonated session processes (needs at least Guest Additions 4.3 installed) windows live mail Guest Control: implemented IGuestFile support NAT: experimental virtual router mode: several VMs are attached to the same internal network and share one NAT service (see the manual for more information) In addition, the following windows live mail items were fixed and/or added: VMM: significantly improved performance of NetWare 5.x/6.x guests windows live mail on host systems without nested paging support VMM: fixed losing host NMIs while in VT-x guest-context VMM: changed order of actions in emulated task switch (bug #10532 ) VMM: allow to activate VT-x while in SMX mode and provide more information if that is not possible GUI: update check uses https GUI: numerous minor internal cleanups and bug fixes GUI: HID LEDs synchronization when switching between guest window(s) and host (Mac OS X hosts only) GUI, VBoxManage: when unregistering a VM, also unregister the hard disk images windows live mail which are used exclusively (bug #10311 ) GUI: use the number of physical presented processor cores instead of the number of logical processor cores to check if the users assigned too many virtual CPUs to the guest Snapshots: made live snapshots work again (bug #9255 ) Teleportation: made it work again (bug #9455 ) Storage: implemented AHA-154x compatibility mode in the emulated BusLogic SCSI HBA Storage: significantly improved performance of large ATAPI PIO transfers (BeOS, Minix 3 guests affected) Storage: added floppy formatting emulation windows live mail (NB: cannot be used to change existing media geometry) Settings: global and per-VM default frontend configuration, useful to select the use of alternative VM frontends Settings: limit depth of snapshot tree to 250 levels, as more will lead to decreased performance and may trigger crashes Settings: the per-VM hwvirtextexcl setting has been replaced by a global hwvirtexclusive property Main: new event queue implementation which does not use the host's native event queue for processing VirtualBox events anymore Main: eliminate the use of SysV semaphores on all host OSes other than Windows, namely Linux, Solaris and Mac OS X, with the consequence that no system reconfiguration is needed to run more than approximately 100 VMs Main: use the XDG standard configuration windows live mail folder instead of .VirtualBox on systems where it is appropriate (bug #5099 ) Main: extension pack framework can now support loading HGCM modules, contributed windows live mail by Jeff Westphal windows live mail VBoxManage: list more information about hard disk/DVD/floppy media,

One of its most popular uses, as we noted earlier, is VPS hosting management . By doing this you can

VirtualBox is Oracle shockwave s latest software that brings its users the possibility of installing a new operating system inside the current one. This simulation is known as a Virtual Machine and is very useful for testing any kind of software in different systems on just one computer, shockwave among other possible uses. Formerly developed by Sun Microsystems since Oracle has acquired the company, VirtualBox has been updated from time to time, fixing bugs and offering support for functions that weren't available before.
Despite VirtualBox being free, its professional quality shockwave is undoubtedly good. The virtualization of an additional OS is very similar to other tools like VMware, but we have observed that it is a little faster compared to that client. One of the benefits of this software is that it is open-source, and that means that new versions are periodically launched whenever a problem is detected by the community.
The installation of a new virtual machine with VirtualBox is very easy thanks to the wizard included and its simple steps. To do this, you will need to establish an additional memory source for storing data, but that is not a problem anymore since VirtualBox supports a high number of virtual drive formats . Once you finally get your VM installed, this software offers different possibilities for your system, such as creating a VPS hosting services (Virtual Private Server) or just installing programs without dirtying your main OS.
VirtualBox may be a little hardware hungry since it will require a proportion of your computer s resources, but it will take good care of it. The memory it requests by default is high for every virtual machine you want to install, but in return its performance is really good. You can experience some performance issues if you don t configure your VM properly, so as a piece of advice is that using the recommended settings for the OS you want will make it work really well.
As long as you have a viable ISO image and proper license for that, you can install operating systems such as FreeBDS, Ubuntu, OpenSolaris, Debian, and even Windows. VirtualBox ensures shockwave its correct performance for general-purpose use. The application now includes controllers for Virtual USB devices, USB over DRP, and even enables Remote Desktop control.
One of its most popular uses, as we noted earlier, is VPS hosting management . By doing this you can save efforts and resources by having a server of your own instead of dedicated physical servers. The creation of these hosting servers grants you more utilities for your own personal system, taking advantage of its hardware to carry out advanced projects. There are additional tools available for this application shockwave that can be obtained through further downloads.
Use two different operating shockwave systems at the same time , one inside the other, by using the Seamless mode VirtualBox supports shockwave 3D graphics, USB devices, as well as several virtual disk images from other applications such as Parallel Desktop Allows complete communication between the main and the guest OS, being able to share folders and to use the Internet to download files with its Port Forwarding option You can group several VMs you have created to manage them much better than just one by one The virtual guest systems work as if they were installed on the original computer, carrying advanced task such as VPS servers, shockwave heavy data processing, or software tests, among other functions You can configure the new systems to be bootable once the desktop OS starts automatically It allows changing of settings of the new VM during runtime to manage it any time you need
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Saturday, January 25, 2014

