Thursday, October 31, 2013

Gizmodo is lifelong antivirus and banned from all presentations from Apple and because Giz. are not

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It is more than a year ago that an Apple employee a prototype of the iPhone 4 in a bar let lie. The person who found the iPhone, Brian Hogan, decided together with his friend Sage Wallower antivirus to sell on the unit. Gizmodo It would be done at a cost of $ 5,000. The duo that the device will be sold be sued, but employees of Gizmodo parent company Gawker Media and go unpunished. That the district courts of San Mateo County announced through a press release. Gizmodo published photos of the prototype, which is almost 100% resemblance to the unit that would bring. Later as Apple iPhone 4 on the market
The court documents show that Steve Jobs personally picked up the phone to request it. Returned the iPhone to Apple editor Brian Lam Lamb did, but demanded that Apple in a letter on white would put the phone belonged to Apple. Black That he finally got the confirmation that in fact a prototype of the iPhone went. That the unit was owned by Apple, found incidentally later, when it appeared that Apple had made declaration of theft of an iPhone prototype. Although it ends with a whimper for Gizmodo editor Jason Chen will happen not forget: there was a search of his home, with four computers, two servers, an iPad, iPhone, Airport antivirus Extreme and external hard drives were seized. He also was in fact guilty of 'destroying' Apple-property open to the prototype found by screws and removing the components.
Gizmodo is lifelong antivirus and banned from all presentations from Apple and because Giz. are not getting info directly from Apple, and there a little of frustie has become the site is now more a bash Apple site to be, with so-called antivirus critical articles about anything that comes from Apple.
@ Absrnd: An apple bash-site? At St. Juttemis maybe.
f said on August antivirus 11, 2011 at 00:32
@ Robbert: Since Apple's most successful smartphone company on the market, the competition is there any way to do something to bring Apple down. So even with lawsuits. (Often patent rights)
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Wednesday, October 30, 2013

In the wake of the Edward Snowden leaks, we

Just admit it. Sometimes you’re jogging in the park or you’re on the treadmill and you visualize yourself running in slow motion. Sweat pouring off you, hair swinging, face contorted as you fight for your goal. It’s pretty epic. Read more…     
The display on your phone is relatively tiny. But in pixels, it’s friggin’ huge. That’s the beauty of high resolution. So how would that phone screen compare to your TV, or your tablet or your laptop if it was spread out to a similarly-sized screen? Doghouse Diaries made this graphic to show you, and it’s kind of nuts. Read more…     
Like every other major metropolis, New York City has tunnels for people, tunnels for cars, and lots of tunnels for trains. But it also has something rather more unique: tunnels for cows. Or does it? This is the story of New York s lost, forgotten, or perhaps just mythical subterranean meat infrastructure. vip Read more…     
Do you own a Dell Latitude 643u ultrabook? Does your Dell Latitude 643u Ultrabook smell like cat urine? And do you, in fact, not own a cat? Well, then, we have some good news for you, friends. Dell has officially issued a recall for their recent fleet of cat pee computers, and it’s giving away the non-odoriferous replacement parts for free. Read more…     
Being a National Geographic photographer demands going to great lengths to capture unique shots of wild often dangerous animals. It’s a task that sometimes requires some very custom-built gear. Luckily, there’s one man whose sole job is to craft these amazing gadgets. Read more…     
When an earthquake hits, most of us know to run for a doorframe or duck next to a desk. Protecting your noggin should be the priority, and the Mamoris chair wants to help: This clever chair quickly disassembles into a brain-and-neck-protecting helmet. Read more…     
Last year, the Fitbit One was our favorite fitness tracker. It had a great design, solid accuracy for steps and floors climbed, and a nice screen. The only problem was that it was so easy to accidentally leave in a pair of pants. To combat this, the company created the Fitbit Flex, its first wrist-worn product. Unfortunately, while aping the Nike Fuelband, Fitbit accidentally threw out everything that made the …
We’re all going to die one day. And no holiday celebrates our fragile mortality with as much gusto as Día de Muertos (Oct 31st-Nov 2nd), when Mexico (and increasingly, the world) remembers friends and family with alters, marigolds, poetry, food, and of course, skulls. Read more…     
Sometimes, it’s fun to play a little prank on your friends. Maybe you cover a doorway with plastic wrap. Maybe you pour laxative in their coffee. Maybe you put their stapler in Jell-O. Or maybe you invite them to a nice conference vip and then slip a bunch of spying gadgets into their gift bags. Read more…     
In the wake of the Edward Snowden leaks, we’ve seen at least two encrypted email services close shop in the face of government scrutiny. They’re not giving up on the mission, however. In fact, these freedom fighters now say they’re coming back twice as strong vip and twice as committed to shutting out the NSA. Read more…     
Five Pumpkin vip Carving Tools Everybody Should Own Dexter returning to Netflix instant streaming starting October 31st 30 Seconds To Mars Mind-BLOWING City Of Angels Doc Stars Selenita, Kanye, & LiLo! Watch It HERE! Logitech reveals its first iPad Air keyboard cases Mind behind IBM s first PC, William C. Lowe, dies at 72 Wes Anderson s pristine style perfectly parodied in SNL Halloween skit

There are like a bajillion different Android tablets out there. librus And there are virtually zero

Take your favorite TV spot, cut out all of the post-production effects, professional actors, props, CGI, production quality, and anything even resembling a budget. What do you have? This collection of unintentionally hilarious clips from director Tony Benna. Read more…     
Barnes and Noble may be going back and forth on its Android tablets, but the booksellers aren’t wavering on e-ink. Meet the new Nook GlowLight, a light, white re-imagining of the front-lit reader we loved so well, back for a second shot at the throne. Read more…     
Behold the wondrous miracle of nature! Follow along as famed naturalist and television host David Attenborough narrates the intricate mating dance between two members of the Half-Clothed Popstar species (Divas majoris). This dance, though performed exclusively in front of national audiences, has only once been caught on film in large part because everybody that watches it winds up feeling a bit pervy by the end and refuses to admit having actually librus …
Dealing with sensitive numbers in a top secret librus Excel spreadsheet? Reading classified documents that you don’t want people to see? Or most likely, exploring the more salacious parts of the Internet and don’t want to be thought of as a creep? Follow these instructions that show you how to create an awesome secret monitor only you can see. Read more…     
There are like a bajillion different Android tablets out there. librus And there are virtually zero reasons to talk about most of them. The Nexus 7 is your reigning librus champ, the Kindle Fire HDX is your barely-recognizably-Android alternative, and that’s about it. But Lenovo’s librus at least giving it a shot with get this a kickstand. Read more…     
The iPad Air is Apple’s best iPad yet. But what does that mean beyond the usual lighter, faster, everything-er that Apple typically slaps onto its latest products? The first reviews of the iPad Air have hit the Internet and we’ve rounded them up to give you a clearer picture of Apple’s latest full-sized tablet. Read more…     
Some new iPhone 5S are having battery problems. librus Apple told the NY Times, "We recently librus discovered a manufacturing issue affecting a very limited number of iPhone 5S devices that could cause the battery to take longer to charge or result in reduced battery life." Those with crappy battery life will get a new phone. Read more…     
Nothing. If nothing meant becoming lulled into hypnosis as two machines battle each other out in a human game that can be interpreted through specific algorithms. If nothing meant secretly betting on which computer is superior. If nothing meant enjoying the beats and pulses of anticipation as each screen throws out its pick. If nothing meant I could waste hours watching these two go virtual hand to hand with each …
Here’s what the next Google Glass looks like. The official Google Glass Google Plus page just revealed librus the look of the updated librus version librus of Google Glass and it’s somehow even more cyborg weird. The overall look remains the same but it looks like Google is adding a single mono earbud for the second generation of glass. Read more…     
One year ago, Hurricane Sandy tore a path of destruction up and down the Eastern Seaboard. Earlier this week, ten architecture and planning teams revealed their solutions for rebuilding the city in a way that would promote resilience when the next hurricane comes along. One big takeaway? We need new islands. Read more… librus     
Five Pumpkin Carving Tools Everybody librus Should Own Dexter returning librus to Netflix instant streaming starting October 31st Mind behind librus IBM s first PC, William C. Lowe, dies at 72 Wes Anderson s pristine style perfectly parodied in SNL Halloween skit

