Thursday, April 30, 2015

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Alain Hubert: "Conceived game against Polar Foundation" atari breakout -
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Science Alain Hubert calls the report of the Finance Inspectorate on the management of the Princess Elisabeth Station in Antarctica "hoax of the administration." "I've never been able to look at the report," he responds. The polar explorer regrets that this again "time and credibility are lost." Alain Hubert. photo news.
The report atari breakout of the International Polar Foundation Foundation (IPF), which manages the Antarctic Base, and whose president Hubert is accused of manipulating budgets. "It's an old case, I have nothing to say about it," said polar explorer. "We have nothing to reproach us," he assures. Finance Inspection speak of artificial invoices and thickness of the favor of companies linked it to Hubert. But to give according to the IPF president atari breakout puts the administration him sticks atari breakout in the wheels hoping his foundation wholly owned by the government. Hubert government accuses them brings its foundation in financial difficulties. Yet he is confident that Secretary Each Sleurs and the government "will settle this issue."
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Wednesday, April 29, 2015

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Until late at night have VVD and PvdA are Tuesday and Wednesday drowsy miniclip talk to convince each other that their solution is the best to tackle the issue of illegal asylum seekers in our country. Yesterday they had a day off and they could consult with their own party members.
Today they will continue with the negotiations. And yes, although politicians miniclip of both parties claim that there is no crisis, which is in fact indeed. The future of the government is at stake. As De Telegraaf writes today:
No one at the Courtyard yesterday dared to say with certainty whether VVD and PvdA would agree. That the parties still speak to each according to insiders miniclip that none of the coalition partners on a break. But it is also said that the future of the Rutte / Asscher seriously at stake because there is a great difference of opinion is on the table.
Then the solution is conceived again to let the courts decide whether illegal asylum seekers should miniclip receive miniclip care, and then there's the idea of creating a rich care (so that the municipalities can stop the reception), but in both cases there are objections from the Labour Party.
The question is how much patience the VVD has. The Liberals may well break if they want. Yes, they will lose seats, but the Labour Party is really mercilessly punished by the voters. The Labour miniclip Day with a less attractive coalition partner, miniclip partly because the Labour Party has almost miniclip halved in the Senate.
The question is only: the VVD dares to new elections? And who will be party leader? Mark Rutte? Or another of the VVD members who are eager to take the baton; Edith Schippers and Halbe Zijlstra?
Utrecht miniclip wants to continue receiving irregular asylum seekers in their own way - April 29, 2015 Bluffing during a job appears quite normal for many Dutch. Do you ever do it? - April 29, 2015 Hooray! In 10 years the number of crimes decreased by a quarter - April 29, 2015
For rulers: because of technical problems with the FB plugin for responses we have put back the old system. Sorry for the inconvenience!
April 17, 2015 at 11:03 pm
I absolutely fundamental objections against Facebook. It is a distinctly Big Brother attitude. DDS is otherwise quite well without me ... so when yet worked with Facebook was going to be, I can not join in here. But let nobody stop especially.
Much of the reaguurders are already old ladies bags and ditto parts, miniclip which nevertheless are not going to face book etc. start? The undersigned verdomt it! Then I'll go again tinkering evening.
'm miniclip Just glad I know a little bit on what I have to press buttons to conjure something out of the computer. And you surround yourself with EVEN MORE mess with dozens of new buttons? Already struggling with a dozen remotes, three Tomtom's eight phones, three computers, three cameras, miniclip and they work damn ALL COMPLETELY different! To maddening, right? As for me, with regard to this mess: less, less, less! Geert understands the least!
Once went with a lady from food (secretly, she had courtship) and at dinner she was shocked miniclip because she had put on fb that they went out to dinner that evening at a particular miniclip restaurant and now she came suddenly behind her mail friend who also could read! Panicked! Later my friend comes in! Nice smart, though! Road romance!
ps, this week my secretary was back on the case, but we could not find where we can send these tips for DDS to, please let me know SVP, unless you are already able to retire ......... ..
Hi Harry, "That Face book is still more for children and adolescents?" That do themselves out anyway, Harry? You seemed to me not someone who is very shy ... .. you fine control who you can indeed "read" and who does not.
"Retarded immature stuff, who's now his entire circle of acquaintances warn you that you're cutting your toenails? That kind of news do about the round. " Right. But you yourself miniclip decide whether you automatically receive messages miniclip from someone inside and who is not.
Furthermore, my FB is perfectly understandable because it interests me any shit (more) me who "recognizes". And I am ashamed for my family only me but because that is a right mess poo-what shamelessly miniclip opinions, the neat views, a 2 million people ff put away as "racist" and disgusting. Have even a very artistic

In 2000, the Sports Centre became dated and had to be renewed once thoroughly. The renovation would

Festive opening game by youth and Times
In 2000, the Sports Centre became dated and had to be renewed once thoroughly. The renovation would be costly, causing frequent consultation was needed. Ultimately, the former municipality Wieringen decided in 2011 to free up cash. This was no release for a start, cisco because the credit was insufficient. After the contribution was supplemented by Success, Tonegido and SSW; was supplemented by various institutions and companies in Wieringen; was supplemented by joint action of the participating associations, there was the possibility for a start. After a grand job could be done on a voluntary basis, we started in 2012.
Separate from this project was the renovation of the joint canteen Success and Tonegido; has also been completed. Finally, it should be realized a whole new platform for Success; for these plans have now been completed and in the summer the construction will start. Again a fantastic bet voluntary.
Why do we do all this. Because Wieringers cisco like Wieringen and a lot of left over to keep the living quality on the former island at a good level. Sport - game - move for and with each other, for young and old. In close cooperation with education and sports cisco village filling is optimized. The first steps have been made. We are now and we can have on barren pride.
On Saturday, April 25th we make a party of it. With all those involved in the complex and emphatically with all volunteers. We will send further invitations, everyone is welcome. On the fields, football and handball. In the sports hall are various play activities by the youth of the participating cisco associations, ranging from sports, play and movement (dance). The two canteens are open, all serving various drinks and snacks. And everything is open for viewing. A lot of people tell you club than happy to help.
The welcome is from 13:00 and the opening acts at 13.30. cisco We are glad that the alderman will perform the opening; thus symbolizing the importance of these developments cisco on Wieringen and the warm support of the municipality of Dutch Crown.
Foundation Sports Wieringen - Belterlaan 1-1777 HM Hippolytushoef - Tel. 0227 593411

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Comments should go about the content of the message shall not contain abusive or insulting to indiv