... which requires BOINC 7.0.28 or above ... That is indeed what I read at

New BOINC installer includes VirtualBox log in Advanced search
David Anderson Volunteer moderator Project administrator Send message Joined: 10 Sep 05 Posts: 539 Message 51358 - Posted: 19 Nov 2013, 6:09:53 UTC Starting with version 7.2.28, the recommended BOINC installer for Windows also installs VirtualBox, open-source virtualization software. This allows volunteered computer to run VM applications , benefitting both scientists and volunteers. ____________ ID: 51358 ·      Reply Quote
Is there anywhere that explains more about how this combo of Boinc and VirtualBox works, it's setup and performance on the computer it runs on? What level of control do we have over what uses virtualbox or do we have to decide plants vs zombies to use virtualbox for some projects? ID: 51375 ·      plants vs zombies Reply Quote
David, Not sure if you have any contacts with the folks who manage plants vs zombies LinuxMint, but they still have version 7.2.27 of BOINC in their App Store. If you can, (I've already requested via email) could you request they update their version, so I (we) can start using VirtualBox with BOINC? Thanks In Advance, Rick ____________ ID: 51482 ·      Reply Quote
The bundling of BOINC and VirtualBox installers applies to Windows only. They are two different applications, and (if the Windows experience can be followed - I have no Linux experience) an installation of VirtualBox by itself will be detected and utilised by BOINC v7.2.27 VirtualBox availability for Linux is described at . You should check that the version of VirtualBox you install is compatible with the BOINC project you wish to run - some, like Test4Theory, are having problems with the latest releases. ID: 51487 ·      Reply Quote
The bundling of BOINC and VirtualBox installers plants vs zombies applies to Windows only. They are two different applications, and (if the Windows experience can be followed - I have no Linux experience) an installation of VirtualBox by itself will be detected and utilised by BOINC v7.2.27 VirtualBox availability for Linux is described at . You should check that the version of VirtualBox you install is compatible with the BOINC project you wish to run - some, like Test4Theory, are having problems with the latest plants vs zombies releases. Thanks for your reply Richard. I've already installed Vitualbox on my Linux machines, but I'm running climate@home, which requires BOINC 7.0.28 or above, hense my request. Thanks for the feedback though. Regards, Rick ____________ ID: 51488 ·      Reply Quote
... which requires plants vs zombies BOINC 7.0.28 or above ... That is indeed what I read at . But you said LinuxMint ... still have version 7.2.27 of BOINC in their App Store. Surely 7. 2 .27 is 'above' plants vs zombies 7. 0 .28? ID: 51489 ·      Reply Quote
... which requires BOINC 7.0.28 or above ... That is indeed what I read at . But you said LinuxMint ... still have version 7.2.27 of BOINC in their App Store. Surely 7. 2 .27 is 'above' 7. 0 .28? Oops, sorry. I meant 7.0.27 is currently in their App Store. Rick ____________ ID: 51493 ·      Reply Quote
Starting with version 7.2.28, the recommended BOINC installer for Windows also installs VirtualBox, open-source virtualization software. This allows volunteered computer to run VM applications , benefitting both scientists and volunteers. plants vs zombies I'm sorry David but how it's possible to have benefit plants vs zombies from this? Any VM require a certain ammount of CPU time and RAM to work and this will influence the overall CPU usage of BOINC client, becaus he can take only the maximum CPU percentage that we assing to the VM. So it is possible that the host system have more CPU to use for BOINC operation, but it's limited by the VM. ID: 51498 ·      Reply Quote
Any VM require plants vs zombies a certain ammount of CPU time and RAM to work and this will influence the overall CPU usage of BOINC client, becaus he can take only the maximum CPU percentage that we assing plants vs zombies to the VM. So it is possible that the host system have more CPU to use for BOINC operation, but it's limited by the VM. I agree with Heki. Not long ago clustering (many devices act as one big brain or supercomputer) was a hot topic elsewhere. I did the math and it turned out that on an 8-device plants vs zombies quad-core ARM setup, with the clustering software being offered, the crunching power of 2 devices/8 cores were "lost" just administering the cluster/ additional software layer. Maybe these ideas scale better when there are ,000s of multi-core devices. ____________ The difference plants vs zombies between 0 and 1 is greater than the difference between 1 and 1,000,000,000 ID: 51667 ·      Reply Quote
I'm sorry David but how it's

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11.01.2014 22:25 VirtualBox 4.2. 22, 4.1.30, 4.0.22 3.2.12 Oracle VirtualBox 4.2.22, 4.1.30, 4.0.22 3.2.12, , . 9, 4 . -3D, Additions mobile phone spy Linux Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.5. , Oracle. mobile phone spy 147, 36 Java SE 18 MySQL. +6 + / - (Https:// ..) OpenNews: mobile phone spy VirtualBox 4.3.0 OpenNews: VirtualBox 4.3.6 :: virtualbox, () (Ajax) | | RSS 1.1, hoopoe, 22:39, 11/01/2014 [] [] + / - 4.3 +?
2.6, Wiseman, 04:45, 12/01/2014 mobile phone spy [^] [] [] + / - 4.3.6 3.10, 08:58, 12/01/2014 [^] [] [] + / -
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2.13, someAlex, 12:13, 12/01/2014 [^] [] [] + / -, , . Mavericks, ? ,,, (/ ), Mavericks (-). (,, ) VMWare, VirtualBox -. ? 1.7,, 07:07, 12/01/2014 [] [] + / - 4.3.2 ... : (Jessie / south, t .
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Friday, January 24, 2014