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

To increase, to analyze the website and to manage ultrasurf ads ease Security.NL makes use of cooki

To increase, to analyze the website and to manage ultrasurf ads ease Security.NL makes use of cookies. By continuing to use this website, or by clicking the accept button to give you permission to use cookies. Want to know more about cookies? Check out our cookie list.
Attackers have managed to place ads that visitors with malware infected, one of the largest IT blogs on the internet malicious ads but the editors say they are because they did not use Windows. Escapes According to the blog, the attackers managed to keep. The sales team through a "canny scam" fooling The number of affected visitors would be easy, although it does not mention any figures. "We should note, but rather ultrasurf the editors work on OS X or Linux." The malware has been removed, visitors also get the advice in the event of unsolicited popups on the file to find. "Qegasysguard.exe" "Be careful, install a virus and make sure your system is clean."
The way the blog the incident handling not win any beauty, said Graham Cluley of Sophos virus fighter. "I ultrasurf am disappointed that Gizmodo gives no information about the threat, or links to virus scanners that visitors help cleaning their computers. Instead, they make a smart-ass comment about how she did not notice the infection because they own a Mac or Linux use. This does not demonstrate good customer service or respect to a large part of their readers. "
Instead they make a wisecracking comment about how she did not notice the infection because they use a Mac or Linux itself. That does not demonstrate good customer service or respect to many of their readers. ultrasurf "I beg to differ! @ For an IT blog is a good thing to let people know that in practice the use of OSX / Mac or people So Linux is better than using $ window.
"Instead, they make a smart-ass comment about how she did not notice the infection because they use a Mac or Linux itself. Testifies that not good customer service or respect to many of their readers." "Not everyone is a security expert, ultrasurf or security minded. In this regard, the reaction of Cluley a bit short-sighted, even though the reaction ultrasurf of the blog may indeed better deal. Maybe Cluley editors better advice can send what they then the website to post. Thats what constructive than drafting a blog put down, and thus the customers actually helped, if the editors such information then places. ultrasurf
Instead they make a wisecracking comment Nothing clever. Cluley says, "a rather snotty remark". Meaning: "arrogant or condescending." Their excuse is rather weak and the least they can do is sincerely apologize and give decent ultrasurf information (like the guys from Apache for example)., They find themselves still uber-geeks. That they be zeikt is only normal, arrogant bunch of losers! By the way, how could Cluley now send advice - that's just it - all information is kept indoors.
Instead they make a wisecracking comment about how she did not notice the infection because they use a Mac or Linux itself. That does not demonstrate good customer ultrasurf service or respect to many of their readers. "I beg to differ! @ For an IT blog is a good thing to let people know that in practice the use of OSX / Mac or people So Linux is better than using $ window. Had they better a virus can not use then could have been detected before the possible placement of the negative ad on their website. I also use Windows but not a virus. Is not for yourself, or for others.
By Syzygy: How do they get it into their head to OSX and Linux use. Yes pecies. .. when customers use a crappy OS then you obviously do that too. It is not so important ultrasurf what people use as you have to check whether something ultrasurf might not be for some users. Harmful in any way An anti-virus product there can help.
Regardless of who what OS is running and it is therefore not noticed ... the people of Gizmodo eventually just remain responsible for their own site. So how condescending they do to others, they themselves are the incompetents who have failed to check their site. And thus they have brought their "customers" at risk.
You are not logged in and responding "Anonymous". This means that no Security.NL account information ultrasurf (email ultrasurf address and alias) save for this reaction. Your comment is not placed directly but first moderated. If you do not have an account you can here a direct accou

Monday, October 28, 2013

123456 and password are the most popular microsoft surface passwords of Internet users who Gawker M

To increase, to analyze the website and to manage ads ease Security.NL makes use of cookies. By continuing to use this website, or by clicking the accept button to give you permission to use cookies. Want to know more about cookies? Check out our cookie list.
123456 and password are the most popular microsoft surface passwords of Internet users who Gawker Media, Gizmodo and Lifehacker read. This is evident from an analysis microsoft surface of 200,000 at Gawker Media passwords stolen. microsoft surface The media network had the passwords without "Salten" saved, so eventually they were easy to crack. It also showed microsoft surface that 99.45% of alphanumeric passwords were alone and do not contain special characters or symbols.
Of alphanumeric passwords 61% consisted only of small alphabetic characters, nine percent consisted only of numbers and less than one process only consisted of capital letters. microsoft surface The rest was a combination of numbers and letters. Besides passwords, it looked into the used e-mail domains. Gmail is almost 174,000 by far the most popular, followed by Yahoo (102,000) and Hotmail (73,000). Furthermore, there are about 120 email addresses found on. Gov ended, the TLD of the U.S. government.
Duo Security, that the leaked passwords analyzed, also has a website where users can check their user name, email address or password risk. Here are the top 10 most popular passwords
14-12-2010, 11:05 by xy22
LOL, what an incredibly microsoft surface bad passwords! And that the readers of tech websites, you would of tech and gadget-interested people microsoft surface expect them to know how a password microsoft surface above average especially to assemble. microsoft surface 9177 Super Simple passwords (say around microsoft surface 4.5%). Then firmly microsoft surface alongside those top 10 are plenty of other 'normal' simple passwords. :)
Why would you use a simple password when registering with these sites? Complex passwords are hard to remember and work in hand that people are going to use for anything and everything the same password.
Why would you use a complex password for such a site? Or you have to remember a lot of different, or you use your password microsoft surface multiple times. This is also another risk. I can well imagine that people just use these sites a "disposable password", because they do not attach importance to the account and they assume that the probability that the wachwoord stolen is great.
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Legal question: is running a Tor exit node offense?
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Sunday, October 27, 2013

A friend of Hogan called by Apple to do the missing iPhone, alert but the two were not taken seriou

