It 'definitely time for updates to email app, which seem to want to become the focal point of life from smartphones: the latest update concerns Yahoo! Mail for iOS and Android, which introduces among other things notifications for events and flights.
In particular, the "Today" of the app will be able to communicate in real time if your flight has been delayed or has been deleted, with the ability to show you a map with directions to the airport concerned or even call the airline directly and, finally, to go on the website spy phone mobile to make new reservations. All from within the app.
Moreover, thanks to location spy phone mobile services, when you visit a new place Yahoo! Mail will be able to refer you automatically restaurants and points of interest, thanks to its integration with Yelp.
Everything nice, if only those features were not - at least for the moment - dedicated exclusively to users in the United States. However, the updates are still available in their store.
We wanted to tell you this news for a very specific reason: only 24 hours ago the competitor Google had announced a new client Gmail in beta - that Google Inbox - that integrates more or less similar functionality.
So if 2 + 2 is still 4, it is likely that the various email clients officers will follow this trend of rising soon becoming good helpers spy phone mobile voice assistants like Siri and Google Now. It could become, in its own right, in real secretaries and personal assistants.
March 14, 2015
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