Instagram seems to be fully aware of the potential backlash to come with ad integration, so they’re easing users in as slowly as possible. A few weeks ago we were told that ads were coming, and now, users in the United States actually get to see them in the proverbial flesh. Read more…
The Saturn V is the tallest, heaviest, and most powerful rocket humans have ever built. In 13 missions, it took 24 astronauts to space, including all 12 who ever set foot on the moon, without a single loss of life. Watch in awe as its entire career launches before you. Read more… xbox one
The beauty of animation is that it isn’t constrained by its medium. And in the case of Nando Costa’s new short film, the medium plays a vital role in the work’s xbox one message. Read more…
You’re a different person online compared to your real life. It’s okay. You don’t xbox one have to irrationally like cats just because you’re obsessed with cat videos. You don’t have to literally poke the people you poked on Facebook. You don’t have to like or follow xbox one or tag or comment or stalk celebrities like you do on the Internet. Because if you did that in real life, you’d be a total … xbox one
The completely competent folks of the NSA are saying that its nuked website is a result of an internal error, a glitch, a mistake and not because hackers launched xbox one a DDoS attack on it. That’s cool, the NSA didn’t go down because of hackers but because it screwed itself up. Read more…
The horrible question everyone should never have to ask themselves: what if? What if you studied a little more? What if you worked a little harder? What if you exercised and tried to be more healthy? What if you actually asked that person out on a date? What if you took a vacation? What if you never stayed up late at night and masturbated to Carmen Electra? Read more…
What do you call the Halloween equivalent of being a Christmas Grinch? Because whatever it is, that’s what I am now. Gone are the happy days of trick or treating and dressing xbox one up in clever costumes and getting the brain blitzed to an unrecognizable shade of matter and carving intricate pumpkins and so on, instead all I want to do is blow up pumpkins like our friends at Rated RR. …
A new week brings new questions. Like, how would one recreate the iOS 7 homescreen in Microsoft Word? Or should spires count toward a building’s total height? If you’ve found yourself pondering these things, you can find your answers within the most beautiful xbox one items of the week. Read more…
Phenakistoscopes, praxinoscopes, and zoetropes, oh my! Richard Balzer, a 69-year-old New York native, has cultivated a remarkable online museum xbox one of early animations and optical toys of the 18th and 19th centuries. Read more…
As cable companies continue to come up with creative ways to sell us TV without hooking us onto traditional cable, Bloomberg is reporting that DirecTV and Time Warner Cable are both thinking about creating an Aereo-type streaming service for customers to use. If it works like Aereo, it means you get to watch TV over the Internet through traditional cable providers. Read more…
Even though they’re xbox one mostly designed for kids, it’s impossible to resist those installations where camera-equipped projectors shine an interactive projection on the ground. But there’s no shame in enjoying one in your own home, because the company xbox one behind many of those creations is officially launching a consumer version that will all but guarantee your kids never play outside again. Read more…
The Birthplace of the Cellphone Is Being Turned Into a Mall 1999 Indictment Released xbox one in JonBenet Slaying Meet the Child Who Feels No Pain Johnny Depp, Meryl Streep, Kate Moss, Chris Pine & TONS More Bust A Move In Paul McCartney s New Music Vid! Watch HERE! BUY and OBEY this prop replica from They Live The new Mac Pro: will professionals embrace Apple s brave, expensive vision of the desktop?
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