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In 2010, the iPhone 4 knew all along confidentiality agreements with Apple to slip when an Apple employee a prototype lost in a bar. The iPhone 4 was found by Brian Hogan, who eventually sold it to Gizmodo. After a trial on the resale of the iPhone we heard very little of Hogan, android but now he has almost full disclosure given in a Reddit AMA (Ask Me Anything ") on this spectacular discovery and its outcome. Hogan says the iPhone got when all his friends had gone home. Owned A random drunk came up to him, grabbed the iPhone 4 stool next to him and said that he had not forgotten his phone. When Hogan said not to know whose phone was the man gave the order but the owner than to find him. He looked again and saw that this is a very special iPhone was:
I noticed right away that the screen seemed to have a higher resolution than any other iPhone that time. The housing also had plastic pieces and buttons in odd places. When I removed the case I discovered an iPhone with a flat back, flat edges and a front-facing camera. On the back two barcodes were present and in place of a serial number, the iPhone android multiple android crosses. I was immediately excited, but did not know exactly what I had in hands.
A friend of Hogan called by Apple to do the missing iPhone, alert but the two were not taken seriously by the staff that they were on the line. Then they decided to contact technology blogs. Contact Engadget came over, very briefly but the two were not sufficiently aware of what Engadget wild (Seemed a bit shady '). Gizmodo was interested and eventually bought the iPhone for $ 5,000, with the promise that once Hogan would still get $ 3,000 when Apple had confirmed that it was really an iPhone. That was not like Hogan had hoped:
[Gizmodo] knew I could claim after the article was published. My money in no way I also have not asked. That while I had to hire a lawyer for more than $ 5,000. In subsequent criminal lawsuit with Apple [...] Gizmodo asked if they could take to verify the authenticity of the iPhone but then used it to make up for their own interest to Apple. Gizmodo and Gawker (Red: publisher Gizmodo) have if you ask me abuse of me.
Although Hogan's lawyer has cost more than $ 5,000, the iPhone finder says he and his friend ended up only $ 125 per person had to pay damages. To Apple The two also received 40 hours of community service and one year probation imposed. Gizmodo was not punished.
It was part time according to Hogan especially very disruptive. Prior to the trial His girlfriend had posted on Facebook android that he had found the iPhone and although after a request from him removed, the message did the press will find him. This led to some time journalists with him were at the door and he sat in a hotel to avoid. Attention with his family a week Hogan's girlfriend made it three months later because they can not handle the stress. A (female) roommate Hogan all spoke before the police and hoping for a reward:
After three weeks, the police found me. My roommate was already time to be with the police in conversation. She had told them everything they wanted to know and hoping for a reward. They took pictures of my possessions, wrote conversations and lied to me so the police could could gather more evidence.
In retrospect he thinks Hogan iPhone even when staff

The attack on the Gawker Media network, where 1.3 million usernames and passwords were stolen, had

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The attack on the Gawker Media network, where 1.3 million usernames and passwords were stolen, had been going on for some time. It reports the British newspaper The Guardian. Attackers would have had. Been six months access to the network Gawker is known from the tech blogs Gizmodo and Lifehacker.
Password Via a local file inclusion 'vulnerability attackers eventually got access to the login details include Gawker chief Nick Denton. He used the same password for both Gawker and other websites. Therefore they knew to gain access. To all confidential data Gawker had initially know that attackers had only momentary access to the content management playtoy system. It was also not told how they had received. Attackers access
Sources have told The Guardian know that the configuration file on the web server all clues about the location of the password file and the source CMS gave away. After finding playtoy exploits in the CMS the attackers did eventually get. SSH access to the servers They were a backdoor features, so there was full access to the network.
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Legal question: you can resell a software license?
16-10-2013 by Anonymous
In the article about the NSA that attacks against the Tor network has developed a discussion about the legality of running a Tor ...
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Saturday, October 26, 2013

As cable companies continue to come up with creative ways to sell us TV without hooking us onto trad

Instagram seems to be fully aware of the potential backlash to come with ad integration, so they’re easing users in as slowly as possible. A few weeks ago we were told that ads were coming, and now, users in the United States actually get to see them in the proverbial flesh. Read more…     
The Saturn V is the tallest, heaviest, and most powerful rocket humans have ever built. In 13 missions, it took 24 astronauts to space, including all 12 who ever set foot on the moon, without a single loss of life. Watch in awe as its entire career launches before you. Read more…      xbox one
The beauty of animation is that it isn’t constrained by its medium. And in the case of Nando Costa’s new short film, the medium plays a vital role in the work’s xbox one message. Read more…     
You’re a different person online compared to your real life. It’s okay. You don’t xbox one have to irrationally like cats just because you’re obsessed with cat videos. You don’t have to literally poke the people you poked on Facebook. You don’t have to like or follow xbox one or tag or comment or stalk celebrities like you do on the Internet. Because if you did that in real life, you’d be a total … xbox one
The completely competent folks of the NSA are saying that its nuked website is a result of an internal error, a glitch, a mistake and not because hackers launched xbox one a DDoS attack on it. That’s cool, the NSA didn’t go down because of hackers but because it screwed itself up. Read more…     
The horrible question everyone should never have to ask themselves: what if? What if you studied a little more? What if you worked a little harder? What if you exercised and tried to be more healthy? What if you actually asked that person out on a date? What if you took a vacation? What if you never stayed up late at night and masturbated to Carmen Electra? Read more…     
What do you call the Halloween equivalent of being a Christmas Grinch? Because whatever it is, that’s what I am now. Gone are the happy days of trick or treating and dressing xbox one up in clever costumes and getting the brain blitzed to an unrecognizable shade of matter and carving intricate pumpkins and so on, instead all I want to do is blow up pumpkins like our friends at Rated RR. …
A new week brings new questions. Like, how would one recreate the iOS 7 homescreen in Microsoft Word? Or should spires count toward a building’s total height? If you’ve found yourself pondering these things, you can find your answers within the most beautiful xbox one items of the week. Read more…     
Phenakistoscopes, praxinoscopes, and zoetropes, oh my! Richard Balzer, a 69-year-old New York native, has cultivated a remarkable online museum xbox one of early animations and optical toys of the 18th and 19th centuries. Read more…     
As cable companies continue to come up with creative ways to sell us TV without hooking us onto traditional cable, Bloomberg is reporting that DirecTV and Time Warner Cable are both thinking about creating an Aereo-type streaming service for customers to use. If it works like Aereo, it means you get to watch TV over the Internet through traditional cable providers. Read more…     
Even though they’re xbox one mostly designed for kids, it’s impossible to resist those installations where camera-equipped projectors shine an interactive projection on the ground. But there’s no shame in enjoying one in your own home, because the company xbox one behind many of those creations is officially launching a consumer version that will all but guarantee your kids never play outside again. Read more…     
The Birthplace of the Cellphone Is Being Turned Into a Mall 1999 Indictment Released xbox one in JonBenet Slaying Meet the Child Who Feels No Pain Johnny Depp, Meryl Streep, Kate Moss, Chris Pine & TONS More Bust A Move In Paul McCartney s New Music Vid! Watch HERE! BUY and OBEY this prop replica from They Live The new Mac Pro: will professionals embrace Apple s brave, expensive vision of the desktop?