Two Avans Students have won the SpinAwards Young Talent Award. Blackbird Vingerhoets and Brenda Janssen won the first prize with a game designed to help children with cancer again healthy nutrition.
Annually are diagnosed with cancer five hundred children up to ten years. An important side-effect of the treatments is a heavy loss of appetite and loss of flavor. Blackbird "These effects ensure that children create a negative attitude towards food. This results in a one-sided and unhealthy eating patterns. There is often talk of under- or overweight. Some children eat almost nothing and others only pizza. "
Bite out of a tomato The game was developed by fourth year students Blackbird Vingerhoets, Advanced Business Creation in Den Bosch, and Brenda animeflv Smith, Communication and Multimedia Design in Breda. Together with students from the Hogeschool Utrecht she thought animeflv "The Journey of Five." The pirate game helps children in a playful way to get to have fun with food. Parents love the course animeflv of the game with an app. "Parents are also super excited about the game. A child took a last bite of a tomato. That there is never went first in, but with the aid of the game is. Or some children eat their plates suddenly empty. A huge victory! "
By Game Development The project animeflv originated during a minor at the Hogeschool Utrecht. The organization Participatory Design for Children's Oncology (POKO), the students were asked to develop something that children with cancer and their parents helps to develop a healthier and more varied diet. Meanwhile, the students animeflv are working on the further development and they also graduate animeflv at stake.
Many energy time and love that they would win the prize, they had never expected. Brenda: "I have dreamed that we would win silver, but dreams are always cheating. There is so much energy, time but love in this project. We are very proud that we are rewarded with a Spin Award! "
All information collected animeflv in the app will be automatically redirected to the UMC Groningen. The data on the eating pattern may then be used in the treatment of other sick children.
Comments should go about the content of the message shall not contain abusive or insulting to individuals and must not abuse. The editorial staff reserves the right, without giving reasons, to remove comments that do not meet these conditions, in its opinion. Comments are not immediately beneath animeflv the message stand, but only after moderation by the editors. In name (in function) of Avans we do not have words or we take no position on faith, life or political beliefs and sexual orientation.
Not only seems like a fun game for kids with such a nasty disease. animeflv But even for fussy eaters among the younger kids ...
Point is published by Avans. Besides the website, there is a paper edition is published monthly, except animeflv for school holidays. The editorial staff works according to principles of independent journalism, as defined in the editorial charter. The editorial board is assisted by an Advisory Board, which oversees compliance with the editorial status and acts as complaints body.

Monday, April 27, 2015

How big fan we also have the fantastic games Doctor Bibber, Stef Stuntpiloot and Takkie Kakkie; Thi

If you have a bad day, check out this video of 47 seconds (16,506) Dutch priest looks at Star Wars trailer and is now a hit on the Internet (8,506) Her favorite sister does not know that she can walk again. Until this moment (7,824) personal The funniest photo bombs by animals (7,798) Check this random good deed in the subway. Inspiring! (7,434)
How big fan we also have the fantastic games Doctor Bibber, Stef Stuntpiloot and Takkie Kakkie; This time however we really found a game that surpasses all those games. Meet the genius game Pie Face. You guessed it fixed, something with a pie in your face ... Budgie and Jayden demonstrate the moment.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

The police unions demanded that Minister Ard van der Steur would move, to offer a way out of the di

anp. Police cars driving at a speed of 60 to 70 kilometers per hour along in the action of police unions ACP and NPB. The cars drove from Breda on the A16 and then the A58 to Bergen op Zoom and Goes.
Opinion Four years though no salary increase. That seems reason spy mobile phone enough for action, especially if there is no progress in collective bargaining. With slowly in convoy on the highway driving made the police unions this week publicly clear that they are fed up. The conflict has been running high.
The police unions demanded that Minister Ard van der Steur would move, to offer a way out of the diseased internal relationship within the police. He has done that now. Meanwhile put the tormented agents their demands with actions spy mobile phone where the public can get more experience. Their motto: internal pressure increase has gone unheeded, so then but the streets. Or not the street so. Strike is a big word, but keep it in the actions announced that the police in those moments where there is street fuss may occur, as do anything else. Meetings example. Of surprise the audience can certainly some brands. For example, on Sunday, May 3rd, when will be played in the Feyenoord stadium cup final between PEC Zwolle and FC Groningen. Or during entertainment hours, between eleven o'clock spy mobile phone and one o'clock at night, when cafégangers make things unsafe. This week there were some police stations equally close. Still annoying when you just want to report a burglary. The image of rows of slow-moving police cars sprawled on the highway spy mobile phone during rush hour Wednesday called me to say the least surprise. Was that? If the police are not always to guard the public order? The police in my opinion should have very good reasons to bring law and order in danger. The question is whether they have any reasons. Largest reorganization If one thing is now clear, it's that it's not just about money. spy mobile phone Pay increase after four years, half of the story. The other half is about the reorganization, the impact of the formation of the National Police spy mobile phone for public order. Police make the biggest reorganization that has ever occurred in the Netherlands, says Gerard Bouman. He is the chief of police who is taking the lead. And that goes wrong in the view of the unions, because already reorganizing Bouman has lost the confidence of the police unions altogether. Police blame Bouman to have no regard for their position, but to walk on a leash of the Ministry. About the consequences of this reorganization to public order make the police unions worried. spy mobile phone Actually just such concerns as I do, and you too, about the consequences of their actions. This reorganization is difficult and therefore requires the police to do a gear to keep doing the usual work. Before the unions ask a bonus. Yet again so money. What you will find: the police may put public policy on the line for more money? Send your response to 150 words by Tuesday 12 noon to, provide name and address. A selection of answers will appear Wednesday in the newspaper.
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Saturday, April 25, 2015

The Agency for Protection of Market Competition has accepted the Initial report and work plan and t

