Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Comments should go about the content of the message shall not contain abusive or insulting to indiv

Two Avans Students have won the SpinAwards Young Talent Award. Blackbird Vingerhoets and Brenda Janssen won the first prize with a game designed to help children with cancer again healthy nutrition.
Annually are diagnosed with cancer five hundred children up to ten years. An important side-effect of the treatments is a heavy loss of appetite and loss of flavor. Blackbird "These effects ensure that children create a negative attitude towards food. This results in a one-sided and unhealthy eating patterns. There is often talk of under- or overweight. Some children eat almost nothing and others only pizza. "
Bite out of a tomato The game was developed by fourth year students Blackbird Vingerhoets, Advanced Business Creation in Den Bosch, and Brenda animeflv Smith, Communication and Multimedia Design in Breda. Together with students from the Hogeschool Utrecht she thought animeflv "The Journey of Five." The pirate game helps children in a playful way to get to have fun with food. Parents love the course animeflv of the game with an app. "Parents are also super excited about the game. A child took a last bite of a tomato. That there is never went first in, but with the aid of the game is. Or some children eat their plates suddenly empty. A huge victory! "
By Game Development The project animeflv originated during a minor at the Hogeschool Utrecht. The organization Participatory Design for Children's Oncology (POKO), the students were asked to develop something that children with cancer and their parents helps to develop a healthier and more varied diet. Meanwhile, the students animeflv are working on the further development and they also graduate animeflv at stake.
Many energy time and love that they would win the prize, they had never expected. Brenda: "I have dreamed that we would win silver, but dreams are always cheating. There is so much energy, time but love in this project. We are very proud that we are rewarded with a Spin Award! "
All information collected animeflv in the app will be automatically redirected to the UMC Groningen. The data on the eating pattern may then be used in the treatment of other sick children.
Comments should go about the content of the message shall not contain abusive or insulting to individuals and must not abuse. The editorial staff reserves the right, without giving reasons, to remove comments that do not meet these conditions, in its opinion. Comments are not immediately beneath animeflv the message stand, but only after moderation by the editors. In name (in function) of Avans we do not have words or we take no position on faith, life or political beliefs and sexual orientation.
Not only seems like a fun game for kids with such a nasty disease. animeflv But even for fussy eaters among the younger kids ...
Point is published by Avans. Besides the website, there is a paper edition is published monthly, except animeflv for school holidays. The editorial staff works according to principles of independent journalism, as defined in the editorial charter. The editorial board is assisted by an Advisory Board, which oversees compliance with the editorial status and acts as complaints body.

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