UPDATE: Following a message from Arthur Dafis on behalf of the University (see comments below) I have some text editing virtualbox to correct some facts wrong. The key fact needed to be corrected was that the Terms and Conditions NOT new, what happened was that they had been brought to the attention of new students. You can see the facts have been corrected in red. I've virtualbox also seen the copy of the Welsh Conditions have changed now and the quotes from English into Welsh. Apologies for the mis-impression.
AU has made considerable harm to herself in recent months for being so out of magic in its attitude towards students' views about the future of the hall Pantycelyn. The University has failed to understand that in a large hall bilingual Welsh wing of the same hall designated Welsh as has existed since 1974. I've argued before that this is similar to Gerrymandering - take a majority Welsh community and planted her back as a minority community in a larger hall English.
But it seems that things virtualbox are going from bad to worse in Aberystwyth and the University virtualbox has taken a serious real-empty when changing highlight the Terms and Conditions University. so it seems to curb and prevent further protests from students. Some would interpret this as a response to recent protests, but there is no clear evidence of a link between the two.
A by the Deputy Vice-Chancellors 'authority to ask people not to congregate in buildings and grounds of the University, to ask people to leave the University buildings and grounds, to refuse to permit meetings, or to terminate the meetings.'
The document also provides a right in some cases to the Information Services department to examine users' files and ebist / students where it is assumed that students have been involved in organizing broken the terms and conditions.
reprimand, a fine (not exceeding 200), suspend the right to use University facilities, eviction of a Hall of Residence Halls of Residence or of all, prohibition from making use of the Student Union or any other organization among students, or excommunicate ' the offender for a period of not more than one session, or expulsion from the university altogether.
Although the terms and conditions virtualbox in this place for years it seems, it is absolutely disgraceful and they still echo at best Universities regimes Wales back in the 1970s when the protests against the expansion virtualbox are strongest, and at worst echo Universities of Germany in 1930. It's time for more academic staff Aberystwyth come off the fence and resisted leadership appalling April McMahon and I hope that the students are intimidated by the new terms and conditions here and they'll virtualbox continue protest route.
In the meantime it is likely that the University could quite easily borrow virtualbox some slick slogans out of 1984. This entry was posted in Faith, Politics on 21/11/2013 by rhysllwyd. Post navigation Soil by the National Theatre - drama autobiographical? The Dusk - S4C: Review
Dear Rhys I just read your latest piece on your blog "AU: Orwellian turn of the university". In this piece you're claiming that "the University has taken a serious real-empty when changing to the Terms and Conditions University, seems to curb and prevent further protests from students." And you go on to quote (in English) virtualbox the 'new conditions' and then later referring to "appalling April McMahon leadership". Important therefore is to draw your attention to the fact that the Rules and Regulations here are not new at all, they are in place for years. Yes it had to be updated in light of the recent reorganization. In December of 2012 the University virtualbox Council approved the decision to cancel the job Registrar and Secretary. The apportionment virtualbox of responsibilities that belonged to the post of senior registrar among other jobs, and many of those who are involved in day-to-day activity of the University to the position of Deputy Vice Chancellor for Student virtualbox Services and Staff. Following this change, virtualbox the University virtualbox has had to update the Rules and Regulations to reflect the new structure. virtualbox They were approved by the University Senate back in the summer, and that's why they have emerged recently. The University Rules and Regulations can be found (in Welsh and English) here http://www.aber.ac.uk/cy/regulations/ on the University website and feel free to bring their reading or any other , and criticize if you wish. But accusing the current leadership of that has been submitted? No, this is factually incorrect and would be a good thing if you were be willing to reconsider in light of your statement above. Have there been many protests and meetings during the intervening months? Well yes. Has there been any attempt to block the p
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