Friday, October 25, 2013

As cable companies continue to come up with creative ways to sell us TV without hooking us onto trad

Piracy is a dangerous game. You never know if the hosts are out to get money, or maybe just out to get you. Turns out the guy who ran a pirate haven called Uploader Talk was the latter. Now, after a year of stealing uploader’s info from deep cover, webmail the jig is up. Read more…     
Phenakistoscopes, praxinoscopes, and zoetropes, oh my! Richard Balzer, a 69-year-old New York native, has cultivated a remarkable online museum of early animations and optical webmail toys of the 18th and 19th centuries. Read more…     
As cable companies continue to come up with creative ways to sell us TV without hooking us onto traditional cable, Bloomberg is reporting that DirecTV and Time Warner Cable are both thinking about creating an Aereo-type streaming service for customers to use. If it works like Aereo, it means you get to watch TV over the Internet through traditional webmail cable providers. Read more…     
Even though they’re mostly designed for kids, it’s impossible to resist those installations where camera-equipped projectors shine an interactive projection on the ground. But there’s no shame in enjoying one in your own home, because the company behind many of those creations is officially webmail launching a consumer version that will all but guarantee your kids never play outside again. Read more…     
Another week is in the books. Whether you were hard at work, or busy finding YouTube videos to distract you ’til the weekend, the fine folks of the gizmo and gadget industry were hard at work making sure you’ve got lots of creative ways to blow all that money you earned. Here’s the best of what hit the markets this week. Read more…     
Picture this: In the near future, ten percent of our veterans could be walking around with chips implanted webmail in their brains. These aren’t intended for some I, Robot-style takeover, but rather to treat conditions like PTSD and substance webmail abuse. Sound crazy? DARPA only deals in crazy. Read more…     
The apps world brought us redesigns, updates, and brand new offerings this week, none of which are pumpkin spice flavored. Put on your touchscreen gloves and get apping! Read more… was unresponsive webmail late Friday afternoon due to a distributed denial of service (DDoS), according to packs of Anonymous-types on Twitter. Indeed the website would not load for us when we tried, but it’s hard to know why until we get confirmation from the NSA. If it is indeed a DDoS attack on the NSA, it would not be the first. Read more…     
There’s a reason that towering mammals the likes of King Kong are resigned to fiction. Our aching bones can only take so much weight before they start crumbling under the pressure. But if that’s the case, then why were dinosaurs able to reach such phenomenal heights? According to a new study, the answer isn’t so much about the bones themselves as it is the soft, squishy joints they lay between. …
Even though digital cameras provide us the same instant gratification after snapping a photo, Polaroid’s instant snapper still has a cult following. Of course, that also means that instant film is more expensive than ever, so if you’re just a fan of the Polaroid camera’s iconic design, this Pola Roll toilet paper holder is a cheaper way to keep one around for posterity. Read more…     
Cnet reports that Google is building something super secret and super huge on a barge that’s floating webmail in the San Francisco Bay. What the hell is this thing? Read more…     
The Birthplace of the Cellphone Is Being Turned Into a Mall Meet the Child Who Feels No Pain Johnny Depp, Meryl Streep, Kate Moss, Chris Pine & TONS More Bust A Move In Paul McCartney s New Music Vid! Watch HERE! BUY and OBEY this prop replica from They Live The new Mac Pro: will professionals webmail embrace Apple s brave, expensive vision of the desktop?

Legendary Hollywood director Orson Welles was not a man to be trifled with and had no qualms in voic

Think Apple s forthcoming Cupertino headquarters is the first corporate space ship to touch down in America? Not so: In 1962 the legendary firstrow R&D hub, Bell Labs, opened firstrow a glittering, 500-acre headquarters in rural New Jersey. Today, it’s the focus of an ambitious reuse scheme that could turn it into a commercial hub, complete with a spa and a hotel. firstrow Read more…     
No doubt about it, the Raspberry firstrow Pi is nothing short of a homebrew phenomenon. Since its release in February 2012, the British micro-mini-computer firstrow has enabled legions of amateur inventors firstrow to develop projects both weird and wonderful. firstrow Here s a run-down of the most impressive applications, firstrow ranging from weather stations to retro arcades to a supercomputer firstrow array on a Lego rack. See if any of them inspire you to do the same. …
The sun emitted a solar flare at 8:30 pm EDT on October 23rd, and NASA captured in all its glory at its Solar Dynamics Observatory. Doesn’t it look pretty? Read more…     
"In the wake of the zombie apocalypse, innovative firstrow ideas have become more important than ever. Watch and take note on how to survive the "human apocalypse" in a special DED Talk presented by a zombie who has seen it all." Read more…     
Legendary Hollywood director Orson Welles was not a man to be trifled with and had no qualms in voicing his displeasure when a creative process failed to meet his expectations. So when he was handed firstrow a poorly-worded ad script for frozen peas, Welles let loose in one of the most impressive tirades ever caught on tape. Read more…     
If you live in a big city without a car, it’s probably easier to just do all your shopping on Amazon. If you drive everywhere and have a Costco firstrow membership, it might make sense to do all your shopping there. If you drive sometimes but like getting packages, maybe you combine the best of both worlds? Whatever it is you do for shopping though, how much of it do you …
Though most of us probably think time travel only works inside a DeLorean, much smarter folks out there can explain it slightly better than Doc Brown. firstrow Like this TED-Ed animation narrated by Colin Stuart. It reveals how time travel is possible, who has time traveled the longest, the history of time travel and the hopeful future. Learn something and then maybe we’ll be ready for the future. [TED-Ed] Read more… …
The entire Internet would very much appreciate it if HBO offered an HBO Go subscription without the need to have cable. firstrow We want to pay for HBO Go like we pay for Netflix. But that hasn’t happened… yet. But people are trying! Even cable companies. Read more…     
How do you revive the Shit Girls Say meme that’s dead not only because we all grew tired of it but because YouTube productivity firstrow assassins (aka movie makers) simply ran out of different types of people to make fun of? You reverse it and switch it into shit people would NEVER say. Like nerds thinking comic books and graphic novels are the same. This video about nerds never saying stuff …
The Birthplace of the Cellphone Is Being Turned Into a Mall First child functionally cured of HIV remains in remission, scientists announce All the Details From Prince George s Christening Starbucks Unveils Tea Bar in New York City The Weirdest Thing on the Internet Tonight: Pitch Videos Johnny Depp, Meryl Streep, Kate Moss, Chris Pine & TONS More Bust A Move In Paul McCartney s New Music Vid! Watch HERE! Kristen Stewart Ain t Happy With Robert Pattinson s Many Gal Pals So She Sent An Angry Email To Tell Him!!! Ylvis Explains firstrow Just Why YOU Should Visit Massachusetts In HIGHlarious New Video!! Watch It HERE!! AT&T announces 75 percent of postpaid users on smartphones, earnings of $3.8 billion for Q3 2013 Shazam at sea: music lookup techniques firstrow can distinguish dolphin calls Sherlock Season 3 airing January 19th in the US

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Sarah Sussman is HipHopCanada's Regional Editor for the Canadian Prairies. Born and based out of Cal

