Firstly, I would like to express my great sorrow for the death of Constantine and John Sgouros pieces and my condolences to their families and their people, and to apologize for my reckless behavior that caused avg such a tragic result, which unfortunately can no longer be remedied and will accompany me throughout my life. Despite what has been written and said about the case from the media, especially because of what followed the incident, I am neither a murderer nor ruthless villain, but a shocked, scared, immature and brainless young 18 year old, who was found in front of unprecedented for this situation neither predicted nor could manage.
I declare that I deny the charges, as he attributed, not because I'm supposedly a hard and unrepentant criminal, after I repented sincerely deplore what happened avg and ashamed for the test, which I submit to the families of the victims and my family .
The Innocence me is that I did not shoot any of the deceased, avg nor I ever in my co-defendant to shoot the deceased avg or codecision with him in advance to kill the deceased, avg nor consent to do so, neither wanted nor predicted that these would be killed, nor had any interest or benefit from their death, to seek or to accept.
In any case, the quondam honest my life does not justify the assumption that alleged decided overnight, at age 18, just finished avg high school, to participate in the death of two people, and my attitude towards my peers and my biggest was always perfect, but I have never created any trouble avg and fuss either at school or at home or on the premises of my extracurricular activities, being a wise child, socialized, smoothly integrated, accepted and loved.
My own errors, for which fetch responsibility, and must be equitable, with proper legal characterization will then expose this, after briefly cite some evidence for my personality. I live with my parents and my little brother will go to fourth grade, in Cabo in Abia storey house belonging half to my father and half brother and my uncle.
My father, like my uncle, a farmer, having owned about 35 acres of olives produce about 2 tonnes per year and a shop - supermarket on the ground floor of our house, which rents, while summers deals with building work (masonry, plumbing, etc.).
This summer was dealing with my uncle with the restoration of a stone house in Verga and help him too, after they had finished the exam. My mother is a maker and worked at the Hospital of Kalamata. I completed the 6-seat Municipal School Campos Abia, Abia Campos High School and 1st Lyceum of Kalamata kosmiotati conduct. In junior high and high school received good marks because of my scholarship 1000 per quarter from Alexandrakeio Endowment Kalamata.
Participated in national avg exams this year towards IT and services (technology II) and tested avg in events, in order to introduce me to either Physical Education or the school Constables or TEI accounting or business administration avg in Kalamata and if my grades did not allow me introducing me to some of these schools, I want to give exam for the second time next year.
I know English (Certificate of Proficiency in English from the University of Michigan) and German (Staatszertifikat über Sprachkenntnisse). I am a social person and dear to my clients, participating in all the events of my school, like at sporting events, parades and commemorative events for the release of Kalamata, with varied interests, including traditional dances, swimming, football , handball, but the kick-boxing in the Byzantine Collection Kalamata from a very early age, while the 3/10/2013 married my cousin ... Dimitra P..
With my co-defendants ... Nick M. - ... L.. We know from the first high school because he went to school and kick-boxing Association of Byzantine Kalamata, and we became friends because of common interests. The stone house even said that restores my father in Verga, is work commissioned avg by his father Nick, who is an engineer.
Constantine Sgouros met him about a year ago in the gym ......... on the road ... .. Kalamata, a trainer that prepares young people for body building competitions and even I had heard from my friends that sells anabolic f
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