Unusual patch for django - master / slave racist - Wykop.pl
Continuation of the second pull requeście added prymitive from github.com
@ Cacum3: No paranoia here (I think) explanation (copied from comment): Guys, just ignore this. These are bots who do this automatically getjar box for projects, Which have been circling around on Github lately. There are also ones about feminism, etc. The Linux kernel also had a PR like this a few months ago with a massive amount of responses on it. Do not feed the trolls, and just continue getjar to use the master and slave.
@ Padobar master is always the main branch of the project, from the master then creates the final versions, which then goes to the branch release. But anyway - throwing the master must accept someone with a project that has such power. There would be nothing to talk about if it hung as a proposal.
@ MattePRL: not always in the trunk svnie;)
@ Valenki: change to homolist / heterolist ... Oh wait
If anyone says that the master / slave is racist it yourself is a good racist, who's probably on your mind you (white) and slave (black). Nobody normal would have thought that these terms can be racist.
@ X1mrdonut1x: Very simplifying - the database can operate in the so-called "master / slave", which means that one database (master) has more copies (slaves). This nomenclature getjar has been operating since the dawn of multiple systems. Now, someone came up with the fact that his associate those names wrong, so Django project changes all "master" and "slave" to "leader" and "follower". TL, DR political correctness FTW
@ Entropa: No, come on. While the repo data allows it, so anyone can be a clone and there dispose of their own commits. Then the person can open the so-called pull request, getjar or in simple request for upload changes from some of its branches getjar to the branch code in the actual project repo. Then the person with powers of these changes can either accept or reject. Django author liked the idea ... // edit: Maybe the author is too much to say, to some developer. getjar I do not know who exactly is django and is responsible for what "alex", which is zmegował.
Tleilaxianin 4 months. Ago 10
@ Assailant: nigger is not a black man?
@ Julbo: excavated meme comes from judging movies. I used to think he did the trend of comparing movies to Django and instead of / 10 evaluated / Diango. Check this out tag # Diango on the microblog, may be something you will.
@ Julbo: when it comes to Django framework - it is so called after the guitarist Jean "Django" Reinhardt. Maybe not quite 'on' - he has done this by identifying broader nickname. A 'django', ie 'woke up'; Yes, this Romanian guitarist,) one of the most favorite nation for excavation.
I do not know if as a Catholic I should not then request a change of nomenclature of Linux processes in the background deamons .. And when it comes to the kill command and killall it .. show spoiler I submit it to the prosecutor
Here are the strangest is not change itself, but the dozens of comments defending her. First I thought it was impossible, some trolling with fake accounts, but no, these people have long been active accounts. And the funny thing is that virtually everyone who thank for the new, politically correct terminology is, of course whites getjar who are happy to fight for the rights of oppressed minorities. And what she had to say first black person to be declared? eliziario: What about some real problems? Other than me, I was not able to find others avatars That depict people from African ancestry on this thread. THIS is a real problem. Primarily this discussion conduce to white people sounds patronizing and condescending definitely to me as a black. Want to help correct injustices? Good! Hire more black people instead getjar of trying to be our nannies. Anyway, so far, when I heard in the computer context of master / slave, I never thought of black slaves. And now, after this action I am afraid that this will be my first thought.
Damn, I recently wrote a couple of tools to support heterogeneous collection getjar and przedrostkowałem them by "straight" (heterogeneous). Now I'll have to write a similar tool for the collection of homogeneous, not to go homophobe: - /
Drona recorded kopulującego member of an Islamic state with a donkey 839
Tag cloud hardware humor internet technology entertainment programming science software getjar art business interest economics economy europe film heheszki culture history getjar Moto medicine money music pilkanozna getjar Polish politics getjar russia ukraine usa sports getjar world war events trench interest in health
Continuation of the second pull requeście added prymitive from github.com
@ Cacum3: No paranoia here (I think) explanation (copied from comment): Guys, just ignore this. These are bots who do this automatically getjar box for projects, Which have been circling around on Github lately. There are also ones about feminism, etc. The Linux kernel also had a PR like this a few months ago with a massive amount of responses on it. Do not feed the trolls, and just continue getjar to use the master and slave.
@ Padobar master is always the main branch of the project, from the master then creates the final versions, which then goes to the branch release. But anyway - throwing the master must accept someone with a project that has such power. There would be nothing to talk about if it hung as a proposal.
@ MattePRL: not always in the trunk svnie;)
@ Valenki: change to homolist / heterolist ... Oh wait
If anyone says that the master / slave is racist it yourself is a good racist, who's probably on your mind you (white) and slave (black). Nobody normal would have thought that these terms can be racist.
@ X1mrdonut1x: Very simplifying - the database can operate in the so-called "master / slave", which means that one database (master) has more copies (slaves). This nomenclature getjar has been operating since the dawn of multiple systems. Now, someone came up with the fact that his associate those names wrong, so Django project changes all "master" and "slave" to "leader" and "follower". TL, DR political correctness FTW
@ Entropa: No, come on. While the repo data allows it, so anyone can be a clone and there dispose of their own commits. Then the person can open the so-called pull request, getjar or in simple request for upload changes from some of its branches getjar to the branch code in the actual project repo. Then the person with powers of these changes can either accept or reject. Django author liked the idea ... // edit: Maybe the author is too much to say, to some developer. getjar I do not know who exactly is django and is responsible for what "alex", which is zmegował.
Tleilaxianin 4 months. Ago 10
@ Assailant: nigger is not a black man?
@ Julbo: excavated meme comes from judging movies. I used to think he did the trend of comparing movies to Django and instead of / 10 evaluated / Diango. Check this out tag # Diango on the microblog, may be something you will.
@ Julbo: when it comes to Django framework - it is so called after the guitarist Jean "Django" Reinhardt. Maybe not quite 'on' - he has done this by identifying broader nickname. A 'django', ie 'woke up'; Yes, this Romanian guitarist,) one of the most favorite nation for excavation.
I do not know if as a Catholic I should not then request a change of nomenclature of Linux processes in the background deamons .. And when it comes to the kill command and killall it .. show spoiler I submit it to the prosecutor
Here are the strangest is not change itself, but the dozens of comments defending her. First I thought it was impossible, some trolling with fake accounts, but no, these people have long been active accounts. And the funny thing is that virtually everyone who thank for the new, politically correct terminology is, of course whites getjar who are happy to fight for the rights of oppressed minorities. And what she had to say first black person to be declared? eliziario: What about some real problems? Other than me, I was not able to find others avatars That depict people from African ancestry on this thread. THIS is a real problem. Primarily this discussion conduce to white people sounds patronizing and condescending definitely to me as a black. Want to help correct injustices? Good! Hire more black people instead getjar of trying to be our nannies. Anyway, so far, when I heard in the computer context of master / slave, I never thought of black slaves. And now, after this action I am afraid that this will be my first thought.
Damn, I recently wrote a couple of tools to support heterogeneous collection getjar and przedrostkowałem them by "straight" (heterogeneous). Now I'll have to write a similar tool for the collection of homogeneous, not to go homophobe: - /
Drona recorded kopulującego member of an Islamic state with a donkey 839
Tag cloud hardware humor internet technology entertainment programming science software getjar art business interest economics economy europe film heheszki culture history getjar Moto medicine money music pilkanozna getjar Polish politics getjar russia ukraine usa sports getjar world war events trench interest in health
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