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The Agency for Protection of Market Competition has accepted the Initial report and work plan and timetable of activities of the Commissioner to oversee the implementation of measures from the decision agame on the conditional approval of entrepreneurs agame Croatian Telecom and OT - Optima Telekom. The report is structured in accordance with the measures of the Agency's decision, and was constructed by Commissioner Ernst & Young Ltd., which mandate the Agency approved in July 2014 ..
Commissioner, first of all, found that an annex to the Agreement between HT and Zagrebacka bank contains all the amendments to the contract requested by the Agency in the decision on conditional approval of concentration, which relate to the definition of the shelf-life of concentration and the process agame of selling Optima shares. It was also found that the HT designated person responsible for coordinating activities related to the concentration and that it is committed to prepare the process of selling Optima shares before the expiry of the third year of the concentration of a transparent, objective and non-discriminatory manner agame and in accordance with best practices. Prepared procedure within the set deadlines shall be submitted to the Commissioner for review.
When it comes to measures agame of solutions relating to the management of Optima's assets, in which the HT committed to during the concentration, within the possible, provide agame such control that at the end of the period of concentration Optima's assets not being undercapitalised relative to the beginning of the period of concentration, the initial report of the Commissioner gives an overview of the parameters that form the basis for the monitoring of these measures.
Optima's assets is monitored through two parameters: the customer base and infrastructure. Parameter customer base essentially agame refers to the revenues generated and the number of users (private and business) Optima in relation to its services.
Delivered his description of market indicators and market trends for both parameters with a projection of income and for 2014 on the basis of the first two quarters of that year and the last quarter preceding the beginning of the period of concentration.
With regard to the obligation of HT not to sell Optima's retail outlets, the Commissioner found that the Optima agame does not own retail outlets and sales carried out directly or teleprodajnim activities and through agame partners. agame The Commissioner has established a list of partners Optima and will track the movement of the number of partners agame in relation to the list established at the beginning of concentration
Concerning measures of solutions that HT committed to ensuring the independence agame of Optima, Commissioner checked all the documentation (Certificate of Incorporation, contracts, schemes to encourage employees and management, minutes agame of the meetings of the Supervisory Board, the CVs of managers and board members, and so on. ) and found that the initial state corresponds Agency measures imposed in the decision on conditional agame approval of concentration.
Also, the Commissioner found that the HT adoption of the Ordinance on the protection of commercially sensitive information Optima established mechanisms for ensuring the prevention of the flow of commercially sensitive data (in competition law conventional term for this is a Chinese wall, Eng. Chinese wall) between Optima and HT's staff involved in its operations and HT's business units for residential customers, business units for business and subsidiary Iskon Internet.
However, in order to ensure simpler and transparent implementation mechanisms prevent the flow of information, the Commissioner has given a list of recommendations to improve the Ordinance incurred by the Agency and is ordered HT and Optima to without delay, agame and at the latest within eight days of receipt of the notice, approaches the harmonization of documentation and operations according to the recommendations and submit the evidence thereon to the Commissioner.
When it comes to wholesale contracts Optima, HT is committed to for the duration of concentration will not terminate the Optima concluded with buyers of wholesale services including services lease of optical fiber (Eng. Dark fiber) would already mentioned agreements remained in force during the period in which they are concluded. Exceptions are contracts that could be prematurely terminated due to financial / economic reasons on which the HT agrees to inform agame the Commissioner and the Agency.
Also, the report of the Commissioner contains agame a list of contracts with Optima's wholesale customers at the inception of the concentration that is at the end of the second quarter of 2014, in which the data of the counterparty, the date of conclusion, the duration and name of the contract for the active contracts. agame
In accordance with the decision of the Agency, agame the Commissioner will monitor whether during the term concentration agame Optima favorable treatment with respect to the provision of wholesale services HT in relation to other operators present in the relevant market as well as participating

Friday, April 24, 2015

2014 the Croatian Telecom was marked by the implementation of a major transformation. By implementi

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In 2014 Croatian Telecom achieved office 365 revenues of 6.908 billion. Retained a leading position in all segments of the telecommunications market, and revenues are almost stabilized with minimal decline that compared to the previous year was 1.9%.
Despite the increased costs related to the transformation of the company, a deterioration in the business environment, the new radio-frequency compensation and changes in the structure of revenues, EBITDA before exceptional items in 2014 amounted to 2.786 billion with an EBITDA margin before special items of 40.3%.
Net profit in 2014 amounted to 1.142 billion. Management and Supervisory Board of the Company's Assembly proposed a dividend payout ratio in 50.7% compared to the profit of HT dd Thus, the Assembly office 365 proposes payment of 573.2 million kunas for dividend, or 7 per share. The General Assembly shall be convened for 29 April 2015. This year proposed reinvestment of net profit of HT dd share capital increase of the Company's assets.
2014 the Croatian Telecom was marked by the implementation of a major transformation. By implementing a number of measures transformation HT has become faster and more efficient organization. A new organizational structure in which a significantly office 365 reduced number of managerial positions. With trade unions signed a new collective agreement that employees HT guarantees a high level of rights, harmonized with the current economic situation and the conditions in which the company operates.
In order to increase the quality of infrastructure, while optimizing the cost of construction and maintenance of fixed and mobile networks, signed a contract with Ericsson on the separation of services construction and maintenance of HT's infrastructure for a period of five years. Total 638 employees began work in the new company as of 1 September office 365 2014.
During 2014, intensive and IP migration of PSTN lines, and has so far been transferred 75.4% percent of private and business customers. From 1 July 2014 Optima Telekom is consolidated in the financial statements of HT Group, after HT took control of the OT-player.
Increasing the efficiency of the organization, which was conducted in 2014, is the first step in the process office 365 to improve service quality and user experience, which will be the focus of the business of Croatian Telecom in 2015. In this area there is a large room for improvement, a key aim is to convert Croatian Telecom suppliers in the best and fastest service on the Croatian market.
Planned investments for 2015 exceed 1 billion and 300 million, representing an increase of over 25% compared to 2014, and the focus will be on the further development office 365 of mobile and fixed infrastructure, increasing the availability and capacity for broadband access and completion of the IP transformation.
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Thursday, April 23, 2015

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Job opportunity: Hypo bank is looking for Officer and RE Valutaion and Real Estate Management MONTENEGRO REGION WORLD BANK IN MONTENEGRO current credit supply the last of us current Montenegrin banks offer savings of Montenegrin banks CASH MACHINES IN MONTENEGRO (ATM) Leasing companies in Montenegro credit financial institutions in Montenegro STOCK
"Croatian Telecom continues with the transformation began last year. Although HT in 2014 slowed the decline in revenue, in the circumstances of long-term economic crisis and the continuous reduction of the value of the telecom market, it is necessary to continue with the process of optimizing operations to ensure the company conditions for future growth and development ", said in a press release from HT.
The HT is emphasized, the last of us with the social partners reached agreement on increased severance pay in relation to those set out in the Collective Agreement. Termination benefits are so on average higher by about 30 percent, and will be applied to about 250 workers who intend to terminate employment contracts due to business reasons. the last of us The average redundancy so will amount to 268,000 kuna (35,000 euros).
The process of collective disposal of surplus, state, HT approach with high social sensitivity and responsibility and are in addition to increased redundancy, insured and retraining programs and activities of counseling and assistance in employment in the open labor market, depending on the choice of workers. Activities are undertaken in accordance with the Labour Act and the Collective Agreement. The Telekom dividend Croatian Telecom Croatian Telecom T-Croatian Telecom 20/03/2015
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As they started this season, so continue linguee without respite! In a backward match the 12 th round of the League 10, basketball Unity BH Telecom last night in Banja Luka won Young Krajisnik score of 65:84.
Melisa Brčaninović scored 26 points and 9 rebounds enrolled. Captain Anela Alagić achieved a double-double - 24 points and 12 rebounds, and added four assists and. Double-digit performance had even Dženita Ikanović with 19 points.
0 1
JU 'Children of Sarajevo': In KCUS so far received 44 children due to food poisoning