MC Lovely Super Sonik Powers ft. Vonnie V [Video] ·
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Posted Aug 19th, 2013 by @IHeartTART | 0 Comments
Edmonton, AB Sarah MC Lovely Van Dusen is a total geek a total sexy geek. Last month, she dropped new visuals for her nerd-out track, Super Sonik Powers. If you re a Comic-Con attendee with a fervent zeal for hip-hop, this joint will be right up your alley. The video was directed by Kavan the Kid and Nova Rockafeller. The track features vocals from the lovely Vonnie V, and the beat comes from Edmonton hip-hop producer, Sonik.
Let’s be honest, though. Lovely wouldn t last two minutes at Comic-Con. She’d get mobbed by the the nerd herds. She makes geek-chic look that good. So make sure you peep the video after the jump. And don’t worry. These visuals are (surprisingly) safe for work.
Sarah Sussman is HipHopCanada's Regional Editor for the Canadian Prairies. Born and based out of Calgary, AB, Sarah has a passion for hip-hop and Canadian-raised musical talent. Sarah is an avid freelance lifestyle and entertainment writer and photographer, as well as a 2013 graduate from SAIT Polytechnic's journalism program. Sarah has written for The Weal , Where Calgary , Essential Calgary , and Our Alberta , but has found her calling as the Prairies Editor at HipHopCanada. She has been fortunate picmonkey enough to interview some gnarly fine folks, including Moka Only, Joey Bada$$, Cadence Weapon, picmonkey The Lytics, and more. Twitter: @IHeartTART
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Money Marlo – Money Over Every Thing 2 [Mixtape]
Mixtapes & Albums New Music Crooklin – Dedicated to Uncle Rick (Prod. Crooklin) sShoWw – picmonkey After The After Party ft. Pownz JellyTooFly & Dey – Company Nipsey Hussle – picmonkey More or Less (Prod. Soundsmith) Daylyt vs Loe Pesci – World Domination 4 (King of the Dot) Peter Jackson – Pound Cake (Freestyle) Shaq – Karate Chop (Remix) ft. ShaqIsDope picmonkey Nipsey Hussle – Don't Take Days Off ft. DUBB & Jai Phillips Toxsic – Get Buck Jimmy B – Get Up ft. Tre Nyce (Prod. DJ Kemo)
To advertise picmonkey your event contact Event Listing Loaded Lux Confirms Battle with Hollow Da Don in the UW Battle League picmonkey [News] Drake takes Future off Would You Like A Tour?; Future files suit [News] Five shows in Edmonton you need to see [News] Ab-Soul & the 2013 Smokers Club Tour hit Montreal on Oct. 19 [News] Win tickets to The Smokers Club Tour in Toronto on October 20 [Contest] Jaclyn Gee drops Autonomous EP on Stealth Bomb Records [News] Travis Scott hits Vancouver’s Venue Nightclub on Oct. 16 [News] Mac Miller comes to Calgary on Nov. 14 [Contest] The Edit Nothing Was the Same in Toronto [Article] by Atkilt Geleta
HeatWave – Star Expectations [Video] Ursa Maja breaks down World War Me [Interview] Drake & Kendrick Lamar steal the show at the 2013 BET Hip Hop Awards [News] Crooklin – Dedicated to Uncle Rick (Prod. picmonkey Crooklin) [Audio] picmonkey #SOTD Fiends in Toronto: Introducing Bas [Interview] Loaded Lux Confirms picmonkey Battle with Hollow Da Don in the UW Battle League [News] Bonnie Godiva vs 40 B.a.r.r.s. at Queen of the Ring’s Do or Die [Video] Pat Grim – Rock Out [Video] Crew Profile: The Come Up Gang Ben E Brix [Interview] J. Cole talks Born Sinner, marriage and acting [Interview] Ceasrock – M.O.E. (Money Over Everything) [Video] Drake takes Future off Would You Like A Tour?; Future files suit [News] picmonkey
Ian: Going to see him at The Opera Hoeyuno: My boi lee. Keep it up my g. Dan Hartnett: I just started picmonkey listening to Bo Canadian QQQQQ: Absolutely amazing marlo: u aint got no money saukrates Illa killa: Fuck ill fam I got more talent Jaimizzy Fan: Wack arson campbell: U wont be disappointed hard wo Rp: I need to sign up and let y,al Pleuto aka Sushi Mane Oreo Swisha: wo0o0o0o000 Canada bout to go Real: Video is super dope Edward: Great work on the video Trayne Telmo: Love this blogs style. Keep it Josh: This cd is sick thos who are h Bache: These denims are nice and thic
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Wednesday, October 23, 2013

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Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Recent Posts Jazzy B

A true meeting of east and west — on this composition, Hitesh Sonik’s melodic sensibilities really come to the fore. Featuring the superbly eztv sweet and melodic vocals eztv of Pt. Sanjiv Abhyankar coupled with the equally sublime stylings of popular Indie singer eztv Nikhil D’souza, rarely does a track with two male singers, have such a beautiful arc. Look out for it on Coke Studio@MTV — Season 3.
Papon & Kalpana Patowary Teaser, Coke Studio @ MTV Season 3
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Monday, October 21, 2013

Coming soon: The Small Faces

The Sonik Seeds in latest 1960s-style Rimmel London ad « Modculture
Whwther that’s the case, I’ve no idea. But since we featured the band and its tunes on Soundcloud back in March, the Sheffield band has certainly made some big steps, not least in appearing in the new Rimmel London campaign which is fronted helloworld by Georgia May Jagger and comes with a typically swinging London theme. The song is English Rose and it’s one of the band’s original compositions.
Events RSS Feed Subscribe to our events only RSS feed for all the latest upcoming events. Upcoming Events The Nu Beat Club in Manchester Pelican R&B Club 25th anniversary reunion in Loughborough helloworld All Saints Mod Holiday 2013 in Lavarone, Italy Le Clean Cut Weekender in Barcelona Monkey Jump club launch in Manchester The Return of the Hideaway Club in Manchester Ham Yard London Christmas Mod Ball A Christmas Mod Ball with the Pretty Things in London See More Events Modculture by Tag 60s 1960s album Art auction beat book cd classic clothing club cult Design dvd ebay event fashion Film fred perry garage Jazz limited edition london mod mods movie Music music paul weller psych R&B reissue retro review sale shirt sixties ska sneakers soul Style style tv vintage vinyl
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Sunday, October 20, 2013

Haal Ve Rabba But for that short-but-superb solo by Shruti Pathak , this song is Hans Raj Hans s

