Tuesday, July 15, 2014

The whole company is in the (financial) problems. These occur not only at Crytek UK. These are just

Source: IGN Earlier we already knew to mention that Crytek is in a financial slump, but now it seems to actually escalate the problem. Because of the financial problems at the headquarters of Crytek Crytek UK employees would not show up for work. This means that the production of Crytek UK's newest project, Homefront: The Revolution, currently still comes to rest. The news came from insider sources Kotaku. Reportedly Crytek would have long unable to pay, so if at least one hundred employees resigned. All her staff off Another part of the employees is currently just improves startlap not show up in the office or wait patiently until situation. Several employees of Crytek UK hope that the entire development studio is bought by Deep Silver. The growing startlap publisher has the capital to produce Homefront: to finance and loyal staff in Nottingham to provide back pay The Revolution. None of the parties has so far issued an official response regarding the purchase or sale of the British studio.
The next or previous news: 15:26 Up2Date: PlayStation Network - Dead Space 3 (free), startlap Tower Fall (free), Killzone 12:04 Lunchtip GN: The biggest Mario Kart ever unlucky
More news about Homefront: The Revolution: 06/20/14 New preview: Homefront: startlap The Revolution 06/11/14 New gameplay: Homefront: The Revolution E3 2014 Gameplay 06/02/14 New trailer: Homefront: The Revolution Announcement Trailer 06/02/14 Homefront: The Revolution officially announced for PlayStation 4, Xbox and PC One 06/02/14 Boxart of Crytek's Homefront: The Revolution appears early online
Find it unfortunate, Homefront was one of the games that I have looked forward to. Hopefully fixed Crytek that financial problems (looking at you, Wargaming), it would be unfortunate if Homefront would be. Completely stopped
Crytek has 8 studios, has its headquarters in Germany, Frankfurt. This news message is ONLY about Crytek startlap Crytek UK and not in its entirety. Crytek UK is a department within Crytek! startlap These are all the studios within Crytek Crytek Black Sea Crytek Crytek Budapest Istanbul Crytek Crytek Shanghai South Korea Crytek Crytek startlap UK USA Ukraine Crytek Crytek startlap UK was responsible for Crysis 2 Multiplayer Crysis 3, TimeSplitters and Haze. This news just about Crytek UK, one of the eight studios. In 2008/2009 Free Radical Design had (known Haze and TimeSplitters) financial problems in 2009, Crytek confesses had made about buying it. Developer They then turned to Free Radical Design Crytek UK. They have 50 million invested in Crytek UK, now five years later they are back in trouble. This will be no financial problems, but Sister poor management.
CN "Sickness" 3239 posts
The whole company is in the (financial) problems. These occur not only at Crytek UK. These are just rumors, reports on financial issues only come from England and Bulgaria. Rest of the studios and headquarters are still rumors, so nothing is for sure!
Frankfurt also. Anyway, if we have to wait for official confirmation, the exodus from Crytek UK is also a rumor. The management goes against everything. It is the (former) employees who bring the news out.
Had they the Far Cry license startlap but not to sell to Ubisoft. whether the levels in crysis make less open! and switch to free to play games was a big mistake!

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