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SteamOS is very easy to install if you have the right hardware components, which involves a UEFI-capable computer with a powerful video card for playing games. However, as Valve did not publish an ISO image of SteamOS, many have encountered difficulties in installing the system.
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Thursday, January 23, 2014

So that SteamOS is actually usable as a virtualized OS (clipboard sharing, shared folders, better mo

Late on Friday, December 13, Valve released the first public version of SteamOS . As you would expect, SteamOS is currently very rough around the edges — it is essentially just a version of Debian 7.1 (Wheezy) that has Steam pre-installed. As it stands, I can’t really recommend that you to install SteamOS on some dedicated hardware — it would be a waste of time. If you’re interested in Valve’s latest machination, though, and toying with what might be the future of gaming, it’s well worth installing SteamOS in VirtualBox. That’s what I did — and I’ve written a guide on how to install SteamOS in VirtualBox, if you feel like doing the same. Brute force
To begin with, it’s definitely not easy to install SteamOS in VirtualBox. Valve clearly didn’t intend for you to do this; you can’t just mount an ISO and install it, like a normal Linux distro. That isn’t to say that this is for experts only, though — even if you’re a Linux or VirtualBox newbie, as long as you follow this guide to the letter, you should have a working SteamOS installation within 30 minutes us cellular or so.
Extract into its own folder. Open ISO Creator. You can name the ISO whatever you like, just make sure you save the ISO in a sensible location. Select the folder that you extracted the zip file to. Hit Start and wait a minute or two while the ISO is created.
Now open VirtualBox. This bit is somewhat complex with lots of little steps and gotchas, so be careful. Create a New virtual machine. Give it any name. Type = Linux. Version = Debian (64 bit). Click Next. Pick any amount of memory (1GB is sensible if you’re just going to fool around; 4GB if you want to try out DOTA 2 or something). Accept the default options on the next few pages of the wizard, and choose “Dynamically allocated” when prompted. Pick a hard drive size of around 50GB.
Once you’ve created the virtual machine, select it on the right hand side and enter Settings. Click System and select Enable EFI. Click Display and select Enable 3D Acceleration. Slide the Video Memory slider up to 128MB. Click Network and select Bridged Adapter from the Attached to drop-down. Click USB and use the + icon on the right to add your USB keyboard and mouse (if applicable).
Finally, head to Storage, click the optical disc icon under Controller: IDE, then hit the optical disc icon on the right hand side (see image). Click Choose A Virtual CD/DVD us cellular Disk File, then find the ISO file that you made earlier. Click OK to return to the main VirtualBox interface.
If us cellular you receive an error at this point, it’s probably because you haven’t enabled virtualization in BIOS. Enabling virtualization is beyond the scope of this how-to, but if you Google the name of your motherboard and “how to enable virtualization” it’s pretty easy. Start the SteamOS machine!
Now, click Start and pray. If all goes to plan, you’ll be greeted with a prompt that looks like the image above. After 2.0 Shell> type the following: FS0:\EFI\BOOT\BOOTX640 . If you can’t type the backslash ( \ ) for some reason (I couldn’t), change your system’s keyboard to US layout, then use the On-Screen Keyboard app to type the \ . Press Enter, and you should be greeted with the first sign that you’re installing SteamOS.
Once the automated install is complete the system will reboot and you’ll us cellular be greeted with the above screen. Select the second option, recovery us cellular mode. The system will boot up and you’ll end up at a Linux command prompt.
So that SteamOS is actually usable as a virtualized OS (clipboard sharing, shared folders, better mouse pointer integration), you must now install VirtualBox’s us cellular Guest Additions. From the command prompt type the following commands, pressing Enter after each one. mount /media/cdrom sh /media/cdrom/
This time around, don’t touch the GRUB bootloader and your system will automatically boot into a graphical interface — SteamOS! Well, almost. You’ll us cellular be greeted with a login prompt. Keep Default us cellular Xsession selected. The username and password are both steam .
For some reason, the Return To Steam icon on the desktop doesn’t work; you need to click Activities in the top left, then Applications, and scroll down to Steam. The Steam app will update, and then you’ll be greeted with the usual login prompt. Log in, hit Big Picture in the top right corner… and voila! You now have a (virtualized) us cellular Steam Machine!
From this point on, you’re pretty much on your own. I haven’t explored SteamOS much yet, but to be honest it doesn’t look like there’s much to discover: us cellular Right now, I think it’s just Debian with Steam pre-installed. It’s probably a good idea to have SteamOS installed now, though, so that you can tak

