"I had taken a taxi recently in Paris," he says, "and my taxi driver says" Mrs. Ahrweiler, we must help the Spaniards because they are working, do what you need, not like Greeks. "
"Hold on" the cut. "I forgot, you are Greek, but it does not matter really say" tell me. " "The Greeks telekom at the moment go with whoever gives you money," adds the eminent scholar of Greek attitude to the problems of the country.
"It is ugly, but this is the truth. I remember one day I was traveling with the Delors and says "tell me a few things about Greece." "It's a country where you're not human, you package the Delors package" I replied.
Europe is not just giving money. Europe has obligations and we have obligations towards it. If you ask a Greek what obligations we have towards Europe, no one will answer you. "
"You think the Greeks have suffered subsidence. telekom There is no vision. Memorandum Memorandum-no. The memorandum is vision? What will you tell the children? No memorandum well, but after? Well, that scares me more than all. That the Greeks lost the ability-not of hope, which have placed the xenous- but the vision, "said Mr.. Arveler to current realities, telekom filling:
"Once I said something and I was angry the whole world. I spent the tsarouhia to Tod's. It is one cue but if the analysis is true. From scenes of possession we get to "get a loan", "get a car", "take a second and third."
"I think it's the emfyliaki crisis. There papsame never be a civil war. There papsame never have this division, "he said giving her own interpretation of the suffering that persecute us.
And speaking telekom of suffering, Mrs. Arveler on Golden Dawn said: "The" Golden Dawn "rampant, like Hamas in Palestine. You're a great woman, you go get your five nickels and awaits the hungry immigrant to get you to in getting the boy of the Golden Dawn, to go below, so you say to her grandson, daughter, son. There came to yours to go and went to the "Golden Dawn". Whenever we vote "Golden Dawn", because they will go in our place, instead we get the grandmother telekom to take them.
There is national character the "Golden Dawn", because if you had had another attitude to immigration movement. And this is the only thing that scares Europeans. They do not scare the financial crisis, also pass all the economic crisis, telekom but the "Golden Dawn" will not go to Europe. Greece has become the be a model for international racism. If you ask what is the most racist telekom country in Europe, will tell you immediately Greece. But Europeans are wrong because Greece is the only place open. It's all over. However, if you see the universality of the good version, there is no longer a stranger ... The Europeans, even SYRIZA get out, laughing. But with the "Golden Dawn" telekom did not laugh at all, "he said. Finally, the dean of the University of Sorbonne reported sadness for the "black" ERT: "With the French journalists asked" what happened "and said" there is no national airline, no national TV, uh, left the national anthem "'.
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