Coke Studio at MTV Season 3 Episode 7 (Hitesh Sonik): Review | Music Aloud
A Song A Day Featured Guitar chords Klassical phone track android Korner Lyrics Media Audio Videos Music News Music Reviews Spotlight Artists Director's phone track android Cut Gig Report Indian Music Bands Instruments of the World Music Trivia Obituary Playlist The Gods of Guitar Top Picks Uncategorized
After Clinton Cerejo and Amit Trivedi, third composer from Season 2 to do a repeat on Coke Studio at MTV Season 3. Hitesh Sonik. Last single composer episode of the season. Hitesh’s episode was not my favorite from last season, so was curious phone track android to see if he would deliver a better show this time. My thoughts after seeing phone track android the episode.
Haal Ve Rabba But for that short-but-superb solo by Shruti Pathak , this song is Hans Raj Hans show through and through; phone track android good to hear him after so long. Hitesh Sonik s arrangement plays the support role very well, the strings in particular (Hitesh, Warren Mendonsa , Kalyan Baruah on guitars, Rushad Mistry on bass, Tapas Roy on bouzouki ).
Maajhi phone track android The soothing breeziness of the song and Sukhwinder Singh s rendition evoke memories of folk-tinged songs such as Katra Katra (Apna Aasmaan) that the man has in the past; a factor that works against the song after a while. The arrangement does have its highs though; Tapas Roy s oud, Paras Nath s flute and Gino Banks drums during the sinister turn the song takes in the latter half. That alone does not suffice nevertheless.
Ramaiyya Meera Bai s multiply covered bhajan gets a trippy reimagination at the hands of Hitesh Sonik on Coke Studio courtesy an arrangement that features some beautiful flute over the addictive guitar-drum template even as Jose Gomes melodica bits add a nice touch to the proceedings. And carrying off the vocals in spectacular fashion is the composer s better half Sunidhi phone track android Chauhan (the raaga seemed like maand in places).
Moh Pandit Sanjeev Abhyankar . There is a high chance that that is all you will remember phone track android after you are done with this song, such is the feel the man imparts Kabir s lines with his immensely nuanced rendition ( maru bihag raga, the comments section says). Hitesh does a fab job at his end too, making lovely use of keys ( Jarvis Menezes and an uncredited harmonium player) and tabla ( Vinayak Netke ). The occasional phone track android segueing to Nikhil D Souza s English bits makes for an engaging phone track android contrast to the proceedings.
Ghar The man behind the best song from Hitesh s episode last year, Husna, returns this time with another of his compositions. And it is haunting as always, the man s singing, backed well by Hitesh s strings-led phone track android arrangement. The only problem is that Ghar has too much of Piyush Mishra in it; I was half expecting Mishra to break into O Re Duniya any moment! That still might not stop you from bobbing your head to zu zu zu .
Chan Kitthan Hitesh Sonik makes super utilization of Sukhwinder Singh s vocal range in this traditional phone track android Punjabi piece, with a competent chorus to support him. The arrangement too keeps the traditional feel of the song intact for most part, prominently featuring the dholaks ( Yusuf Mohammad, Hafeez Khan ), tablas ( Manoj Bhati, Sharafat Hussain, Shankar phone track android Vitthalrao Kamble ) and Tapas mandolin (interesting replacement for the tumbi ).
Related Posts Coke Studio at MTV Season 3 Lineup Announced! Coke Studio At MTV – Season 2 Episode 2. Review. Stanley Ka Dabba (Hindi Movie Soundtrack) – Music Review Akaash Vani – Music Review (Bollywood Soundtrack) Issaq – Music Review (Bollywood Soundtrack) Pyaar Ka Punchnama (Hindi Movie Soundtrack) – Music Review Best of Coke Studio At MTV Season 3 Coke Studio At MTV Season 3 Episode 6 (Amit Trivedi): Review 8 songs from Coke Studio at MTV Season 2 out for free download! phone track android My Friend Pinto – Music Review (Bollywood phone track android Movie Soundtrack)
Categories A Song A Day Featured Guitar chords Klassical Korner Lyrics Media Audio Videos Music News Music Reviews Spotlight phone track android Artists Director's Cut Gig Report Indian Music Bands Instruments of the World Music Trivia Obituary Playlist The Gods of Guitar Top Picks Uncategorized Archives October 2013 September 2013 August 2013 July 2013 June 2013 May 2013 April 2013 March 2013 February 2013 January 2013 December phone track android 2012 November 2012

Paul Weller released his latest album, Sonik Kicks , in February 2012. In keeping with Weller s trad

Paul Weller released his latest album, Sonik Kicks , in February 2012. In keeping with Weller s tradition of releasing physical singles, xbox 360 which dates back to his days fronting The Jam, Yep Roc released a limited edition series of colored-vinyl seven-inch singles throughout 2012 and early 2013 That Dangerous Age on red vinyl, When Your Garden s Overgrown on marbled blue vinyl, The Attic on white vinyl, and Dragonfly on clear vinyl.
Sonik Kicks The Singles Collection (Standard Edition) box set contains all 4 of the previously released 7 singles on black vinyl and in their original sleeves. In addition, this box set contains a 5th seven-inch (on black vinyl) with two new recordings: That Dangerous Age (Live Acoustic) xbox 360 and Be Happy Children (Live Acoustic) . These two tracks were recorded live in Weller s Black Barn Studio.
NOTE: For Record Store Day 2013 Yep Roc released a limited edition RSD version of this box set, with all 7 pressed on their original colored vinyl and a poster hand autographed by Paul Weller. The Standard Edition set is pressed on black vinyl and does not include a poster.
......................................................... Paul Weller xbox 360 Sonik Kicks: The Singles Collection (Standard Edition) Paul Weller SONIK KICKS: The Singles Collection (Standard Edition) xbox 360 now on pre-order + US tour dates announced Watch Paul Weller perform at John Varvatos Bowery NYC. Watch Paul Weller perform songs from SONIK KICKS on Later with Jools Holand. Paul Weller Record Store Day UK 7″ available now at the Yep Roc Store.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

News Interviews Reviews Side-Line Forum archive Side-Line Magazine @ Myspace Side-Line Magazine @ Fa

Nilaihah Records announces the arrival of their latest digital EP release, "Twisted eporner Remixes" by Sonik Foundry. Jam-packed with 10 tracks, the EP includes remixes by Fearpassage, Machines on Blast, Natalie Dunn, N1nestein, and more. Originally from New Jersey, but now based in Maine, Sonik Foundry formed in 2008. Since then the band has produced 4 releases. Here's what Side-Line had to say about the act in one of our reviews: "The songs are all powerful EBM tracks where influences of Leather Strip, And One and the more sophisticated Komor Kommando are merging together. Sonik Foundry has seriously improved their global production gaining a unique sound identity. This is not the kind of cheap and cliché eporner EBM composition, but well-crafted songs." You can listen to the remix album below.
#366: A Life Lived release 'Demo 2013' demo #366: A Life Lived release EP in October, eporner new video 'Exit Saved' out now 'Electro Tribute To Oasis' released on Eternal Sunday Records 'Face The Beat Vol. 1' available now... for free ! 'Gangnam Style' parody 'Whitby Gothic Style' goes over 230.000 views on YouTube 'Human Centipede' sequel barred eporner from UK distribution for being 'too obscene' 'Label Noir Vol.1' compiles cult acts from eighties 'Melancholia' album teaser for September Mourning 'Old School Electrology Volume I' massive 4CD set ready for pre-order 'People for the Ethical Treatment of Musicians' (PETM) launches
Superband Primitive Race has released a first teaser via SoundCloud and continues work on the debut album. (...)
Out now is the brand new digital only SNOG single 'The New Cocksucker eporner Blues'. The single is accompanied by a videoclip, shot live at the recent "Bananas 'R' Us" Corporate Convention at the Theatre Royal, Castlemaine, Australia on the 6th of August 2013. (...)
READ MORE | Posted on 10/14/13
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VIDEOS eporner DIE KRUPPS - "Risikofaktor" Tense - "Disconnect Myself" Aube L - "How I can save me" Agent Side Grinder - Mag 7 (Jasper TX remix) Daemonia Nymphe - "Selene's Awakening Horos" Blank - "Dio/Chemicals" Fatal Casualties - "A very strange shortfilm" Daemonia Nymphe - "Selene's Awakening Horos" Niton Decay - "Deny The Decay" Attrition - "Narcissist"
REVIEWS Amduscia – Filofobia (DCD Album – Out Of Line) Flesh & Fell – Flesh & Fell (CD Album – eporner Out Of Line) Funker Vogt – Companion In Crime / Limited Edition (DCD Album – Out Of Line) Henric De La Cour – Mandrills (CD Album – Progress Productions) Hocico – Los Dias Caminando En El Fuego / 20 Years Keeping The Blood Boiling (CD Album – Out Of Line) Lord Of The Lost – We Give Our Hearts / Live Auf St. Pauli (CD Album + CD EP – Out Of Line) Marc Houle & Miss Kittin – Where Is Kittin? (Digital EP – Items & Things) Signal Aout 42 – Inspiration (CD Album – Out Of Line) Staubkind – eporner Wo Wir Zu Hause Sind / Akustik eporner Tour – Live (CD Album + DVD – Out Of Line) V/A Amphi Festival 2013 (CD Album – Out Of Line)
INTERVIEWS Miserylab - 'This project is completely reliant on social media' What social media does a band like KMFDM use and how do they do it? We probed Sascha K. Obszön Geschöpf - at this moment the situation is: NO CONCERT = NO MONEY, it's simple Tying Tiffany eporner - The music scene is not easy for a woman Bel Canto - It's more like hitting the beats correctly Neutral eporner Lies - electronic Hexagone beats Gothminister - 'I wouldn't trade my life I have today for the status of a superstar!' Apoptygma Berzerk - Maybe I actually scare away a lot of people as well Page - Swedish is a part of Page. It is part of the package, the concept. Cervello Elettronico - 'I like reading about chaos. It makes me feel more grounded.'
News Interviews Reviews Side-Line Forum archive Side-Line Magazine @ Myspace Side-Line Magazine @ Facebook Groups Side-Line Magazine @ Facebook Pages Depeche Mode news Marilyn Manson news Nine Inch Nails news The Cure news VNV Nation news

