Anyone who have a desire to leave a better chess room would like to explore a variety of articles on chess. However, most of this article, picture all the movements of the chess pieces are not marked by a text format microsoft office called "Kibo". That's why you want to understand the movements of the situation described in an article by the end of the chessboard to know how to view the notation. The first may be called the gateway to learning to play chess (...) In this article, we will describe the most commonly microsoft office used notation, 'Algebraic notation'. ... Saying the other notation, I will be if he found out about it I've microsoft office never done before, only the written text in a different notation so far -_-. First, the 64-point representation of a chessboard with two characters.
The vertical bar on the far left in the back position (called File file) from the sequence a, b, c ... ranks of the word h. And the bottom horizontal line (called the rank rank) Starting order 1, 2, 3 ... 8 ranks as the number. And (referred to as square square) microsoft office of each point of the vertical microsoft office letters and numbers of the bars, you'll represented microsoft office by two characters. For example, the point indicated by the arrow of g is called the file and rank 5 meeting, the picture is g5 square (make sure to write the alphabet first, then writes a horizontal stripe number). The white and black vertical lines h file leftmost position, horizontal bottom of this doegetjiyo 8 ranks. And the figure above, like a chess board (called this diagram diagram) painted over most of the painting back is no special explanation In the following, the above is black. So do not sign sseojyeo next edition as shown above left, even if you think a file, one rank below. And each of the vessels is expressed in English stands. King King, K, Queen Queen is Q, look Rook is denoted by R, Bishop Bishop of B, Knight kNight is N (K a Cause overlap with the King). Phones? Phone will not use the abbreviation. Let me explain it again later. Represents the movement of the horse a combination of these. E.g.
Let's go together and that night. That point is the fifth vertical bar on the left (e file), sixth horizontal line below (rank 6) The meeting point, microsoft office which is the e6. If you go here Knight, Knight (N) is said to mean that writes go to the e6 Ne6. That writing is weak and goes along the horse to move. But Sometimes, you may have to go to the same two words at one point.
Let's look to the right, go to e3 that in such a situation. Just write this as Re3, this is what is left of the Kibo people microsoft office went to look e3, e3 went right look're not going to know is this shit? In this case, the move makes sense that was written as a vertical line. In the above case, the right look, that look, move that blows Rfe3 who the f file, will give the horse stands next to. If a horse placed microsoft office in the same vertical microsoft office line will give written a number of horizontal lines. The example look at the d7 and d3, d7 look of a move to d5 writes that if R7d5. And if you're moving while holding the vessels helps put the sign of 'x'. For example, the Queen has taken the words of a relative who was there to go to h6 if you'll write as Qxh6. What words do not go japatneun. If the phone is to draw a little confusing (haengmabeop also complex notation for writing complex law -_-). If the phone is moved, do not use the word abbreviation. microsoft office For example, if the phone is moved to c5 c5 is not just writing to write just said that Pc5. If there is only a symbol that represents character representing duffle microsoft office point without saying you think the phone is moving. And if the phone has caught the end of the party, microsoft office for example, if this were the d4 pawn on e5 catch the horse was not just write that xe5 ... (...) before using the phone was originally written vertical sign that dxe5 (Please note, you may sometimes omit the x and write that de5). If e7 pawn caught in En passant I d5 pawn to advance to e5, dxe5 ... but will write to dxe6. Will write the point-to-point phone is moving. (FYI, I got into it jugido En passant, it is marked microsoft office as a means ep back. Do not be welcome to.) And the lower edge pawn promotion, for example, to d7 d8 if the phone is moving forward with the queen, d8 = writes that Q. Geotyijiyo phone was a symbolic move to d8 writing stands behind the promotion of the vessels =. (If you omit the equal sign as d8Q deogunyo also), and when the Castling, King Side Castling (short castling) is OO, Queen Side Castling (long castling) writes in OOO. (Note that this is something microsoft office a little hazy, guidelines of the International Chess Federation (FIDE), the I Write the numbers 0, I saw only written in capital letters microsoft office O 0 so far I've written a nail gun. Write that on a computer file, PGN file notation O Since seem to spend most O. I O is of course microsoft office before writing this article, I thought, he left this story is written on Wikipedia.) And if a check written on the + sign. For example, if Quinn writes a check to move to g7 as Qg7 +. And when the CheckMate Write a # sign. If the look is a mate is to write a check, move to h8 Rh8 #. And when the game is over at the end of Kibo 1-0, 0-1, January 2 to January 2 Write the like. Front of the bag and the back black. The 1-0 win means the bag, black won, 0-1, January 2 to January 2 will begin. And it may sometimes labeled the notation exclamation point or a question mark behind. microsoft office This is an evaluation of a game analyst for the number. ! Is a good number, is jonaen good!? May be bad, be bad ?? is the mean jonaen (blunder). And !? is an interesting number, ?! means you have to be suspicious. Have these things, the actual notation is written as follows: 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 a6
Write the number of alternating white and black, and can be attached to each number. And if the comments of the analyst with the way notation, and in some cases are finished writing comments then. This time was put in front of Kibo ... back if not already written before having black numbers resulted, it indicates that the white and black ordination. 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 sswalra sswalra 2 ... Nc6 same way. So the whole game and saw a notation edition record, microsoft office check the doesineunji understood notation. 1. e4 d5 2. exd5 Qxd5 3. Nc3 Qe5 + 4. Be2 Nc6 5. Nf3 Qe6 6. OO g6 7. Re1 Bg7 8. Bb5 Qf5 9. Bxc6 + bxc6 10. d4 e6 11. Ne4 Bb7 12. Nc5 Rb8 13. c3 Nf6 14. Qb3 Ng4 15. Nxb7 Kd7 16. Nc5 + Kd6 17. Qa3 Qc2 18. Rf1 Kd5 19. Na6 Rb7 20. Qc5 + Ke4 21. Qxc6 + Kd3? 22. Ne1 +! Ke2 23. Qf3 # 1-0
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