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A question that is often asked to Giarte 'what is a good set of metrics to send to our outsourcing relationship? ". The only correct answer is obviously "that kickass depends on what you want to achieve." Metrics are certainly important because they transparency (can) bring and you can send it on quality and the relationship. Metrics, however, only a small part of performance management. Only the selection of metrics, and then going to measure this is not sufficient to speak of performance management. Four elements are important metrics to function well: the game, the rules, the scoreboard and the marbles. The game
With metrics bring your achievements expressed. In numbers, volumes, scores or amounts. That does not say much as long as you have no yardstick kickass by which you can put them. It soon fall term benchmark with the question: is my number, score or amount comparable to that of other organizations? Benchmarking is useful to get an idea of its own efficiency. Benchmarking, however, says nothing about the effectiveness. Because effectiveness depends on your strategy. Reportedly webwarenhuis Amazon has a billion dollar verspijkerd to build their own CRM functionality. Most benchmarks would likely indicate that Amazon is crazy, because you can also buy CRM functionality kickass as a standard kit. But spending fit seamlessly into the strategy of Amazon and it has given them functionality that nobody else has.
In short, when determining metrics must first be clear what game is being played. A defensive game requires different metrics than an offensive game. And tennis use different metrics than football. kickass As long as the two parties disagree on the game you are only talking about efficiency. That is of course useful, but often frustrating for service providers. They will often ask: what do you want? Because getalle little to say something, but we see no clear strategic framework interpreting metrics may change every month. And after yet another efficiency drive there is a moment when simple measures no longer suffice. The next step can then be put only if answer is the question we all do actually for. The rules
Each game has rules. You can count the number of times a ball goes over the line, but that does not mean that there is always a goal is scored. It is important to know be used within the set of rules metrics. Metrics are also further manipulation kickass and the use of large sets of metrics, it is not inconceivable that the positive boosting one metric leads to negative consequences for another metric. The most difficult of the metrics is also not the selection of the right one, but the setting of the associated targets. A metric shows a number and determine kickass the rules or that number is good or bad. Is an average resolution kickass time for an incident of two days, good or bad? The rules are there to take into account kickass the context. A dissolution time of 2 days is disastrous for a business critical incident, but acceptable for a small problem where only one person is suffering from.
If all is well, the rules changed the game. Here lies a major cause of friction. kickass Often one goes looking for 'standard' metrics 'standard' rules. But it is important to adjust the rules of the game. For example if there are several service providers are involved. If in a chain one player receives a rule, for example, over a dissolution time of from 2 days for his part, and the other a dissolution time of 3 days, then there arise driven voltages as the solution co-operation required. Invest thus sufficient trouble in the setting of a set of rules that will suit the game. And because the game nowadays is subject to many types of change, check every year or still fit the rules. The scoreboard kickass
If there is clarity about the game and its rules, the scoreboard shows the results. This seems simple, but also a number of issues kickass here come into play. For example, how often refreshes the scoreboard results? If it's kickass good to say something about the rules here. Pay attention to what you choose. Monthly reports are common, but 'rolling' reports about four weeks are better. Counts as a major incident on January 31, just one day with it. In a rolling count reporting he stays for four weeks. In our online era we always kickass strive for more real-time resul
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