Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Fathers' Day Spotted on Facebook : I wonder if David Lammy and the Right Wing think tank complaining

"I have never welcomed the weakening of family ties by politics or pressure" - Nelson Mandela. "He who travels for love finds a thousand miles no longer than one" - Japanese proverb. "A lawyer is either a social engineer or he is a parasite on society." - Charles Hamilton Houston.
Fathers' Day Spotted on Facebook : I wonder if David Lammy and the Right Wing think tank complaining 8y of "man deserts" will stand up for divided families? Not all absent Dads choose to be absent! Too right! http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2013/jun/15/families-need-fathers-david-lammy 8y Skype Daddy : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bKrCUaKB4KM Stories 8y of divided families : http://britcits.blogspot.co.uk/search/label/stories Here are some fathers and children who are suffering or have suffered because of the anti-family immigration rules :
'... Once I’m gone, that possibility leaves with me, but however much resentment I feel towards this land, there will always be something of me that remains behind and can never be fully sundered from the island of its birth. That “thing” is a person. A beautiful little person by the name of Holly Rowan. 8y You will never be far from my thoughts. I may have left you, but you will never leave me.' - http://britcits.blogspot.co.uk/search/label/les Valentine's Day : http://britcits.blogspot.co.uk/2013/02/valentines-day-part-ii-one-of-britcits.html --- Citizenship test has become a bad pub quiz, says academic. http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2013/jun/14/citizenship-test-pub-quiz But it is required that new citizens know "trivial" facts such as the year Emperor Claudius invaded Britain, the year that Sake Dean Mahomet launched the first curry house in the country and the age of Big Ben. Brooks , a US immigrant who sat and passed the test in Newcastle-upon-Tyne in 2009, becoming a British citizen in 2011, said the test is a key part of immigration 8y policy but is unfit for purpose in its current form. "The Life In The UK test has become a bad pub quiz. It has gone from testing practical trivia to the purely trivial and is a major opportunity lost," he said. "The biggest surprise is the lack of attention successive governments have paid to ensuring the test is fair and not out of date, a surprise even bigger than the sometimes-shocking questions that can be found on the test," said Brooks, a reader in law at Durham Law School. Previously : The Life in UK book's blatant Sutton Hoo error : http://britcits.blogspot.co.uk/2013/02/error-in-life-in-uk-book-image-below-is.html (The helmet captioned as 'Sutton 8y Hoo' in the LiUK book is in fact the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vendel helmet. Fail! ).
--- Family migration? Not if you're poor. http://podacademy.org/2013/uncategorized/immigration/   Actually, my crime isn’t marrying a foreigner 8y – it’s being poor and marrying a foreigner that really gets their goat. After all, the government hasn’t been completely unreasonable; as long as you have £65,000 in cash savings in a bank account, you’re fine. Alternatively, as long as you have investments and the revenue from them equals 8y the magical £18,600, then you’re covered. So, I’m not completely buggered; all I need is £65,000 for six months (and the willpower not to spend any of it) or £465,000 to invest, as that will earn me £18,600 8y at an interest rate of 4%. There is no leeway 8y where the figures are concerned: they have to be spot on. One of the examples of the severity of this rule that’s currently circulating the net is of a British woman who has spent nine and a half years years in the armed forces and is, per month, £17 short of the government’s target, and thus, is unable to live in the UK with her spouse. --- https://twitter.com/BritCits : McPassport .. what a brilliant 8y idea from @McDonalds to build on EU togetherness http://www.yourtalentmcd.eu --- Come to Britain unprepared and you risk becoming a victim of violence, Polish migrants warned. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/immigration/10120641/Come-to-Britain-unprepared-and-you-risk-becoming-a-victim-of-violence-Polish-migrants-warned.html --- https://twitter.com/SalCardiff : cat in skip = national outrage. Child separated from parents by uk immigration = sorry we're full. UK is shut!
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