Wednesday, April 22, 2015


Croatian Telecom doubled speed 4G network, from mid-February to grow to 150 Mbps -
From the Croatian Telecom comes news that will delight all users of their LTE network. So far, the maximum speed in downloadu was theoretical 75 Mbps, but from mid-February it is doubled, ie. climbs up to 150 Mbps.
Depending on the location, users have so far achieved an average speed of 20 to 40 Mbps, so we hope that after this update at least twice the rise. Note that you will use for speeds over 100 Mbps (LTE Cat 3) have to possess the device of the new generation with support for LTE Cat 4, (up to 150 Mbps).
Croatian Telecom doubled bilder speed 4G networks bilder Maximum speed mobile internet access in 4G network is increased from 75 Mbit / s to 150 Mbit / s New investments Croatian Telecom dictates the pace of development of high-speed mobile Internet fourth generation
As a market leader in the development of high-speed mobile internet, Croatian Telecom doing a step forward: a top speed in your mobile 4G network increases from the current 75 Mbit / s (megabits per second) to 150 Mbit / s. Users will be able to enjoy the benefits of twice as fast 4G internet from mid February.
"Croatian Telecom in the development of new infrastructure and annually invests more than billion. New investments in which we purchased an additional radio frequency spectrum allows us to offer our customers twice the speed of mobile internet and our 4G network delivers the fastest surfing in Croatia. Speed that allows our 4G network for users mean more advanced and better use of services such as live TV streaming (MAXtv To Go), HD video streaming and online gaming. bilder With investments in network development continue further. In addition to mobile, HT continues with investments in the fixed network with the expansion of our optical network, "said Thorsten Albers, Member of the Board of HT and Chief Technical and Information Technology.
Croatian Telecom is among the first in Europe to adopt LTE fourth generation in mobile telecommunications, and today operates a 4G network that is accessible to a large part of the Croatian population. Late last year, has also invested in the purchase bilder of the additional radio frequency spectrum in the competition HAKOM, which enabled doubling the speed of access to the mobile internet.
Bravo for the HT. These are things that I transferred from Tele2 (after three years.) In HT. Or have a signal and fast mob.internet or do not have, even though I pay twice as much as I do not regret ..... these two looks from the calf and not think about LTE .....
Again nice surprise bilder there from the HT. Because of these things bilder is my T-mobile in front of Tele2 although it is more expensive. But it should be noted that we still have a problem with 3Gom in many areas, so I hope it will, and it eventually resolved. And little will mean that if you do not increase 4g data packets and does not offer that speed in all packages. I guess to them and will be in the interest of the people as soon expended packets at higher speeds
What is the purpose of this when after 500MB / 1GB / 2GB reduce speed?
Presmijesno. Can increase even for a couple of times, but what does this mean when they themselves Zagreb bilder did not cover it properly, let alone smaller parts? In Zagreb, at only a few places I have 4g. The maximum speed over the speedtest app has been around 32Mbps. And that's with two different cell phone, iPhone 5s and G3. One is private, the other official. Both the T-Com, both have a tariff that supports bilder 4G. So coverage bilder = 0 points. But increasing the speed? Perfect.
I agree that it takes time. But the problem I see in the fact that the tcom, but also VIP 4G only used for marketing. Over the last years did not move in terms of coverage. Okay, just for tcom speak, for vip do not know. But where I often around town regularly checking. And the same situation is already quite long for tcom. No shift. Only advertisements on TV in the famous 4g. That part bothers me :)
02/04/2015. at 15:10
The speeds are theoretical and bandwidth is shared among users. It is the nature of mobile networks and top speed is practically impossible to achieve. bilder Example: Drop in Split never drops below 20 Mbps, which is quite decent, but often climb up and over 50. After this I expect that it will not fall below 40, but we'll see. So, when you introduce a Cat 6 (300 Mbps), expect the average speed around 100th
I can freely word that I am satisfied with their 3G speed because we never in Split, but just never falls below 15 mbps. It is mostly about 20 to me quite enough. At the rate I'm too strong and have the option to 10kn to activate 4G and one I tried and my speed was about 40 mbps just what I was little 1GB for so much speed but I hope it will increase the packages so that we can use the 4G just as it should. Even in some villages we shall not go out of 3G so I am most satisfied with their signal while ago I happened to tele2 to downtown disappears signal.
I have a summer house in the center of Novalja bilder on the island of Pag, ie pag pag covered bilder 4g signal,

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

At the end of this highly technical and exclusive lectures we saw a demonstration of how truly mobi

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Before below in the video look and how truly mobile devices miss this high data speeds, here's some useful dragon information about 4G LTE networks. First, we'll ask you a simple question - what speed you surf in your home. Let's say if a Croatian dragon average of 3 Mbps, these are the speeds that are 50 times higher! Not only that but you can use a mobile device while in your home you have a "fixed wire". Of course, our goal is not to compare the two ways to access the Internet, dragon or you just want to make clear what is the big difference in speed.
How are we to explain the employees of Croatian Telecom in charge of technical issues, so far in Croatia was available 4G LTE speeds than the maximum dragon of 75 Mbps (it is a category dragon 3 which allows speeds of up to 100 Mbps), which is also a lot, but again twice as slow novopredstavljenih dragon speed of LTE in the frequency spectrum of 800/1800 MHz, of which we are a demonstration yesterday and saw. On February 15, this doubled the speed available in Croatia - 4G LTE Category 4 (150 Mbps download and 50 Mbps upload).
You must be wondering where available? The figure below (left) will be able to see what the situation is now with the coverage of Croatian with 4G LTE signal, while the right image shows the coverage plan, Croatian by the end of 2015. According to HT's figures, currently the territory covered about 42% of Croatian, of which 73% of the population in the "outdoor" mode (on the go), and 45% in "indoor" (in the house). After increasing the speed to 150 Mbps, the coverage by the end of the year to grow - in HT expect dragon that by the end of this year to cover about two-thirds of Croatian (66%) 4G LTE mobile network signal, and that about 90% of children and 58% outdoor users.
Another question that arises is - how many users do have mobile devices that support 4G LTE category 4? According to HT's figures, only about 10%, and by year-end expectations that this figure is several times higher. However, the story depends more on the offer telecom operators who will probably in their sales channels more "push" devices that support this speed. When we asked whether the 4G LTE offer a "flat" packages with unlimited traffic did not give us a definitive dragon answer, but apparently their sales and marketing something prepared for the market. Namely, the price of gigabytes of traffic dropped drastically, so we expect that HT prepare favorable promotional packages for surfing.
At the end of this highly technical and exclusive lectures we saw a demonstration of how truly mobile devices miss this high speed. Displayed is three mobile devices from different generations and opportunities, so that we could easily see how it works in practice. Can you in the video below. Below is a video display and a base station that can send and receive these great data speeds.
In the end, we heard the story of the arrival of the new 5G networks. In some media will read out the so-called advanced 4G LTE-A in fact 5G, but that is not true. However, 5G will not bring any new technology, before it would say that it is a synergy of small and large base stations that will be set in many locations in cities (more populated areas), and micro base stations unitar individual buildings, and to achieve higher speed surfing the Internet and to meet the growing needs of an increasing number of users. Tests 5G networks begin sometime in 2018, and the first commercial use was not before 2020. But on another occasion ...
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Monday, April 20, 2015

