Friday, October 25, 2013

As cable companies continue to come up with creative ways to sell us TV without hooking us onto trad

Piracy is a dangerous game. You never know if the hosts are out to get money, or maybe just out to get you. Turns out the guy who ran a pirate haven called Uploader Talk was the latter. Now, after a year of stealing uploader’s info from deep cover, webmail the jig is up. Read more…     
Phenakistoscopes, praxinoscopes, and zoetropes, oh my! Richard Balzer, a 69-year-old New York native, has cultivated a remarkable online museum of early animations and optical webmail toys of the 18th and 19th centuries. Read more…     
As cable companies continue to come up with creative ways to sell us TV without hooking us onto traditional cable, Bloomberg is reporting that DirecTV and Time Warner Cable are both thinking about creating an Aereo-type streaming service for customers to use. If it works like Aereo, it means you get to watch TV over the Internet through traditional webmail cable providers. Read more…     
Even though they’re mostly designed for kids, it’s impossible to resist those installations where camera-equipped projectors shine an interactive projection on the ground. But there’s no shame in enjoying one in your own home, because the company behind many of those creations is officially webmail launching a consumer version that will all but guarantee your kids never play outside again. Read more…     
Another week is in the books. Whether you were hard at work, or busy finding YouTube videos to distract you ’til the weekend, the fine folks of the gizmo and gadget industry were hard at work making sure you’ve got lots of creative ways to blow all that money you earned. Here’s the best of what hit the markets this week. Read more…     
Picture this: In the near future, ten percent of our veterans could be walking around with chips implanted webmail in their brains. These aren’t intended for some I, Robot-style takeover, but rather to treat conditions like PTSD and substance webmail abuse. Sound crazy? DARPA only deals in crazy. Read more…     
The apps world brought us redesigns, updates, and brand new offerings this week, none of which are pumpkin spice flavored. Put on your touchscreen gloves and get apping! Read more… was unresponsive webmail late Friday afternoon due to a distributed denial of service (DDoS), according to packs of Anonymous-types on Twitter. Indeed the website would not load for us when we tried, but it’s hard to know why until we get confirmation from the NSA. If it is indeed a DDoS attack on the NSA, it would not be the first. Read more…     
There’s a reason that towering mammals the likes of King Kong are resigned to fiction. Our aching bones can only take so much weight before they start crumbling under the pressure. But if that’s the case, then why were dinosaurs able to reach such phenomenal heights? According to a new study, the answer isn’t so much about the bones themselves as it is the soft, squishy joints they lay between. …
Even though digital cameras provide us the same instant gratification after snapping a photo, Polaroid’s instant snapper still has a cult following. Of course, that also means that instant film is more expensive than ever, so if you’re just a fan of the Polaroid camera’s iconic design, this Pola Roll toilet paper holder is a cheaper way to keep one around for posterity. Read more…     
Cnet reports that Google is building something super secret and super huge on a barge that’s floating webmail in the San Francisco Bay. What the hell is this thing? Read more…     
The Birthplace of the Cellphone Is Being Turned Into a Mall Meet the Child Who Feels No Pain Johnny Depp, Meryl Streep, Kate Moss, Chris Pine & TONS More Bust A Move In Paul McCartney s New Music Vid! Watch HERE! BUY and OBEY this prop replica from They Live The new Mac Pro: will professionals webmail embrace Apple s brave, expensive vision of the desktop?

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