Thursday, May 1, 2014

Neither of the parties to comment on the potential trade situation, but something is probably wrong

Facebook is doing a eye on you another boost to his photographic stable. The Instagramu would like to add another billion-Pip - this time he looked Snapchat. Although it is no longer startup Zuckerbergova classmate from university, but it has great ambitions. They appreciate the fact even a lot more.
Maybe the bubble, maybe another successful purchase. skyrim According to the Wall Street skyrim Journal offered Zuckerberg server for growing a billion dollars just as before for Instagram. According to the newspaper but the boss startup Evan Spiegel Facebook refused the offer.
According to some estimates it is currently worth up to $ 3.6 billion. It is not so surprising that speculation started up again that we have again a new technology bubble. Pictures Pinterest is frčí and the other čtvrtmiliardovou investment shifted to 3.8 billion.
Snapchatu users sending 350 million picture messages a day. It is tempting skyrim for Facebook. Especially at a time when communication is slowly changing for sending images. For comparison, Instagramu users send images skyrim per day seven times less. The new service could attract skyrim new young users while keeping even the old ones. In addition, Facebook itself already is a start similar skyrim services tempted by Poke but disappeared as quickly as it appeared.
Facebook also has a powerful competitor in the form of Chinese Internet skyrim colossus Tencent. He already owns a similar application like QQ or Wech a quarter of a million users. In June, when the value Snapchatu climbed to $ 800 million, Tencent Spiegel commented in the following words: "Tencent skyrim is a huge role model for us."
It can to make money by selling virtual stickers and premium content through communication systems. And that should be the way you would like Snapchat skyrim issue. Spiegel it is already indicated several times.
Neither of the parties to comment on the potential trade situation, but something is probably wrong. If it is a bubble, but it is still too early to estimate. However, in Silicon Valley strengthen all. Twitter this year for startups spent hundreds of millions, skyrim though mainly because it wants to strengthen its position prior to the exchange. Brutal shopping spree but have Yahoo, where Marissa Mayer for startups bought skyrim a billion and a half and basically rebuilt the entire site.
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