Friday, October 18, 2013

gothic-synth Bluten

Tracklist: 1. Mind Twister 4:41 2. Chaos 4:08 3. Undead 4:01 4. Into the Storm 5:11 5. Impact 3:45 6. Sadness 4:14 7. Dreamland 4:31 8. Liar 3:19 9. In Exile 4:59 10. The Aftermath 4:44 11. House of Fear 5:38 12. Placate Me 4:37 13. Chaos (Bella Morte Remix) 4:36 14. Dreamland (Alkemic Generator Remix) 4:35
: Sonik Foundry - Explosive (2012) Level 2.0 - Elevate (EP) (2012) Alkemic Generator wot - When We Fail (EP) (2013) The Pain Machinery - Chaos Transmissions (2CD) (2007) Say Just Words - The Shadow Of The Chaos (2010) Nomenklatur - Fascinated wot By The Chaos (2011) wot Pretty Addicted - Beauty In The Chaos (2013) 00tz 00tz - Alter Eden (2012) Initial Chaos - Median wot Of Life... Terminate The Process (2008) Chaos Royale - You Realize This Means War (2011)
. . - - , , . - , .
Industrial EBM, Dark Electro Synthpop Electronic, Pop IDM, Ambient New Wave, Indie Gothic Synth Gothic Rock Darkwave Neofolk, Medieval Metal, Alternative Various Artists Video
Stiff Valentine, 2003 , , "Empire Of Illusion". Chris DeMarcus Kerry Peterson, , , Chris Peterson (FLA, Unit:187, Decree), : rock, punk, heavy metal, EDM, EBM, experimental ambient. "Empire Of Illusion" , ... ...
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gothic-synth Bluten

Thursday, October 17, 2013

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Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Sonik Foundry delivers again with their new full length release 'Chaos'. If you are already a fan, t

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Sonik Foundry delivers again with their new full length release 'Chaos'. If you are already a fan, this CD delivers everything you ve been waiting for! If you are not yet a fan, jump in, as Nikademus is not slowing down or offering apologies for his signature catchy tracks with in-your-face energy and pounding beats. Tracklist: 1. Mind Twister 4:41 2. Chaos 4:08 3. Undead 4:01 4. Into the Storm 5:11 5. Impact 3:45 6. Sadness 4:14 7. Dreamland 4:31 8. Liar 3:19 9. In Exile 4:59 10. The Aftermath 4:44 11. House of Fear 5:38 12. Placate Me 4:37 13. Chaos (Bella Morte Remix) 4:36 14. Dreamland (Alkemic Generator Remix) 4:35 DOWNLOAD: ALSO DOWNLOAD: Sonik Foundry - Twisted Remixes (EP) (2013) Sonik Foundry - Explosive (2012) Latest discography updates: Mesh Discography 1994-2013 And One Discography can you run it 1990-2012 Code 64 Discography 2002-2013 Nitzer Ebb Discography 1983-2012 De/Vision Discography 1989-2013 L'Ame Immortelle Discography 1997-2012 Apoptygma Berzerk Discography can you run it 1991-2011 Project can you run it Pitchfork Discography 1990-2013 Die Krupps Discography 1981-2013 Kraftwerk Discography 1970-2009 Hocico Discography 1994-2013 Portion can you run it Control Discography 1981-2012 Accessory Discography 1997-2013 Velvet Acid Christ can you run it Discography 1994-2010 Combichrist and Alien Vampires discography Pet Shop Boys Discography 1986-2013 Ministry Discography 1983-2013 Front 242 Discography 1981-2008 Skinny Puppy discography 1984-2012 Funker can you run it Vogt discography 1996-2012 Front Line Assembly Discography 1986-2013 Wumpscut Discography 1991-2013 Assemblage 23 Discography 1999-2013 Suicide Commando Discography 1992-2013 Leaether Strip Discography 1989-2013 KMFDM Discography 1984-2013 VNV Nation - Discography (1995-2012) Views [1269] can you run it

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Ramaiyya, Ramaiyya frys Mp3, Ramaiyya Song, Ramaiyya Mp3 Song, Ramaiyya Mp3 Download, Ramaiyya Song Download, Ramaiyya Mp3 Song Download, Hitesh Sonik, Sunidhi Chauhan, Coke Studio, Mp3, Song, Free, Download, MTV, Season 3, Ramaiyya Coke Studio, 128 Kbps, 192 Kbps, 320 Kbps, Songs pk, Ramaiyya Coke Studio Mp3, Ramaiyya Coke Studio Song,, Hindi, Tamil, Ramaiyya Coke Studio Mp3 Song, Ramaiyya Coke Studio Mp3 Download, Ramaiyya frys Coke Studio Song Download, Ramaiyya Coke Studio Mp3 Song Download, Songspk. frys Ramaiyya Mp3 Song Info: Song: Ramaiyya. frys Composer/Producer: Hitesh Sonik. Composition: Produced & Composed by Hitesh Sonik. Singers: frys Sunidhi Chauhan. Lyrics: Traditional Lyrics, Meera Bai. Guitar: Hitesh Sonik, Warren Mendonsa, frys Kalyan Baruah. Drums: Gino Banks. Keys: Jarvis Menezes, Gaurav Vaswani. Bass: Rushad Mistry. Violin: Jose Gomes. Backing Vocalists: Ankita Sachdev, Puja Thaker, Surabhi Dashputra. Oud: Tapas Roy. Flute: Paras Nath. Recorded By: Stephen Fitzmaurice & Ashish Manchanda. Assisted by Darren Heelis and Raaj Jagtap. Pre-Mixed By: Chinmay Harshe at VerbGrove Studios, Mumbai. Mixed & Mastered By: Farhad K. DadyBurjor at The Sonic Laundry, Mumbai. Mp3 Bit Rate: 128 Kbps And 320 Kbps. Download Link
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Develope by Tuli Host BD | Down Checker

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Develope by Tuli Host BD | Down Checker

