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Recently, there has been a leak user data from popular applications Snapchat. msn messenger This data was published on the special (hackers created web), where you can freely download. Hackers managed to obtain a user name, home address and telephone numbers especially. Users have doubts about the safety of Snapchatu.
Popular applications to share pictures, videos, news, etc., Snapchat, recently became the target of hackers. And what happened? As a result of the spill 4,600,000 user data, including phone numbers. Hackers have also created a website SnapchatDB msn messenger where almost everyone can download the stolen information in the format. SQL or. CSV. What we have managed to download? For each user (4.6 miles) to find the phone number, msn messenger user name, and then the city where the user lives. Most data were mainly msn messenger from America, where this application is used extensively. Reportedly unavailable
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