pancake on a black screen with the word android is not the case Reply Delete

Android OS can run on virtual machines Windows or Linux, which allows you to run Android interface and use Android applications on your computer. This article contains detailed instructions for installing the OS Android in VirtualBox on computers with Ubuntu / Linux Mint and their derivatives. What will it take before you start work on installing Android OS, you must have installed VirtualBox and downloaded the ISO image with Android-x86 to be installed in VirtualBox. 1. Install VirtualBox possible applications of the Center for Ubuntu / Program Manager (Linux Mint) or download and install the latest version of VirtualBox 4.3.6 c official site, as well as possible according to the instructions HERE. 2. Download the ISO image of the latest ultimate team Android-x86 version of Android 4.3 from this page. Creating a virtual machine Android Operating System: Type-Linux; 2.6/3.h version-Linux virtual memory: 512 MB (minimum) Hard Drive Size: 3 GB or more Open VirtualBox and create a new virtual machine by clicking on the Create button. And fulfill all like in the pictures: ultimate team
Installing Android 4.3 in VirtualBox proceed with the installation Android. Click on the Start button in the virtual machine window and locate the downloaded iso image from the Android-x86 on your system:
Bootable highlight the value and press Enter, to make the bootable partition, and then select Write vnv and press Enter, to write the changes to the virtual disk. Enter yes and Enter, to confirm the change:
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Che is familiar. About a year ago launched on the laptop, but live-CD somehow ultimate team happened without virtualki.Skriny here familiar uvidel.Dazhe in Th-poigral.Nado drive to find and try on real hardware virtualke.A someone put ? Reply Delete
Yes it is clear. Well, just for fun, well, or eksperimenta.A perversion is something wrong between people, what have programmy.Russky ultimate team mind-he ultimate team is pytlivyy.Pribit nepribivaemoe many in krovi.Prichem without a second thought and some tseli.U me here when dropped ultimate team Chinese DVR - 35 nedavno.Plastmaska not vyderzhala.Tak I secured it to another, but not because ultimate team there is no money for new and not from lack of attention :-) Delete
in this window choose Reboot - returns to the original .. (if you choose Run Android - on this screen is not moving .. waited three minutes. . ((Reply Delete
pancake on a black screen with the word android is not the case Reply Delete
I was just a couple of weeks ago in liveCD with USB launched on the netbook. I wanted to play around. Works very quickly. Applications from Market even put. Only after the installation of some programs povorachivaetsya screen, the mouse can not be managed. Would touchscreen and could be set. :-) Reply Delete
Already ultimate team have a package ready virtual machine installed and configured Android with support OpenGL. Download the OVA file "vbox86tp version with gapps & houdini & flash" here: Ibid download the appropriate AndroVMPlayer depending on your platform. OVA downloaded file by double-clicking import in VirtualBox. When this dialog appears import options - leave all by default, unless you're not sure exactly what you are doing. AndroVMPlayer downloaded archive unpack anywhere, such as in your home directory, and then run the file "AndroVMplayer" inside the unpacked. Update: AndroVMPlayer startup file must be executed by simply double-clicking on it. If AndroVMPlayer not start - start it in the terminal command: ./путь_к_файлу/AndroVMplayer-Linux64/AndroVMplayer AndroVMplayer it needs to fully support OpenGL hardware acceleration and emulation of physical buttons of mobile devices - and in general virtual machine with Android you can run without it, right in VirtualBox. When you start, AndroVMPlayer automatically detects virtual machine Android - will only select ultimate team the desired resolution of the virtual screen and click on "Run", and after a few seconds you will see the screen Starov system Android. After booting the system enter the list of installed applications, running ultimate team androVMConfiguration and configure the necessary options of the virtual machine. Reply Delete
I also have not gone on the screen with the inscription android.Pomoglo change some settings: 1 Configure> general>-version ultimate team changed to Other Linux, 2 Configure> ultimate team System> Boot Order> cnyal tick slipped ultimate team down from a floppy boot from the CD / DVD embarked on first place. 3 manipulator system for set-cursor PS/2mysh. This is in order to avoid problems with the display of the cursor when run android. 4 In the network settings, the type of connection - set-network bridge (I have cable) Downloadable Android

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

If you are using Windows on a separate hard disk you can skip the first steps and directly continue