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Results of the market in the fourth quarter of 2014 in line with expectations. Growth continues to record v the Internet service provider and transfer TV programs with remuneration, while traditional phone services experienced declines in revenue.
In the electronic communications fourth quarter of 2014 brought a decline in revenue compared to the previous summer period, which was expected due to the tourist season v and a large number of foreign customers in Croatian networks during the summer months. Seasonality was the largest on the income of operators of mobile communications v networks, while in the networks of fixed line revenue decline somewhat smaller, with a concurrent rise in television services.
On an annual basis the growth of revenues from Internet v access services and television, and the fall of traditional telephone services. In the fixed line network telephone services v are smaller and falling number of fixed telephone connections, while in mobile communications is growing traffic, or falling revenue. This fact, together with the fact that so far the network of mobile communications operators changed over 850 000 users, indicating that an increasing number of users negotiates optimal tariffs in relation to their habits. Internet traffic in the networks of mobile communications is growing strongly, and revenue growth of Internet access v services via the mobile network on an annual basis amounts to over 87 percent.
Consumers are increasingly using their smartphones to access the Internet and the increasing popularity of smart phones are changing the habits of users and the fall of the number of users who access the Internet v via the data card. The density of broadband Internet access via mobile communications networks at the end of 2014 was 9.06 percent, or less than in earlier periods. As a result of growth in the share of smartphones as a type of the equipment v and increasing the number of users with the subscriber's relationship. v According to market indicators, the share of users with subscription at the end of 2014 stood at 44.53 per cent.
Positive results were achieved and on television market, where revenue growth and number of connections. v The single largest increase was recorded in the segment of toll connections terrestrial TV, about 26 percent more than in September 2014. Due to the competitive and more intense struggle for market share, and still expects more importance packages that combine several services, as well as tariff v model with unlimited traffic.
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We can assume that others will be included in order not to lose customers in the areas of optics av

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Listing Thematics about connecting to the internet always draw special attention. How could it not when today Internet access has almost galaxy note 2 equal importance galaxy note 2 as the availability of electricity or gas. IT industry has changed the basic principles of work, "all the above", data, videos, documents, all will agree that the use of cloud law. But with a little pre-condition ... quality internet. It is in this segment rather lagging behind are talking about a world scale. Just turn the mouse wheel three times and have already found themselves, impressive, is not it? Positive changes in the last year
Inspired by last week's decision of the Croatian regulatory agency for network galaxy note 2 activities (hereinafter galaxy note 2 HAKOM) on the new "Amendments to the Reference Offer Croatian Telecom Inc. for the service of wholesale broadband access," we wanted to check with you local operators desire to compete with the offer of HT using FTTH network in the same way as the copper pair. It is known that in addition to HT, you can use the services of Internet, telephone and television from the competition through copper. In the same way it is possible to use optical network built within the "optical city", galaxy note 2 but so far not been interested. In order to avoid any possible confusion, we contacted Hakom to explain. T here are you at this point obstacles that today / tomorrow other operators start providing galaxy note 2 product-through HT's optical network, or it is their disabled certain regulations?
"... There are no obstacles that other operators start providing services using HT's optical network. HT must allow operators access to optical network, and operators have enough space between the approved wholesale prices and retail prices to compete with HT. It is expected that some operators will start offering services through HT's optical network, galaxy note 2 in order to compete with HT in areas where there is a built in optical infrastructure. "
From the responses, it is evident that the above depends on the will of the operator. You should not be forgotten, and other interests. For example, there are areas of overlap optics of different operators, and it is expected to use only their own infrastructure investment to be preserved. Also there is the second economic issue, as if it carries less revenue from the pair. These are places where the clash the interests of companies and users who want a higher quality Internet access. HT gets competition in the optical network in the first half of 2015
Viewed from the angle of the end-user competition other than price correction brings qualitative progress (such as higher speed). To readers familiar with the right information, we asked the growing "alternative players" in the market galaxy note 2 for a brief comment related to this topic. Not everyone was willing to say attitude this topic, which is why we are particularly grateful to Optima Telekom and H1 Telekom on the information received so far that the public had the opportunity to meet. Below are the official comments. Optima Telekom
"The continued growth in demand for high-speed internet which captures electronic communications market simply imposes on us the need to develop in this direction. Therefore, and given the great benefits of FTTH technology which primarily include internet speed up to 40/10 Mbps and up to 100/20 Mbps, Optima Telekom definitely plans to start providing galaxy note 2 services through this technology as early as the first half of 2015.
"H1 Telecom is currently in the implementation phase and testing FTTH, and in the first quarter of 2015, we plan to offer a commercial service based on wholesale access FTTH network Croatian Telecom."
We can assume that others will be included in order not to lose customers in the areas of optics available. "Fiberland" - a project of which the expected launch of the economy back in 2009
Project Fiberland or Optical town name is a great investment for Croatian Telecom galaxy note 2 which was supposed to provide FTTH access a significant number of private galaxy note 2 users. About the size of talks and value of the project of 275 million euros. Today, access to this infrastructure has about 200 000 households in different parts of the Croatian. The long construction did not go as planned, and non-compliance with regulatory requirements caused galaxy note 2 the ban of connecting the user (up to 1,000 users per county). HT has several times asked for the so-called. "Regulatory holiday" that would allow the company a monopoly on the necessary infrastructure specific time with a view to lakkšeg return on investment. Similar attempt Deutsche Telekom is banned by the European Commission, which was later confirmed by the court. Other operators have also actively participated and gave an opinion on this p

Sunday, April 19, 2015

In order to attract more users of this service guard phone cdma2000 HT organized a contest

Croatian Telecom has introduced a new service called KUPON2GO. It is a service that allows you to receive SMS coupons for discounts that give certain stores, and you are very close to them. The system of work is to determine your location and it selects and proposes the current offer the discounts. Naturally, this service can be used only with your consent. The range of services on sale is diverse and will constantly change.
In order to attract more users of this service guard phone cdma2000 HT organized a contest "every week with one Kupon2go Tablet", which involves all of which will activate this service until 07 January 2015. Awards are desirable and that Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.5 S, Galaxy Core LTE, Galaxy Mini S5 and MAXtv To Go 12-months of free use. In the last round will be awarded 18 prizes, so be sure to log valid.
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Goran Pizent -

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Four drones, which are managed by specially trained experts, entertained the users on the Flower Sq

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Today in Zagreb Cjetna market was cheerful, we would say flying - flew drones with GoPro cameras, but flew and 4G mobile speed of 150 Mbps, in being satisfied several thousands of users.
The drones are in the air with the help of mobile devices to take images and video clips, and HT's ultrafast mobile Internet camfuze all of them in real-time broadcast on the LED screen, or on the website. Among the enthusiastic citizens and mentors from the show The Voice: Indira camfuze funnel, John Boy and Nightwish.
Remember, camfuze Croatian Telecom is in mid-February doubled the maximum speed in its 4G network with 75 to 150 Mbit / s. The fastest Internet in the Croatian market provides users of mobile services HT range of new features (more fun with live TV and HD video streaming, as well as online games), as many of them check the Flower Square in Zagreb, on the first 4G drone event in Croatia.
Four drones, which are managed by specially trained experts, entertained the users on the Flower Square, which attracted several camfuze thousand people. The drones are in the air with the help of mobile devices to take images and video clips, and HT's ulztabrzi mobile internet all of them in real-time broadcast camfuze on the LED screen, camfuze or on a web page Visitors are thus able to photos immediately and share with your friends on social camfuze networks, and those who wanted the memory of paper, HT photos immediately and printed out.
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Friday, April 17, 2015