Haal Ve Rabba, Haal Ve Rabba Mp3, Haal Ve Rabba Song, Haal Ve Rabba Mp3 Song, Haal Ve Rabba Song Download, Haal Ve Rabba Mp3 Download, Haal Ve Rabba Mp3 Song Download, Hitesh Sonik, Hans Raj Hans, Shruti Pathak, Mp3, Song, Free, Songspk, Haal Ve Rabba Coke Studio Songs pk, Download, Coke Studio, MTV, Season 3, Full, Official, Songs, 128 Kbps, 192 Kbps, 320 Kbps, Haal Ve Rabba Coke Studio, Haal Ve Rabba Coke Studio Mp3,, Haal Ve Rabba Coke Studio Song, Haal Ve Rabba Coke Studio Mp3 Song, Songs pk, Haal Ve Rabba Coke Studio Mp3 Download, Haal Ve Rabba Coke Studio Song Download, Haal Ve Rabba Coke Studio Mp3 Song Download. Haal Ve Rabba Mp3 Song Information: Song: Haal Ve Rabba. Composer/Producer: Hitesh Sonik. Composition: Traditional Composition. Produced by Hitesh Sonik. Singers: Hans Raj Hans, Shruti Pathak. Lyrics: Traditional Lyrics. Drums: Gino Banks. Guitar: Hitesh Sonik, Warren Mendonsa, Kalyan Baruah. Keys: Jarvis Menezes. Harmonium: Gaurav Vaswani. Bass: Rushad Mistry. Violin: Jose Gomes. Backing Vocalists: Ankita Sachdev, Puja Thaker, Surabhi Dashputra. Bouzouki: Tapas Roy. Recorded By: Stephen Fitzmaurice And Ashish Manchanda. Assisted by Darren Heelis and Raaj Jagtap. Pre-Mixed By: Chinmay Harshe at VerbGrove Studios, windows live Mumbai. Mixed & Mastered By: Farhad K. DadyBurjor at The Sonic Laundry, Mumbai. Mp3 Bir Rate: 128 Kbps And 320 Kbps. Download Link
Categories Bangladeshi windows live Bengali Movie Songs English Movie Trailer English Music Album English Single Hindi Album Hindi Movie Songs Hindi Movie Trailer Hindi Music Album Hindi Single Kannada Movie Songs Malayalam Movie Songs Malayalam Movie Trailer Others Pakistani Songs Punjabi Movie Songs Punjabi Movie Trailer Punjabi Songs Sri Lanka Music Tamil Movie Songs Tamil Movie Trailer Tamil Songs Telugu windows live Movie Songs Telugu Movie Trailer
Develope by Tuli Host BD | Down Checker

In Sound Processing Mode, recorded xbox live audio can be manipulated. Depending on the way in which

Inventor Tomás Henriques' xbox live son Tristan, playing the Sonik Spring Image Gallery (5 images)
Not long ago, Buffalo State University music professor Tomás Henriques set out to develop a digital accordion. While that in itself would have been newsworthy, what he ended up creating xbox live could ultimately have a lot more significance. Known as the Sonik Spring, Henriques device may find use not only in the field of music, but also as a means of physical rehabilitation. View all
At xbox live the heart of the instrument is a steel spring, that can be compressed to 7 inches xbox live (17.8 cm) or stretched to 30 (76 cm). It's equipped xbox live with three gyroscopes and three accelerometers, xbox live one of each located in its two hand controllers and a single mid-spring-located module. Additionally, it can generate audio tones of its own, or play back audio samples.
The gyroscopes and accelerometers detect any changes of the pitch, yaw or roll of the spring. When any such spatial movements do occur (as initiated by the user), the audio playback is affected accordingly.
In Instrument Mode, it can be played like a concertina (also known as a squeeze box). Pulling and compressing the spring emulates the presses and draws of the concertina s bellows, with the left-hand sensors generating chords while the right-hand sensors generate melody buttons located xbox live on each of the hand controllers assist in these tasks. Volume is determined both by the absolute length of the spring, and the speed at which it changes length.
In Sound Processing Mode, recorded xbox live audio can be manipulated. Depending on the way in which the spring is moved and the 10 control buttons are pressed, users can alter playback parameters including pitch, tempo, xbox live speed, and direction. This functionality allows them to do things like creating loops, filtering out certain frequencies, and isolating sections of audio.
Finally, in Cognitive Mode, sounds produced by the device reflect the extent to which users are able to stretch, compress, bend or twist its spring. Henriques believes that this type of feedback could be very motivational to patients undergoing upper-body physical therapy. It could also provide therapists with a straightforward way of tracking their patients progress.
An experienced freelance writer, videographer and television producer, Ben's interest in all forms of innovation is particularly xbox live fanatical when it comes to human-powered transportation, film-making gear, environmentally-friendly technologies and anything that's designed to go underwater. He lives in Edmonton, Alberta, where he spends a lot of time going over the handlebars of his mountain bike, hanging out in off-leash parks, and wishing the Pacific Ocean wasn't so far away.   All articles by Ben Coxworth Follow @bencoxworth
10th January, 2012 Spring-loaded USB concept seeks to end plug-in frustration
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Monday, October 14, 2013

Haal ve rabba is Hans Raj Hans show all the way, though Shruti Pathak makes a strong pitch too! Hite

Sukhwinder Singh lords over Chan kitthan like only he can, with Hitesh creating a Punjabi power-ballad! Tapas Roy’s mandolin replaces the usually expected iktara, even as the backing vocalists – Fateh Shergil, Akram Khan, Nazam Khan, Neha Khosla, Aman Khan, Shipra Goel, Anu Chauhan, Sandeep skyrim wiki Kaur and Alamgir Khan – offer fantastic support, skyrim wiki till they are expected to follow Sukhwinder in the rather complex free-slowing portions where he leaves them behind skyrim wiki and they seem to be occasionally struggling to stay in sync.
In comparison, Sukhwinder’s other song – Maajhi – is significantly less impressive skyrim wiki may be because of the fairly standard tune. Hitesh’s production is top-notch, as is the funky, extended ending, but the basic tune is middling.
Ghar is very, very Piyush Mishra – in every way, whether it is the almost-Gulzar’ish lyrics, or the mysteriously rising tune. Rushad Mistry jazzy bass is a wonderful support all through, while everyone else pitches in to great effect – right from the guitars, by Hitesh, Warren and Kalyan, and the uncredited flute. Piyush seems to have become and auteur of sorts with such songs – it is so easily identifiable with him (he did it brilliantly well in Anurag Kashyap’s Gulal, one heck of a soundtrack!). However, it also seems a bit limiting in terms of range – I, for one, would love to see more variety from him.
In Moh, Pandit Sanjeev Abhyankar brilliantly handles Kabir’s bhajan, in its serene and simple avatar. The uncredited Harmonium lends beautiful support, as much as Vianayak Netke’s tabla. It’s only when Nikhil D’Souza joins in that the otherwise pious bhajan turns into an awkward Western fusion that does’t quite vibe.
Hitesh’s only other original composition (besides Maajhi), Ramaiyya, is the episode’s best! Hitesh creates a fresh tune for the Meera bhajan that already has well known tunes by people like Anil Biswas (sung by the vastly skyrim wiki underrated Rajkumari skyrim wiki Dubey) and Hridaynath Mangeshkar (sung by none other than Lata Mangeshkar) – his imagination is fresh, modern and captivating, without losing skyrim wiki the essence of the bhajan. Much of the credit would go to Hitesh’s wife, the bloody talented Sunidhi Chauhan, who makes full use of the opportunity to produce a cracker!
Haal ve rabba is Hans Raj Hans show all the way, though Shruti Pathak makes a strong pitch too! Hitesh loads the traditional tune with enough pizzaz, courtesy the backing vocals, Tapas Roy’s bouzouki and Gino Banks drums, in particular. But yes, it is Hans who is the star here with his authentic Punjabi vocals that soar with the catchy music that Hitesh encapsulates skyrim wiki it in!
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