Every linux user knows that for some Windows programs or services do not exist equivalent linux programs. This is especially true if the internal functionality of such programs should be kept secret (for example DRM based software), so you need to use Windows or Wine. One way to keep your normal desktop enviroment while doing this, is to use a virtual machine like Virtualbox or KVM. This works well, as long as you don't want to play games or use any other software net framework which makes heavy usage of 3D. In this case you need to use a real Windows installation and you most likely will end up with two Windows installations which needlessly consume net framework more space than they should. In this article I will show how to boot an existing net framework Windows 7 Installation in Virtualbox/KVM/VMware, net framework so that you will only need one Installation, which can be booted net framework inside a VM or on your real system.
From a technical point of view this "Dualboot" method works flawless though it is not compatible with Microsofts license restrictions. Microsoft wants you to buy a second license if you want to use the system inside a VM and on a real machine disregarding the fact that the installation can not be used twice at the same time. Even if you would buy a second license of Windows 7 the system would still not be able to make use of both of them since you can only enter a single serial number which is used during the activation. This may lead to the problem that Windows wants to be reactivated after every switch between the VM and a real boot as the activation system will detect the change of the hardware. Depending on the used VM software it is possible to tweak some settings like HDD serial numbers and similar stuff to prevent this, but this is still kind of a hack.
Most other tutorials create a new Master Boot Record (MBR) including a new partition table which basically contains net framework the same partition layout as your real hard drive. The problem is that not all information is copied, most noticeable the Disk Signature is left out. This signature is written by Windows during the installation and is used by the kernel to identify the device net framework containing the Windows installation you want to boot. There is also a similar system on Linux which is based on UUIDs and allows you to define the partitions in /etc/fstab without the problem that your drive letters (sda/sdb/..) may change net framework on each boot. If you don't pay attention to this signature Windows can not be booted and you need to repair the system using the installation CD and it is necessary net framework to repeat this step every time you want to switch between the VM and a real boot. In this tutorial we are going to create a MBR which contains exactly the same signature so that it is not necessary to alter anything in your current Windows installation.
If you installed Windows on a separate hard disk instead of a separate partition it is not necessary to pay attention to this signature and you can skip some of the steps inside this tutorial (as long as the Windows 7 boot partition net framework is also on this hard disk). net framework
Another advantage of the described method is that it is almost independent from the used virtualization software and we do not rely on any special features so that you can switch between net framework different VM software at any time. We just need some linux commands and a Windows DVD (which net framework we could avoid, but this would require some more effort) and create a virtual hard disk pointing to the real Windows partitions. It contains everything we need to boot Windows and you just need to select it inside your VM software. Some other tutorials use a special function of Virtualbox which needs full read access to your hard drive (not only the windows partitions!) to create the necessary virtual hard drive. Since this step is necessary net framework every time you want to start Windows in the VM, it is a significant security risk, as all programs running with this user account could modify all files on the hard drive. This tutorial will just require read and write access on the Windows partitions when using the VM. 1. Preparation
If you still want to follow this tutorial although it is not compatible with Microsofts license restrictions, I recommend you to create a backup of your windows partition. We are working with raw disk access and a small mistake may damage the containing NTFS filesystem and therefore make it unreadable. If you have any questions while following the described steps feel free to write a comment so that we may help you before you accidentally do something wrong. Your question may also help other people who try to follow this guide.
If you are using Windows on a separate hard disk you can skip the first steps and directly continue with Step 5. If this is not the case for you and you just installed it to a separate partition, it is necessary to do some extra work to convince Windows that there is no difference between our virtual disk and the real hard disk. Before we can create this virtua

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Now, this is important. In Windows 8.x, Windows is optimized to startup FAST. And it does. On my Len