The most efficient in the winning team was Jasmina Ahmetbegovic with 24 points and 15 rebounds even

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Players of Unity BH Telecom started up a win in the league championship six BiH. In The Fight hall before about 200 spectators tonight xperia they won the match brcanka score of 78:51 (24:12, 19:14, 24:13, 11:12).
The sword is not adorned uncertainty because they favored Tuzlanke quickly gained a huge advantage. At half-time it was +17, in the third quarter advantage has exceeded 30 points, with the final coaches Mara Brčaninović and Edwin Lević to the fire and some younger players.
The most efficient in the winning team was Jasmina Ahmetbegovic with 24 points and 15 rebounds even (of 61 Unity, brcanka had 34 rebounds), Dženita Ikanović has reached 14, Alma Jusupović 11:08 rebounds, Anela Alagić 10:07 jumps, and Melisa xperia Brčaninović 9 points and 12 rebounds.
The game was attended by former players of the champions of Unity Aide and team member Yugoslavia Stojanka Došić-Zoljic, with her husband Milan Zoljić, and especially xperia looked forward to meeting with former coach Mihajlo Miki Vukovic, coach and creator of the most successful xperia women's basketball team of the former Yugoslavia all time. (Tl - Photos: Miro Petrovic)
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Today, Microsoft and telecommunications giant Deutsche Telekom signed a strategic partnership-oriented around mobile devices and cloud services. It aims to expand at the market for Microsoft Lumia devices, Office365 and OneDrive in 12 European countries in which the present Deutsche Telekom.
The deal consists of international advertising campaigns, sales support and training of personnel, at development of applications and experimental projects related to specific markets. Orientation is to increase sales of Lumia devices and cloud services and other Microsoft products consists in the future. Deutsche Telekom is also one of the major partners to sell Windows 10 devices and software once it is completed.
In the 12 countries are: Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Montenegro, at Netherlands, Poland, Romania and Slovakia. Deutsche Telekom is the owner of Croatian Telecom, which we sent to query related to this announcement and get the answer that they are not aware of any additional at information. With the strategic partnership was announced and almost inclusion in the bid Lumije 640 branches in DT, but with a note that availability varies by market. Croatian Telecom no information about the arrival Lumije 640th
Come on ... let eventually to start a little 'gurat' Lumije .... Maybe this is a chance to increase the T-offer see more 1-2 Lumia models at any point of time, and perhaps happens sometimes flagship Lumia ... And maybe in the woods ...
Microsoft has temporarily suspended the availability of Windows Mobile TP 10 for Lumia 52x
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Thursday, April 16, 2015

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From the company point out that there were more than 54 million compared to 2013. EBITDA amounted to 94.4 million, which is HRK 1.1 million better result compared to 2013
From the company racing games point out that there were more than 54 million compared to 2013. EBITDA amounted to 94.4 million, which is HRK 1.1 million better result compared to 2013, while the EBITDA margin improved racing games to 18.6%, as it was in 2013, to 19.4% in 2014 . The result is that initiated the financial and operational restructuring of the company and greater efficiency in cost management.
Total consolidated operating racing games income in 2014 amounted to 486.4 million kuna. Compared with the result achieved in 2013, this result represents a slight decline of 3.1%, primarily due to a drop in revenues from wholesale segment. Namely, due to regulatory price reductions call termination, interconnection revenues decreased by 23.5%. Also, reduced revenues from public voice services by 9.9% and that on a global level tend to decrease. On the other hand, a positive impact on total revenues were revenues from data services that have achieved growth of 13.1%, followed racing games by revenues from Internet access services, which increased racing games by 7.7% and revenues from IPTV services with a growth of 2.4 %.
- Business 2014 was extremely challenging for Optima Telekom. Upon successful conclusion of predstečajne settlement and the ongoing process of financial and operational restructuring there has been a number of changes, primarily in the ownership and management structure of the company, and which required many adjustments in business. But despite the truly demanding year, now when you look back, I can say that we are satisfied with the position we are in a lot of things we see and expect racing games in the future. Last year we fulfilled all his obligations to creditors from predstečajne settlement, racing games and with it, a big reason for optimism is the positive net result of which was in 2014 for the first time achieved since the establishment of the Company. This indicates that we really set a good foundation for further growth and development racing games of the company, as well as justify the confidence of creditors which we pointed out in the pre-bankruptcy procedure. "- Said CEO of Optima Telekom Zoran Kezman.
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GREEN GOLD press conference held on the eve of the conference 'Values in Leadership'
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Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Controversy S-300 Israelis Putin explained why Iran will deliver missile system private accounts Ha

Author: ipiccy Snjezana Herek
Austrian Telekom (TA) finished last year with a loss of 185.4 million euros, ipiccy as opposed to 2013, when it recorded a plus of 52.1 million euros, reported on Wednesday in Vienna and from the telecommunications company, majority owned Mexican Carlos Slim, owner of one of the four largest worldwide telecommunications operators America ipiccy Movie. The Austrian state is only a partial owner of the TA.
According TA, total number of users in the mobile network, and despite several ipiccy increases in the prices of services, decreased in 2014 by 5.1 per cent to 5.42 million. The number of fixed communications and TV services last year recorded a constant and amounts to 2.29 million.
As for the positive trends ipiccy in the fixed-line segment, the report mentioned the Croatian ipiccy VIPnet, which is in the area saw an increase in the number of households that use Vipnet communication services, by 13.9 percent. Less rosy data were achieved ipiccy last year in Vipnet's mobile network, in which the number of users decreased ipiccy by 5.6 percent, according to the report, whose data transfer Austrian media. Austrian radio and television ORF quoted a management Austrian Telekom to increase recorded in Belarus and the segment "Further market" could cover operating losses in 2014 in Austria, Bulgaria and Croatia. The same source says that the top telecommunications group "convinced" that this year business make it back to the intended positive development direction. Among other things, optimizing costs and organizational changes. Only the savings intends to collect 90 million euros, reports ORF and adds.
The plan to build a fast and stable broadband internet, in which TA plans to invest 400 million euros., And the Austrian state, at least as promised ipiccy Infrastructure Minister Alois Stöger, up to one billion euros.
The panic in the market reveals why the more expensive bananas in Croatia! ipiccy brave venture ipiccy Instead we go out, we took the local company and now we have a good business The CNB Governor Boris Vujcic: Rate loans in euros could grow ministers in Brussels Moscovici: Do you still work if you want to avoid the increased surveillance. And the rest is a little time premium article How the state collected heirs Do we need inheritance tax?
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Otherwise, announced the abolition of roaming charges in the EU by mid-2016 was put on hold, to be

