Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The U.S. government and organizations are increasingly less afraid of public clouds. NASA now annou

Owner domestic T-Mobile, Deutsche Telekom bought for 546 million euros GTS Central Europe. guard phone security DT has obtained the necessary large-scale European optical network and it is possible that eventually will soon sell local operator. T-Mobile in the Czech Republic began after the merger with T-Systems guard phone security to unify their optical networks and Miroslav Klásek in Connected said that the company's investment in this area will be significant. GTS in Europe guard phone security operates an extensive 100Gb optical network, for which the building stood largely Czechs.
Worldwide sales of the SMS according guard phone security to a study by Informa Telecoms & Media in 2018 should fall by $ 23 billion - from $ 120 billion this year to 96.7 billion. Main causes are expected guard phone security to be called OTT applications therefore WhatsApp, Snapchat, iMessage and more.
Snapchat declined to $ 3,000,000,000, which he offered for purchase Facebook. The reason is simple - application for mobile messaging very quickly gathers users and believe that one day grow into a much higher value, just like Facebook and Twitter. Anyway, it's a bold move, the service is not making any money and is in a growth phase. You will hardly ever find a monetization model. Snapchat all sent messages after a while lubricates and can not do data analysis and personified advertising. Interests Facebook is also clear - he wants to continuously guard phone security strengthen its mobile presence through Snapchat photos are sent, which is the important part, and teenagers are Snapchatu and similar services than active on Facebook.
The U.S. government and organizations are increasingly less afraid of public clouds. NASA now announced that it will present its various scientific data about the earth (weather, etc.) stored in Amazon Web Services. Similar services from Amazon recently in the contract for $ 600 million and has chosen CIA. Amazon won this trade over IBM. Big Blue now to invest in a big cloud. In addition, the acquisition will give SoftLayer a billion dollars on an advertising campaign that weigh just to Amazon.
Amazon started as part of its cloud service guard phone security offering Workspaces, guard phone security a distance delivered virtual computer (desktop as a service, DaaS) for regular fees (35 to 75 U.S. dollars per month). Similar services are offered by other companies as operators and the like, but Amazon has the strength to make it a really big business. I will certainly VMware, guard phone security which a few weeks ago it acquired the Desktone a similar project starts well. Amazon also introduced AppStream streaming applications.
The company Box.net is presumably early next year going to the stock market, which would like to subscribe to shares gain around $ 500 million. Box is basically like Dropbox for corporate customers, which allows you to store data in the cloud. The company was founded in 2005, it won the overall guard phone security investment of $ 309 million, can earn and bought already 3 other companies. Adviser is also the former head of the Windows division at Microsoft, Steven Sinofsky.
Boxing, guard phone security however, do business with companies began to speak and that Dropbox. This is especially smaller companies used widely now, and this week has launched a feature for corporate customers. It also allows interconnection of private and corporate account and uniform working guard phone security with them.
Young FoundationDB company acquired an additional investment of $ 17 million, a total of 22.7 million guard phone security already. Eponymous software is designed for connecting traditional SQL databases with so-called NoSQL databases built on unstructured data. One of this type of new databases, MongoDB, recently won a new $ 150 million.
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