Scott Hanselman about blog speaking podcasts books
I've been using GenyMotion for a FAST Android Emulator when developing with Visual Studio and Xamarin. However, I also use Hyper-V when developing for Windows Phone. GenyMotion use VirtualBox, which has it's own Hypervisor and you can't have two.
Note the first command gives you a GUID and you then copy it and use it with the second command. C:\>bcdedit /copy {current} /d "No Hyper-V" The entry was successfully copied to {ff-23-113-824e-5c5144ea}. C:\>bcdedit /set {ff-23-113-824e-5c5144ea} okazii hypervisorlaunchtype off The operation completed successfully.
Now, this is important. In Windows 8.x, Windows is optimized to startup FAST. And it does. On my Lenovo it starts in about 3 seconds, faster than I can press any buttons to interrupt it. But when I want to dual boot, I need it to really shut down and give me an option to chose this new boot menu.
Now, you can run Virtual Box nicely but still choose Hyper-V when you want. You can confirm VirtualBox works by noting that the Acceleration okazii tab will not be grayed out under System Settings for your VMs. Reboot normally and Hyper-V will be back and ready to go. Here's Android okazii running in VirtualBox via GenyMotion.
Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. I am a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author. About   Newsletter
I agree, I don't like having to reboot. That being said this is a known way to do this since late 2012 when win8 start gaining traction and WP8 was causing WP devs w/ VBox headaches thanks to its insistence on using hyperv for its emulators. Good info for those it suits, though. I'd like to see wp8 emulators go back to non-hypervisor requirement. It's crazy to me that I can write a full win8 app w/o the need for hyper-v, okazii but can't write a "little" okazii phone app.
You could also run Android-x86 on Hyper-V directly. I would assume that Genymotion itself is using Android-x86, or an enhanced fork?, (I didn't think VirtualBox could emulate ARM?) so there should be no reason why they couldn't deliver a Hyper-V okazii image as well? Or is there additional secret sauce in Genymotion that I'm not aware of?
You can also make a .bat file which will reboot into No Hypervisor Mode directly (or any other special boot option you may create): bcdedit.exe /bootsequence {your-target-boot-option-guid} shutdown.exe /r /t 0 /f #(Reboot the computer immediately) Note: The bcdedit /bootsequence parameter does not make any permanent okazii changes to your boot sequence; it only applies on your next reboot. This trick saves a few seconds when you need to boot into another dual-boot mode.
If you run VMWare Workstation or Fusion on your host, you can create separate VMs: one with Hyper-V and one with VirtualBox. You'd need to enable 'Virtualize Intel VT-x/EPT...'. Hyper-V doesn't have that feature, I'm not sure about VirtualBox. I think developing in a VM is a lot easier than dual-booting.
The Android Emulator that comes with the Android SDK is just as fast as the Genymotion okazii emulator (still okazii requires the "No Hyper-V" described in this article) if you correctly enable the Intel HAXM acceleration and turn on GPU acceleration. You'll need one of the x86 emulator images.
I've switched okazii over to virtualbox for my development VM so that i can run both by dev vm and Genymotion at the same time. Migrating from Hyper-V and VMWare was easy I see about the same performance as well.
Totally agree! _______________________________ If you run VMWare Workstation or Fusion on your host, you can create separate okazii VMs: one with Hyper-V and one with VirtualBox. You'd need to enable 'Virtualize Intel VT-x/EPT...'. Hyper-V doesn't have that feature, I'm not sure about VirtualBox. I think developing in a VM is a lot easier than dual-booting. okazii
Bradley > How about making Hyper-V only be active when it's, you know, actually emulating something? Hyper-V stands for "hypervisor." A hypervisor in the purest form runs your main OS/machine (the one you use to control the other machines, usually called domain 0) as a VM itself. As far as I know Hyper-V okazii has some trickery to get domain 0 running at native speed; but it is still effectively a hypervisor; you would have the exact problems with VirtualBox if you were attempting to run it under Xen. So, basically, Hyper-V is *always* okazii emulating something. The CPU extensions required for nested virtualization are relatively new, as far as I know only VMWare 8 supports VM nesting. Furthermore I have messed a

Monday, January 20, 2014

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Do you know that some of the children are with me in my school bus that many fathers who are either

I'm trying to bring to mind the image of Antrdwndon. . . Strangers'm trying to remove my boat caught in a storm. . .
To contribute to the national language Hindi! The symbol of our survival and our powerful means of expression!
Do you know that some of the children are with me in my school bus that many fathers who are either mom or several! Nikunj When did this thing so I will tell it what so proudly, a child must be joking, but one day when my wife spoke to a child's nanny proudly 7 tell you he did that He is very lucky boy with two fathers love is luck!
That's it! On this understanding of culture not to renounce the west, some sit back and think about it!
Very happy - mom is a single father of two, both fathers get infinite love, and at every opportunity with both gifts and more! The first father was her mother's 7 boy friend, both are together - Dominic was born a few days later came polarity 7 to be different in a few days and both were unmarried, Dominic Dominic's mother a few days later the father was present and The two married a few days ago, Dominic would probably still 7-8 years. Bayolojikl Dominic says his father's maternal grandmother is also very good-natured and do not forget to fulfill their responsibility at every opportunity and present to him his father, Dominic is the love and affection 7 - both Dominic rotate attach time He is free wherever you go anywhere! According to his grandmother what if there's going to be a union of ideas, even if both agree to do what is good and has good relations Ji personally not too bad!
What relationship can remain intact 7 in this way, but maybe that Dominic mutual disputes which have escaped the strife in the land of his parents' perceptions

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Kataria Transport Company of the event by filling out sheets of steel truck came to Jaipur from Vis

Do you have elevated to the role that people of other faiths to see if the Islamic ummah that is to say, if the prophet be like? Will sell the sky, the wind will sell, sell Chaman, Suman will sell. PEN true Messiah sod sod will sell the soldiers were sleeping.
Jaipur. Vishwakarma Industrial Area on Wednesday afternoon truck loaded geocaching with steel sheet while taking back the truck up ahead. The truck was standing in this state for five hours. Truck driver and conductor fled.
Kataria Transport Company of the event by filling out sheets of steel truck came to Jaipur from Vishakhapatnam. geocaching Road No. 12 in the warehouse was being taken back to the truck to empty.
During the same period went up from the truck forward. People looking forward wakes up truck G. Kolte - Bkke ceased. Motorcycle driver fell into the groove nervous. Transport workers off the truck crane with the aid of steel sheets down to the truck.
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Pabla G, G Pabla, Pabla law! My lord Brother Sun to the blog world Dineshray Dwivedi I gave ''m showing, the blog shines boys I was worried, I' crazy 'Editor's got friends! Ramesh Kumar Jain is a
"Four Social Welfare geocaching Society vision by" Blood Donation Camp - * NEW DELHI: Late Shri Jagdish Rai Jain (Kkroi ones) 11th Memoriam (19.05.1929-07.01.2003) Dr NK Powered by Bhatia "a mass awareness ...
Self. In Memoriam of Mr. Jagdish Rai Jain Blood Donation Camp - * NEW DELHI: Late Shri Jagdish Rai Jain (Kkroi ones) a