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Croatia is a part of the analysis on the completion of calls to mobile and fixed networks proposed that the termination abcya fee in Croatian networks when the call comes from a number which does not belong to any of the operators from the EU / EEA is not regulated, and that is agreed between the Croatian and operators outside of the area.
The European Commission, said in HAKOM led by Drazen Lucic, these days gave a positive opinion on the proposal and make the final decision could be made next week at a meeting of the Council of HAKOM. According to HAKOM these estimates, it will mean a saving of at least two hundred million per year for telecom operators. So far, when and such prices were regulated, explain in HAKOM, Croatian operators were put in an unequal position in relation to operators outside the EU / EEA countries, abcya given that their termination rates are not regulated. The new proposal HAKOM Croatian operators to finally led to a situation that can negotiate on an equal footing with operators outside these countries.
Otherwise, announced the abolition of roaming charges in the EU by mid-2016 was put on hold, to be precise, in the course of the trialogue between the EU Council, the EP and the Commission on the subject. If fees for roaming remain in force, three Croatian mobile operators could save five hundred million a year, but Lucic says that this package of measures profit operators increases for a hundred million a year.
- Croatia is not against the abolition of additional charges when roaming, but provided that the abolition does not cause distortions in the market abcya that will lead to an increase in the prices of domestic services for all users in Croatia. It must be borne in mind that Croatia, as well as other Mediterranean countries, tourism extremely receptive country, which receives several times more foreign tourists, "Roamer", but that Croatian citizens traveling abroad. This means that mobile operators in Croatia and receive many times more roaming traffic which must serve, abcya in relation to roaming traffic by a very small number of Croatian abcya citizens realize in the rest of the EU. To be able to accept such an increase roaming traffic in the summer months, the mobile operators in Croatia must invest in capacity expansion in the tourist areas, which are optimally utilized only two months abcya during the year. The money required for such investments are part provides wholesale charging fees to foreign operators for each outgoing minute, SMS yl MB which side roamer made in Croatian networks of mobile operators. According to the current Regulation on roaming, the highest levels of such wholesale fees are regulated. The fact is that in some EU countries abcya the prices of domestic mobile abcya services lower than the wholesale charges that foreign operators have to pay to other operators when their users roaming in the networks of the other operators. This means, if you would be completely abcya abolished the additional charges for roaming, such that operators lost at every minute, SMS and MB by their user device roaming. These countries then do strong pressures wholesale fee, almost to the level of 0 as a prerequisite abolition additional charges when roaming. If that were to happen, and if wholesale roaming fees were significantly reduced, Croatian operators would not be able to return funds invested in the construction of additional capacity required for the acceptance of roaming traffic. To make up for the lost, the mobile operators in Croatia or to increase the price of domestic mobile services for all users, or to stop investing in the expansion of roaming abcya capacity, resulting in overall degradation of service, or even refusing to provide roaming services to foreign operators, because wholesale fees should unable abcya to return funds invested in the network in the tourist areas. So, we came into a situation that the vast majority of users in Croatia to travel abroad, subsidizing those traveling - say in HAKOM.
It was the BEREC and all member states within the EU Council recognized, added to, the above problems and proposed solutions to ensure prosperity for customers of all member states in a way that prices in roaming will be significantly lower than the current price, Eurotariff, as it will be at the level of domestic price plus a small addition that does not exceed the maximum permissible level of wholesale prices, as prescribed abcya by the current Regulation on roaming. At the same time, by increasing the prices of domestic mobile services are protected and users in those countries where domestic prices are lower than the wholesale fees, and most importantly, Croatia and other tourist countries and their users are also protected from poveć

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

So ... that today subsidize pensions.

Fellow politicians, as they bigger and they restrained, I returned to the site under a new pseudonym (I will not reveal it to you yet) with the most important spider solitaire events in the field of finance. Everyone among us aware that banks live from interest and that almost all payments are made on them. But (now some will say that this is a conspiracy theory) has one nice method of payment which you have treated yourself to telecommunication operators that can be used not only to pay and keep or receive money and more can be and do money laundering techniques and all this without paying taxes. spider solitaire Yes, really. Here methods. The users of T-HT Simpa SIM card can switch from one to another 1kn to even 2000kn through a couple of text messages per transaction. Eg. purchasing Simpa voucher of 200 kn landline telephone calls (HALO voucher) does not lose the 10% investment. By sending an SMS content switch to number 13 636 through three unanswered queries to another Simpa number for only 1kn can be transferred amount to 2000kn the second Simpa number. Nice because spider solitaire it does not have to report the number and can be remain anonymous which is suitable for a variety of criminals (in banks is mandatory use of personal data in electronic transactions) that can so easily get lost origin of the money by destroying links (phone SIM card). To avoid any misunderstanding I am for justice and law and suggest you that if you ever need to use this method override payments spider solitaire or payments to use the sense of justice.
Well, do not be lazy, call customer service for Simpa customers, and checked spider solitaire the ability to return the money that exists on Simpa account. So there is an option which means that the money that can sit on my Simpa account yourself slip into your pocket.
I do not know the details and the question of what would happen if there would draw a larger amount, but the principle of the draw love is met. It probably did not wash love than just drawing spider solitaire love (she was doing such Fimi-media) and I guess that money can not display as legally obtained, but it is the heart glad. Question 2 is that the fiscal discipline to think if we are on the telephone ulupali a rambling figure, spider solitaire of course, if it comes to control.
Let's say - you are a person X and something dilate ... can it be tobacco, and can it be ... that dilate university exams. And let's say you have now in your stocking 100,000. And I'd like to buy the latest car, but you are scared - what if someone asks where you got such a legal income.
Then find a business with low VAT are ... let's say ... the cinema tickets go 5%. Open Ltd and hustling to offer an movies - and by itself over time you buy a ticket in the amount of 100,000 euros. 5% give the state, and the rest is in your account. Input costs there.
PS Of course, the example is stupid and has a high degree of load (the State for almost 35% "of your black money"), but it is an illustration of how black money inserted into the legal system. All taxes are paid, the company has no earnings and all is ok. Answers
You got the most important thing but you forgot spider solitaire to mention that the money may be acquired first in a legal way and then take advantage of the dirty work gdije is multiplied and then goes so. the process of money laundering. Answers
But since the economy spider solitaire is at the level of my grandmother ate ... that did not wanted to make borrowing ... but always šparala and always had everything ... if it's about this. First game is of special state interest and protected by the state. 2. Man and woman's son will have over 400 guests 3. All it needs to be watered and fed fifth is customary to go after midnight stew 6th He has a tractor and chainsaw 7.Ja I have a gun and good dogs eighth He believes wood for firewood for the year 9. I him venison for the wedding son
drvosjek - Sat, 04/04/2015 - 16:59.
Look ... rifle 12000 Kn..tu are taxes every year .... membership fees and rental fees for hunting 2500 kn..tu taxes are ... food and vaccination pasa..tu are taxes ... fuel for car ... when you are going to hunt ... taxes to build hunting domova..porezi ..
My pension is not subsidized ... I had about something benificiranog staža..ako thinking of HRVI- have no ... Your pensions and pensions in Croatia is subsidized because what you're paid once went to the then retired, and this which you receive pay me that we are doing today. This is what is called of subsidiary pension system, and what's the problem today is the disproportion between the number of pensioners and the number of those who work in the primary sector spider solitaire and pay any duties and where the money collected is not sufficient for the payment of pensions.
So you can look forward to you bargain and avoid any tax, but then you should not look for that in your village burning spider solitaire night illumination or that an ambulance is always ready to pick you or any of your neighbor, and certainly should not sell their patriotism that succumbed at the first small step.
Today, one excavator replace 100 workers with shovels and counts ... one slot machine with drinks replacing 3 kantinjerke at the factory (if you work in shifts, right), robotics, automation of the production process ... and not plow oxen to be more work ... satellite-guided machines, etc ...
So ... that today subsidize pensions.

