Saturday, November 15, 2014

15 January 1989 death of my father from cancer. A few months later the Berlin Wall falls. minecraft

Remember how it was here just a few days ago? Right. 20 degrees and summer though we were only at the end of April. I walk along the dirt road with the dogs at sunset. There is no wind. Ditch full of anemones. You just have to bend a little, a little down to pick them. Spring 2014 is definitely minecraft skins within reach. How easily picked any time. And full of anticipation of what is to come. For this to go along just sun-heated roads in the spring is something very, very special.
I remember when I walked along the road from our summer cottage on Hammaro outside Karlstad spring of 1973. I was eight years old and my mother 34. She held my hand when it got cars on the road. It was late Friday afternoon. Spring and anticipation in the air. Superlight Picked anemones in the shoulder. 20 degrees and summer 1973. A moment ago solar road in the spring. Me and mom goes on the road to meet the father who has just taken a vacation from private dental work inside the Örebro and is at (our) way towards me, mom and cottage.
And after about three kilometers, we finally view on it. That little blue beetle. For this was before dad bought minecraft skins the orange Ford Granadan with registration JJG112. This was long, long before that. In the old days, maybe you could call it if you were even the least imaginative.
Mom waved cheerfully as she catches sight of the car. Dad waving back. And I guess I waved to my father, too, although I do not remember that I did it. But it does not matter so much, because the important thing is that I remember that road, wood anemones and spring of 1973. Because it was a wonderful spring. minecraft skins I had been a very, very unhappy man if I had not been able to remember it and think back on it.
For it brings so much joy. I have had the privilege to grow up in a home with two parents minecraft skins who really had found each other. I never heard a harsh word between them. I have not even heard them raise their voices at each other. My dad never called mom bitch. He spoke of her as the little old woman. During all of the approximately 25 wonderful years they had together.
15 January 1989 death of my father from cancer. A few months later the Berlin Wall falls. minecraft skins The only thing that was reasonably good 1989, as well. Otherwise, it was mostly crap 1989. I remember during the whole 1989 is often thought back to that little blue beetle that came driving towards the summer house in spring 1973. For that was how I wanted to remember my dad. Healthy, strong, excited, in love with mom, holiday fatness. Yes, you understand. Anemones, dry our dried grass that crunches underfoot while without really like to step on it. Just because you can not do without stepping right there as it vårknastrar who most and best.
You do not see them in the picture, but the wood anemones are there, they are just a little more difficult to pick than that of spring 1973. The mother sits on a balcony and have not taken out on the road yet. Although it is ours.
Mom is excited when she leaves. It's almost, almost summer 2014. Much like when it was almost, almost summer 1973. Easy Picked anemones in the shoulder. Sun-dried grass that crackles when you step on it. But mom does not have time to pick anemones or step on sun-dried grass in the spring twilight, for far, far away, she sees it. Whoever she has longed for since January 15, 1989. A small blue beetle.

As finely written! You are a true artist with the pen, and I shudder when I läser.Det is nearly 2 years since my mother left the earth life and missing is great.
Friday, May 2 17:51
So beautifully written, Gudrun! Love is beautiful. But hard to see when the grief is stunningly each day. One hopes that the fine, it will be made up and that missing so småni

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