Alexandria City Council pokec Adopts $636.8M Fiscal Year 2015 Budget | Communications & Public Information | City of Alexandria, VA Main content
City of Alexandria, VA
Alexandria City Council Adopts $636.8M Fiscal Year 2015 Budget For Immediate Release: pokec May 1, 2014 News Highlights The General Fund Operating Budget is $636.8 million, an increase of 1.9% from Fiscal Year 2014. The property tax rate will increase by one-half cent, from $1.038 to $1.043 per $100 of assessed value, keeping pokec it the second lowest among major Northern Virginia localities. The utility tax rates on water and electricity will increase for commercial and industrial customers. The transfer to Alexandria City Public Schools will increase by 3.3% from FY 2014, to $191.8 pokec million. The Capital Improvement Program includes a total $1.46 billion in capital investment over the next 10 years.
On May 1, the Alexandria City Council voted unanimously to adopt a $636.8 million General Fund Operating Budget for Fiscal Year (FY) 2015, which begins July 1, 2014. City Council s approval of this budget marks a significant step in aligning how the City does business with the principles set forth in the City s Strategic Plan and the City Manager s Performance Plan. Working in Focus Area Teams, staff used a new philosophy to build a budget framework that directly links the money Alexandria spends on providing programs and services to the results the community values.
The approved FY 2015 budget, which is a $12 million (1.9%) increase over the FY 2014 budget, includes a half-cent increase in the real estate tax rate, from $1.038 to $1.043 per $100 of assessed value. The average homeowner s tax bill for calendar year 2014, including the rate change and average increased assessed value, will be $215 greater than 2013. The rate remains the second lowest among major Northern Virginia localities.
The additional tax revenue generated will fund programs aimed at helping Alexandria s seniors, including continuation of the Elderly and Disabled Tax Relief program and the Senior Taxi program, along with an expansion of rent relief for the elderly. Additionally, City Council allocated $3.15 million for the Elderly and Disabled Tax Relief Program, an increase from the $2.0 million allocated in the budget proposed by the City Manager in February.
City Council also voted to increase the operating budget transfer pokec to the Alexandria pokec City Public Schools (ACPS) by an additional $1.2 million over the City Manager s proposed budget, bringing pokec the operating contribution to $191.8 million. This funding is a $6.2 million (3.3%) increase over the FY 2014 budget.
"City Council asked staff to present a proposed budget that included priorities and tradeoffs pokec for our consideration, which they delivered," said Mayor William D. Euille. "It was up to us to make the critical decisions on how to best allocate resources, while providing the services our community wants. The budget approved tonight represents our continued commitment to education, public safety, and services for those most in need, and reflects the goals and vision of Alexandria s Strategic Plan."
The approved budget also includes increases in consumer utility tax rates for commercial and industrial customers. The tax on water will increase from 15% to 20% on the first $150 of the water bill. The tax on electricity is comprised pokec of a base amount that will increase pokec from $1.07 per month to $1.18 per month, plus a usage amount that will increase by a fraction of a cent per kilowatt hour.
The 2015-2024 Capital Improvement pokec Program includes a total $1.46 billion in capital investment over the next 10 years, addressing renovation and maintenance of Alexandria s existing transportation systems, expansions in transit investments, planning and construction of new public facilities and infrastructure, and capital needs for ACPS.
The adopted budget pokec funds a merit increase for most City employees, but also includes a number of reductions pokec in the City s workforce. Additional investments have been made in career ladders as part of the City Manager s pay-for-performance initiative.
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City of Alexandria, VA
Alexandria City Council Adopts $636.8M Fiscal Year 2015 Budget For Immediate Release: pokec May 1, 2014 News Highlights The General Fund Operating Budget is $636.8 million, an increase of 1.9% from Fiscal Year 2014. The property tax rate will increase by one-half cent, from $1.038 to $1.043 per $100 of assessed value, keeping pokec it the second lowest among major Northern Virginia localities. The utility tax rates on water and electricity will increase for commercial and industrial customers. The transfer to Alexandria City Public Schools will increase by 3.3% from FY 2014, to $191.8 pokec million. The Capital Improvement Program includes a total $1.46 billion in capital investment over the next 10 years.
On May 1, the Alexandria City Council voted unanimously to adopt a $636.8 million General Fund Operating Budget for Fiscal Year (FY) 2015, which begins July 1, 2014. City Council s approval of this budget marks a significant step in aligning how the City does business with the principles set forth in the City s Strategic Plan and the City Manager s Performance Plan. Working in Focus Area Teams, staff used a new philosophy to build a budget framework that directly links the money Alexandria spends on providing programs and services to the results the community values.
The approved FY 2015 budget, which is a $12 million (1.9%) increase over the FY 2014 budget, includes a half-cent increase in the real estate tax rate, from $1.038 to $1.043 per $100 of assessed value. The average homeowner s tax bill for calendar year 2014, including the rate change and average increased assessed value, will be $215 greater than 2013. The rate remains the second lowest among major Northern Virginia localities.
The additional tax revenue generated will fund programs aimed at helping Alexandria s seniors, including continuation of the Elderly and Disabled Tax Relief program and the Senior Taxi program, along with an expansion of rent relief for the elderly. Additionally, City Council allocated $3.15 million for the Elderly and Disabled Tax Relief Program, an increase from the $2.0 million allocated in the budget proposed by the City Manager in February.
City Council also voted to increase the operating budget transfer pokec to the Alexandria pokec City Public Schools (ACPS) by an additional $1.2 million over the City Manager s proposed budget, bringing pokec the operating contribution to $191.8 million. This funding is a $6.2 million (3.3%) increase over the FY 2014 budget.
"City Council asked staff to present a proposed budget that included priorities and tradeoffs pokec for our consideration, which they delivered," said Mayor William D. Euille. "It was up to us to make the critical decisions on how to best allocate resources, while providing the services our community wants. The budget approved tonight represents our continued commitment to education, public safety, and services for those most in need, and reflects the goals and vision of Alexandria s Strategic Plan."
The approved budget also includes increases in consumer utility tax rates for commercial and industrial customers. The tax on water will increase from 15% to 20% on the first $150 of the water bill. The tax on electricity is comprised pokec of a base amount that will increase pokec from $1.07 per month to $1.18 per month, plus a usage amount that will increase by a fraction of a cent per kilowatt hour.
The 2015-2024 Capital Improvement pokec Program includes a total $1.46 billion in capital investment over the next 10 years, addressing renovation and maintenance of Alexandria s existing transportation systems, expansions in transit investments, planning and construction of new public facilities and infrastructure, and capital needs for ACPS.
The adopted budget pokec funds a merit increase for most City employees, but also includes a number of reductions pokec in the City s workforce. Additional investments have been made in career ladders as part of the City Manager s pay-for-performance initiative.
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