Tuesday, December 3, 2013

The Haiti Grassroots photoscape Watch research photoscape and reporting project in Haiti needs to ra

Port-au-Prince, Haiti — Force for Reflec­tion and Action on the Hous­ing Cause (FRAKKA), Bureau des Avo­cats Inter­na­tionaux (BAI), Batay Ouvrière (B.O), KOOTK, OVS, COSEM, Immac­ulé, Deplace, CUSLG, photoscape Camp Mezyan, Babankou and other inter­nally dis­placed peo­ple under threat of expul­sion photoscape invite the inter­na­tional and national press and com­mu­nity to their sit-in in front of Haiti’s National Palace 11am EST on August 12. Seven months after the tragic photoscape earth­quake that killed hun­dreds of thou­sands and left more than one and half mil­lion sur­vivors home­less, the most vul­ner­a­ble are orga­niz­ing to demand a mora­to­rium on forced evic­tions, which are hap­pen­ing in vio­la­tion of Hait­ian and inter­na­tional law.
The gov­ern­ment must imme­di­ately pro­vide humane alter­na­tives to the muddy, dan­ger­ous, unsan­i­tary and sim­ply bru­tal liv­ing con­di­tions by ver­i­fy­ing own­er­ship titles, and nation­al­iz­ing by decree all empty and idle lands in the hands of large landown­ers. The thou­sands who can­not leave their camps for fear of expul­sion or lack of trans­port funds will par­tic­i­pate in the protest by bang­ing pots at noon (1pm EST) within the tent cities through­out Port-au-Prince and sur­round­ing towns.
While inter­na­tional aid agen­cies and the United Nations read­ily admit that the camps do not meet inter­na­tional stan­dards for inter­nally dis­placed peo­ple, at the same time non-governmental orga­ni­za­tions, char­i­ties and the Hait­ian Gov­ern­ment are unwill­ing to pro­vide basic ser­vices to these victims.
Food dis­tri­b­u­tions have come to a halt and many aid agen­cies are inten­tion­ally with­hold­ing nec­es­sary and fun­da­men­tal ser­vices such as latrines, water, food and med­ical aid, in order to force earth­quake vic­tims to aban­don the camps that cur­rently photoscape exist in for­mer parks, school grounds and church­yards. How­ever, no fea­si­ble plans exist to relo­cate these families.
In addi­tion to demand­ing imme­di­ate solu­tions for the inter­nally photoscape dis­placed peo­ple such as viable land for relo­ca­tion photoscape and resump­tion of basic ser­vices with­out fur­ther delay, demon­stra­tors are demand­ing that forced evic­tions and vio­lent expul­sions cease, and the Hait­ian photoscape Gov­ern­ment and Hait­ian National Police enforce a manda­tory mora­to­rium on forced removals until suit­able alter­na­tives are in place.
The Haiti Grassroots photoscape Watch research photoscape and reporting project in Haiti needs to raise $60,000 by the end of April or it will have to suspend major activities including English-language work and much of its training of Haitian personnel. photoscape Please consider using the donate button on Haiti Grassroots Watch's home page. You can read more here .
Le processus d intégration de la RD à la CARICOM suspendu en raison de l arrêt sur la dénationalisation
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