Saturday, January 18, 2014

The objective of the investigation of environmental microorganisms and find out whether there ever

Kyuriositi Tue sent by NASA on Mars rover on the surface of the planet has completed its first round a little. Rover detour through the preparation of its next Yatr, in which he will explore the possibility of life on Tue.
The six-wheeled rover, not far from the place where it was two weeks ago landed. Yesterday approximately 4.6 km sliding it forward and then bent perpendicular to its direction. He then leaves his mark on the soil of this planet has gone backwards format factory for some distance too.
The campaign manager is happy with the fact that the rover has completed its first round without any problems. NASA's Jet propulsion Laboratory format factory Project Manager Peter Thysinjr said,'' We have built Rover. So our work is not complete if it does not rotate. This is an important time for us. ''
Yesterday Kyuriositi check their driving abilities had successfully opened all its six wheels. Then she met this little detour. Located near the equator in the Greater Gail Tue Aug Kyuriositi format factory five had landed.
The objective of the investigation of environmental microorganisms and find out whether there ever existed? Tue Rover finally go to the mountain called Mount Sharp. The old crater made by the deposition of soil. The base of the mountain to the east there is evidence of the presence of water. Study the possibilities of life because of her being here.
NASA rover Kyuriositi Tue seen dancing in the sky has a strange white light. Also sent by Kyuriositi four spots also appearing in photographs that appear in the sky. UFO recognize the fact that people claim that these spots alien (resident aliens) of the spacecraft, which are keeping an eye on the actions of humans in space.
Tue sent from the surface of these photos are currently enigma. However, NASA says that some stains on it and the camera lens are nothing. SAME

Curves around a lot .. Does it feel like to have their say and to listen ... That is the altercatio

Curves around a lot .. Does it feel like to have their say and to listen ... That is the altercation!
London's Fair ended. What was truly fair for India. Gagan Narang Sports Minister Ajay Maken while the bronze was aiming at filling the breather said, it saved respect. But like millions of Indians probably did not even know Maken restore pride and raise an army to invade London has with them. Many people are telling us that there is a potential to win gold. Some Phelps Gold Ginakr not missed a mockery of his own players. But they probably can not see the revolution of London. I'm looking. In Beijing, there was, and I eagerly awaited because of Riodijenero I am sure that our strength unmatched sample of Brazilian samba tune will be among the world spells. The caravan has not moved lightly. "If you want to become going to jump bad 'drops licks - licks were many shining, which made the wheels of the caravan, instagram who does not know today's instagram generation. If Udnpri P.T.Usha, Satpal Singh, Bahadur Singh or running barefoot in the Asian Games. Who can forget Limba Ram, which for many years remained synonymous with archery in India. Thanks to these wheels are rushing in London and then dash fill in Rio. Gold is at least a small step to those who believe they do not remember us, which we have traveled all the way to the podium in the last 25 years. P.T.Usha disturb athletes Namigirami in awe when Sun was eighty-four, so I was very young at that time, nor the communication revolution had failed. So P.T.Usha were reduced to matter to me. I saw them in the headlines of newspapers and thousandths of seconds of losing the Olympic bronze Yashgatha Hrfon read in the dark. But I Lmh the Atlanta instagram & #

Friday, January 17, 2014

It was a happy life is so sad

It was a happy life is so sad
All written material on this website is copyrighted by Anant Bhardwaj | of any article without written permission is forbidden the full or partial use |
Poet conference, Mushaira and poetry - please contact us for programs like text. Contact us: +917417969482 (UP)
Anant Bhardwaj Firozabad, UTTAR PRADESH, India Date - January 22, 1990 Firozabad, Uttar Pradesh | Education - Elementary Education pixiz in Firozabad, then Agra | Since then studied engineering at Meerut Jalandhar, Punjab has done Masters in Engineering | Business sector - In 2009 the first "live" pixiz poet - who looked Conference on Communications of consciousness and given a new dimension to the poet's playful pen | year 2010 are contributing their best in Hindi literature | Hindi poet poetry pixiz forums - text and efforts in this direction | the future pixiz of the tech sector as a writing professor eager to serve the country with | languages - Hindi, pixiz English | writing - poetry, song, poetry, ghazals, humor, satire, etc. genres Story | Published Upcoming Anthology: "Waiting" present: Uttar Pradesh Technical University assistant professor in connection with a private engineering college | View my complete profile
2013 (24) October (3) September (1) July (2) April (9) an article written many poems on fatherhood Ghazal: My home is on the side of your house Ghazal: Ghazal, who told the news who spent the night How will she spent the day in springtime Ghazal: Sukun is no longer Ghazal moment: if something were to sleep Ghazal unfulfilled dream: happy boys playing dress she is happy Ghazal: The world got Ghazal spent a day walking home The rooms are like terraces in March (4) February pixiz (4) January (1) 2012 (17) December (1) October (2) September (3) August (2) July (1) June (1) May ( 2) April (1) March (1) January (3) 2011 (20) December (4) November (7) October (5) September (1) August (3)
A precious relationship: Fateh Singh Sher said out loud hearty father pixiz - did little to keep the brick, mortar and select Bleed killer wall will speak our breath ...
Recently had the opportunity to travel by train, the way was long, cold and hard .. A new poem by the grace of Goddess Saraswati & #

