Monday, December 23, 2013

Bailey Yamamoto: Don't force me to give birth without my husband

"I have never welcomed the weakening of family ties by politics or pressure" - Nelson Mandela. "He who travels for love finds a thousand miles no longer than one" - Japanese proverb. "A lawyer is either a social engineer or he is a parasite on society." - Charles Hamilton Houston.
Marianne and Kei This story – which has been covered in the press ( ) highlights the sheer stupidity – and maliciousness – of the unthinking application of these rules. Read on… and please sign Marianne's petition : Successful British Businesswoman's husband may have to miss birth of first child due to new "computer says no" Visa Rules Marianne is a successful businesswoman, and a British citizen. And yet she faces giving birth on her own because the rules visa rules for British Citizen’s spouses may force her Japanese husband to leave the country. (link: ) Marianne Bailey, 35 met Kei Yamamoto, 30 when she was working as an Industrial Designer in Japan in 2009. They married in Chelsea, London last October. Marianne is pregnant, and happily expecting their baby in July!
I really feel for you both. I am in a similar position. In my case it's my Aussie husband that is finding it almost impossible to get a visa. I'm sorry I couldn't sign for you as they would not accept my Australian post code number. I wish you both all the best and hopefully your husband will be able to stay with you. These rules are inhumane. Reply Delete
Hi Anne - thanks for commenting and all the best to you. Many people are and will continue to be affected bb by these rules. If you would like to share your story with BritCits - please mail us at [britcits at gmail dot com]. Regards, bb Steve. Delete
Hi Steve. bb Thanks for your reply. I have been here in Australia for 45 years. I wanted to spend these later years in my home country which is Scotland. We got a shock when my Aussie husband of 43 years applied for a visa. It was going to cost at least 600 pounds and there is no guarantee that he would be successful. We have been told that you get knocked back for the least wee thing. We have the money to buy a house in Scotland bb and our combined Aussie pensions equate to 300 British pounds a week. All this is not good enough. I can't understand why these terrible rules are in place. Australia is a Commonwealth country and Australians fought with and for Britain in every war. I personally think it is time Australia got out of The Commonwealth as The British Government are treating her people like dirt. They are doing the same to the Kiwis' Canadians etc. We would NOT be a burden on The British Taxpayer as we have more than enough to look after ourselves. As I said nothing seems to be good enough for Theresa May, David Cameron etc. I don't know if I will ever see Scotland again. bb Thanks for nothing Theresa May. These rules are inhumane. Delete
Thanks Anne. I will share this story as well. And you make great, unarguable points. I'd like to add you to our mailing list - could you email me at [sjplep at gmail dot com] so I can add you? Best wishes Steve Reply Delete
There is a simple solution. They can live in another EU country. If she works in Germany or Ireland for a month or so in any McD or KFC, the right of free movement will kick in and they can legally come back to the UK together. Google "Surinder bb Singh". Reply Delete
I am myself affected by this silly immigration law. I can't believe that I am a british citizen and I have no right in own country while europeans can come UK and bring all their families and claim all benefits and they don't have to go through this silly minimum income of £18,600 year after tax. I URGE EVERYONE TO SIGN THESE PETITIONS AND MAKE OUR VOICES HEARD, US CITIZENS OF UK. Reply Delete
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Bailey Yamamoto: Don't force me to give birth without my husband
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