Monday, April 13, 2015

The answer to this question may be very short, but to understand the essence of cooperation tim wit

Last week we published a collaboration between Agrivija and Vipnet that our system for managing agricultural production become available to all users of VIPnet and will be able to pay directly via the Vip account. In the meantime I got a lot of questions about why we decided to partner with telecom operator, or why startups actually selling their products when they can be purchased online tim through telecom operators.
The answer to this question may be very short, but to understand the essence of cooperation tim with telecom companies, should be a bit elaborate extensively on the whole issue. The cost of acquisition of the buyer / customer acquistion cost
One of the key indicators of sales of each startup's customer acquisition cost, or how much, on average, we have to invest in order to get a new customer. As much as looked simple this figure, it is correlated with the price of the product and clearly tim defined sales strategy of each startup.
I explain that on the example of our products for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) farmers who have a monthly subscription of 15, 35 and 75 euros, depending on the size of farmers, with an annual subscription is x10 (give 2 months free of charge in an annual tim subscription). If you take our smallest package of 150 euros a year, he very clearly tim defines that customers of this package we can through acquiring direct selling, as travel costs and time spent very quickly exceed the amount of annual revenue per user smallest package.
Given the correlation of the cost of acquisition buyer and potential revenue per user, we own direct sales focused exclusively on larger customers where our business model of direct sales hold water, tim and all other targeting online sales and advertising. The network of sales partners
One of the elements of each sales strategy is the possibility of building a sales network. If there are companies that sell products the same target group as you, and thereby are not competitive with your product, they can be ideal partners for access to these users. The ideal case is when these companies have sales representatives in the field who as part of their daily activities visit "your" target group and offer them their products. They inclusion of your product in their sales portfolio of products represents a minimal or no cost, so there clearly can find a common interest in cooperating. Telecom as a partner for the sale of products
In every state telecoms are among the strongest corporations tim with extremely high levels of income and a large user base. In total, each of which targets a potential customer, either private (B2C) or business (B2B) is a user of one of the telecom, regardless of the industry they are used for all telecommunications services.
Given the fact that for startups tim who want to have a global presence consideration own physical retail outlets and field sales worldwide in the beginning of the question, these channels is the perfect cover through the partner network and telecoms be imposed here as natural partners because they have access to those customers.
In every state there are telecoms, and cooperation with a telecom in one state, tim the doors open cooperation in other countries which makes expansion easier. Why would telecoms were interested in cooperation with startups?
All of the above sounds fantastic from the perspective of startup, but the question is what telecom has since co-operation with the startup. Realistically, the revenues generated by the telecom and revenues generated by the startup are incomparable.
But the telecom industry is restructuring as it struggles with interesting challenges: fixed telephony dies, broadband prices fall, the price of mobile services and the fall (in the EU) roaming prices slowly fall. Telecoms are increasingly being "layer services in the cloud" as a level above the telecommunication base layer and the search for new revenue.
The growth in the number of cloud services, data traffic is growing tim telecoms, Internet of Things and M2M solutions are beginning to generate increasingly serious traffic where telecoms generate income and this is the key synergies between startup and telecoms.
In addition, startups tim must be aware of that and still have to pay your customer acquistion cost through the allocation of revenue from the telecom. However, it is still far cheaper than I've built up a huge sales network. Are there dangers of cooperation with the telecom?
The only danger of cooperation with the telecom is that if you think that all your problems are solved. What if telecom is not a sale you expect, and "all the cards" you threw in that direction? There is no problem in Telecom which has its core services that is focused, but it is a problem of sales strategy startup that can not rely on just one partner.
Telecoms are powerful tim and a great partner, but may be only one of the partners in your sales network. And finally - your own sales must work and deliver results, regardless tim of the sales network.
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Sunday, April 12, 2015

With the fastest Internet in the fixed network, Croatian Telecom offers MAXtv content for just one

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With the fastest Internet in the fixed network, Croatian Telecom offers MAXtv content for just one dollar per month in the first six months. Thus, along with the fastest internet gets a lot of entertaining and educational content. docomo Those who wish may purchase Pickbox package in MAXtv video store, with more than 250 seasons and over 2600 episodes of TV series and best films and cartoons.
HT to its customers in the fixed network currently offers a choice of ADSL, VDSL and fiber optic technologies that enable extremely high-speed Internet access, up to 100 Mbit / s. Such high-speed manual mean faster and easier docomo access to a multitude of video content.
As for MAXtv, users of ADSL technology gaining speed up to 10 Mbit / s in combination with one TV channel standard quality. VDSL technology enables two TV channels of standard quality or one to two channels of HDTV quality. Optical networks with maximum speed Internet and the ability of a number of TV channels, which means even more fun for only one dollar per month in the first six months of use MAXtv service.
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Saturday, April 11, 2015

Furthermore rumored to this company soon become the owner of the mobile operator O2, which will onl

We recently wrote about Google's new project - telecommunications services under their own name. As we have already mentioned Google will not have to build the entire infrastructure from scratch, as it will be this technological giant to rely on an existing property of other operators.
The Telegraph later learned that Google is currently conducting philips negotiations with the company from Hong Kong - Hutchison Whampoa Limited, which is among others engaged in activities related to telecommunications. Listed company is the owner of "Three" brand through which mobile services are sold on the European market (United Kingdom philips for example.)
Furthermore rumored to this company soon become the owner of the mobile operator O2, which will only further expand their influence in the market. All this could be more than good for the future users of Google's mobile network, because according to The Telegraph, Google wants to provide its customers with phone calls, surfing and sending text messages at no additional cost when you are traveling to other countries, that is, when they are in roaming.
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04/11/2015. 21:47
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