Thursday, January 16, 2014

You say life or the lives of men and women are two wheels of the two hands is called the body of th

You say life or the lives of men and women are two wheels of the two hands is called the body of the car with both wheels on the two wheels, but today will tell you What is the difference like the lion in the house, enters haatho and the Frk Option Climbing in the language of the strut is dragged bnc by her hair by holding your physical hunger that kills Bkta filthy abuses on its own terms the other hand, now you can hide everything bnc so everyone knows what that poor face open? Rights atrocities in the name of the condition is like the honey bee leaves neither greed nor honey finds out that his heart hurts and it keeps your rights as Drd how far that uses everyday wine remove the stench of his chest and felt his broken bangles Tlkh to spit it out on millions bnc of promulgating hide now how or why he hides hide the brutality of the other hand to hide and what to say in his holiness is Dundta and has been dubbed the holy spirit within him as if he Hydro Bhshi you do not want any condolences Manabhiman discussion of these and voluntary it was just Durakramn heart is telling you it's just the mouth of Muknda So to say that the mind is unburdened heart and burning pain in not only disrespect when I say I look up at the other hand, the husband shows a Pheye of life Gadai why the how the worst Will a wheel man's tears can not wash the blood boiling, perhaps in retaliation Muknda experience it is not so great that it will bathe the village of Haryana would be all over India in its grip, and sometimes the News - Unpublished papers published a picture of Jgdo go home with both hands, but what is the solution to this problem is to strengthen the rights bnc of women think it is the work of my and your .... .......................... ..... Muknda .......................
2012 (1) April (1) 2010 (97) April (9) March (88) wrestler, mosquito, leader, and, man .............

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Three stories - which can change your life! 5 things you should not do and why? 10 Ways to Increase

Namely: the inertia of intelligence with good friends is all it takes, truth in speech communication, the values and the advancement increases and redeem | delight the mind and (our) reputation spreads htc one in all directions If | (you) does not say what good Satsngti humans |
Ie: ears to hear words of wisdom, but the suit is not the coils | graceful hands are donating rather than Kanknon | kind / gentle sandalwood htc one body of individuals rather than the interests of others, finds beauty |
Vimrishykarinn must Vrinte Gunlubdha automatic htc one Snpd | |
Namely: sudden (random arrived in charge) must not engage in any activity Viveksunyta dwelling is home to the largest htc one disasters | (on the contrary) that the person deliberately acts; properties to be drawn from her own mother Lakshmi choice picks |
Colossal-Armed Mano Durnigrhn Asnshyn Clm |
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Tuesday, January 14, 2014

2013 (26) December (1) September (4) August (11) July (10) God is the shepherd of the world she kno

Put the wheel of karma lighter sin the Lord will be able to achieve the goal of abode
Put the wheel of karma lighter sin the Lord will be able to achieve the goal of abode ********************************** 07/23/2013 ************************* sin and virtue are like the two wheels of the bicycle, tr the bicycle tr received from the Lord Dham floor can ever change tr its position, which of these wheels can sometimes tr be a bit further, sometimes we do not a bit and when the change Go to! These wheels as burning fruits are full of sin and virtue, which no human error which Kb is created and when the rear wheel forward, the front wheel and rear wheel looks the way it does balance, If you do not sin, virtue, and virtue will be left standing alone would not be left standing alone, sin, sin and virtue pair Isliy you have to give primacy to sin or virtue of its designated the wheel on the Keep , well then this is the virtue of the man which is why tires should always tr keep ahead of the front wheel and the rear will be the fruit grows and the fruit will be curves, grow virtue of the the virtue of the Always tr keep the front wheel that is always the first to act by virtue of Dosron tr good looking and leave sin behind, you run the wisdom of the tire that is the fly wheel, feet placed on and you are a hand holding the mind of the handle Bicycles to the desired direction and the bend of mind, would you mind Rkhna tame the wrong direction and wisdom in use do not have to be stopped in order to move forward, not even with! Previous births tr and deeds bear the consequences of sin in this life cycle luggage carrier behind the station (carriage) is placed on your bicycle is heavy and prevents you from moving forward, the rear wheel of his bicycle sinful deeds Jlake Keep the light and divine abode to achieve targets
2013 (26) December (1) September (4) August (11) July (10) God is the shepherd of the world she knows everything ... 07/27/20 Get away from mind to fear life will be delightful 27 ... Peace of mind